
  • 网络Contemporary art;Modern Art
  1. 当代艺术在过去五六年间突飞猛进。

    Contemporary art has taken a huge leap forward in the last five or six years .

  2. 国家当代艺术博物馆(TheNationalMuseumofContemporaryArt)今年夏天终于开门迎客;

    The National Museum of Contemporary Art finally opens its doors this summer ;

  3. 亚洲最大的当代艺术博览会——香港巴塞尔艺术展因covid19而被取消,但任何上周计划参观的人都可以享受一个实验性的替代选择:播映室。

    Art Basel Hong Kong , Asia ’ s biggest contemporary-art fair , was cancelled because of covid-19 , but anyone who had planned to visit last week could enjoy an experimental alternative : the viewing room .

  4. 此外,录像、摄影、DV等新媒体艺术大量地涌现,也成为了当代艺术的重要组成部分。

    Plenty of video , photograph and DV works also become the important part of Chinese contemporary art .

  5. 就在千禧桥不远处的BALTIC当代艺术中心成为我们此行参观的第一个景点。

    The first place we visited was BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art on the south bank of the River near the Millennium Bridge .

  6. 2005年,美术馆成立了OCT当代艺术中心,它是中国目前唯一的一所隶属于国家级美术馆的非营利当代艺术专业机构。

    In2005 , OCT Contemporary Art Terminal was set up in the Museum , and it is the only non-profit professional institution of contemporary art subordinated to a national museum in China today .

  7. 当代艺术市场对高校绘画教学的影响透视

    The Effect of Present Art Markets on Drawing Teaching in Colleges

  8. 参加《开放的视域&中国当代艺术展》(捷克国家美术馆);

    Open sight-Chinese Contemporary Art Exhibition , The Czech National Gallery ;

  9. 中国当代艺术已呈现出多元化发展趋势。

    In China , the modern art is developing in diversifications .

  10. 当代艺术创作中传统文化资源的激活与演绎

    The Traditional Culture Resources'Activation and Deducts In the Contemporary Art Creation

  11. 当代艺术类大学生的心理压力与应对方式

    Psychological Pressure of Modern Art College Students and its Coping Styles

  12. 上海国际当代艺术展,上海展览中心,上海。

    Shanghai International Contemporary Art Exhibition , Shanghai exhibition centre , Shanghai .

  13. 全球当代艺术景观是否真正体现了文化多元?

    Is Cultural Multiplicity realized in the scene of global contemporary art ?

  14. 但是,当代艺术实践本身正陷入一场前所未有的危机之中。

    But contemporary art practice itself is falling into an unprecedented crisis .

  15. 架上绘画在当代艺术语境下存在的可能性

    The Possibility of Easel Painting Existing in Contemporary Art Context

  16. 对当代艺术院校学术评估机制的思考

    Reflections on the Contemporary Academic Evaluating Mechanism of Art Institutes

  17. 当代艺术博物馆,赫尔辛基,芬兰

    Museum of contemporary art , helsinki , finland , 1998

  18. 成为当代艺术释放能量的诱发与辅助的工具;

    Space is a tool to motivate and nurture contemporary art power .

  19. 参与或引导当代艺术的收藏环境。

    Participate or lead the collection environment of Free art .

  20. 分析总结出现代主义景观设计注重场地分析、开放平面取代线性序列等主要特点,进一步探讨了现代主义景观设计的发展趋势,如景观元素的更新、与当代艺术思想的结合等。

    And more , the trend of modern landscape design was discussed .

  21. 透视:德克萨斯州的当代艺术思维之路

    Perspectives : Contemporary Art in the State of Texas

  22. 民间艺术在当代艺术及社会发展中的现实意义

    The Realistic Meaning of Folk Art in the Contemporary Art and Social Development

  23. 自1998年第一次颁奖以来,中国当代艺术奖一直不断得完善着自身的体制。

    Since the first awards in1998 , CCAA has continuously developed its format .

  24. 参加中国当代艺术大展,上海图书馆。上海;

    The Grand Exhibition of Chinese Contemporary Art , Shanghai Library in Shanghai ;

  25. 当代艺术&我们时代的商业性注释

    Contemporary Art & A Commercial Note of the Times

  26. 当代艺术教育的功能和目的研究

    On the Functions and Aims of Modern Art Education

  27. 论中国当代艺术的介入性

    Talks About The Participating Characteristics Of Chinese Contemporary Art

  28. 新加坡国际当代艺术展,新加坡国家美术馆,新加坡。

    Singapore International Exhibition of Contemporary Art , National Art Museum , Singapore .

  29. 国粹油画与当代艺术评价体系

    National Paintings and the Evaluation System of Contemporary Arts

  30. 我们告别了三影堂,来到它对门的站台中国当代艺术机构。

    We left Three Shadows Photography Art and entered the opposite Platform China .