
  • 网络venice biennale;Biennale di Venezia;La Biennale di Venezia
  1. 威尼斯双年展主席大卫科洛夫说:尽管我们尝试了,我们还是没能创造奇迹。

    We just weren 't able to make miracles even if we tried , said Davide croff , president of the Venice biennale .

  2. 她曾是霹雳舞者,也是挪威艺术圈的旗手:她参加了2011年的威尼斯双年展ILLUMInation,而这个展览撩动了奥斯陆每个艺术生的心弦。

    A former break-dancer , she is one of the flag-bearers of Norway 's artistic ascendance : Her inclusion in the ' ILLUMInations ' exhibition at the 2011 Venice Biennale was a rallying cry for every art student in Oslo .

  3. 这个作品在2015威尼斯双年展的中国馆里进行过展出。她最新的作品是今年的《陆扬妄想曼陀罗》(LuYangDelusionalMandala),9月曾在北京公社的个展中展出过。

    Her latest work is " Lu Yang Delusional Mandala " ( 2015 ) , presented in September in a solo show at Beijing Commune .

  4. 意大利//第五十五届威尼斯双年展(VeniceArtBiennale)将于11月落下帷幕,这意味着你仍有许多时间可以在其文化最丰盛的双年展上欣赏水城威尼斯(LaSerenissima)。

    ITALY / / November marks the end of the 55th Venice Art Biennale -- which means there 's still plenty of time to enjoy La Serenissima at its culture-rich best .

  5. 它还帮助朝鲜艺术参加2014年威尼斯双年展(VeniceBiennale)。今年四月,旅行社安排西方运动员参加了平壤马拉松赛。

    It also helped exhibit North Korean art at the 2014 Venice Biennale and , in April this year , it brought westerners to run in the Pyongyang Marathon .

  6. 阿列克谢•苏契舍夫(AlexeyShchusev)曾是前苏联时代最为知名的建筑大师,他设计的作品众多,从威尼斯双年展(VeniceBiennale)的俄罗斯展厅到莫斯科红场(RedSquare)的列宁墓。

    Alexey Shchusev was one of the most distinguished architects of the Soviet era , a designer of projects from the Russian pavilion at the Venice Biennale to Lenin 's mausoleum on Red Square .

  7. 2013年的威尼斯双年展(VeniceBiennale)上,苏博科夫甚至把超模兼影星米拉•乔沃维奇(MillaJovovich)装进了玻璃箱中“展出”。

    In 2013 , Subkoff enclosed model / actress Milla Jovovich in a glass box for the Venice Biennale .

  8. 今年的救赎节撞上了威尼斯双年展(VeniceBiennale),后者把成千上万来自全球各地的高端游客吸引到威尼斯,欣赏最新的艺术、舞蹈和戏剧作品。

    This year , the celebration coincided with the Venice Biennale , which draws thousands of sophisticated , globe-trotting visitors to Venice to check out the latest in art , dance and theater .

  9. 贡嘎?嘉措是2009年威尼斯双年展的参展艺术家。

    Gonkar Gyatso is represented in the2009 Venice Biennale .

  10. 威尼斯双年展方案好极了!

    The Venice project looks excellent !

  11. 2002年应邀在威尼斯双年展第八届国际建筑展上展出。

    Is invited to pair of year unfold the eighth session international architectures unfold on display in2002 at Venice .

  12. 格林去年代表祖国罗马尼亚参加威尼斯双年展,因此声誉有了极大增长。

    Mr. Ghenie 's reputation was enhanced last year when he represented his native Romania at the Venice Biennale .

  13. 这种观念在1993年威尼斯双年展上马修·巴尼的半人半兽的行为表演中得以实现。

    He saw this idea realized in with Matthew Barney 's half-human , half-animal performance at the1993 Venice Biennial .

  14. 他同时也是第50届威尼斯双年展参展的中国艺术家之一。

    He was selected as one of the first Chinese artists to represent his country at the50 th Venice Biennale .

  15. 在威尼斯双年展上,阿拉维纳准备关注建筑环境所面临的挑战,包括移民和气候变迁。

    For the Venice Biennale , Mr. Aravena plans to focus on the challenges ahead in the built environment , such as migration and climate change .

  16. 2003年,杨勇的作品在威尼斯双年展中国馆展出,以及在“阿尔德阿尔勒节”被授予最佳新人奖。

    In2003 , Yang Yong 's works were exhibited at the Venice Biennale China Pavilion , as well as at Les Rencontres d'Arles Festival , where he was awarded the best new artist prize .

  17. 如,25届圣保罗双年展,威尼斯双年展第一次建立中国馆,都表明了只有基于本土文化发展逻辑的创造性智慧,才能发挥出国际间文化对话的主体性。

    Joining in 25th Saint-Paul two-year exhibition and building Chinese hall in Venice two-year exhibition , which can prove that only on the base of native culture , we can take principal part in the international dialogue with our creative wisdom .

  18. 文章介绍了2006年威尼斯双年展对城市、建筑、社会主题的展示,反映了全球化环境中各国和地区的不同文化人群的相关思考。

    This article introduces how and what the 2006 Venice Biennale exhibited on the topic of " Cities , Architecture and Society ", and shows different related thoughts of cultural groups from various countries and regions in the background of globalization .

  19. 两人2014年在威尼斯建筑双年展上获得银狮奖;斯米尔耶·拉蒂克(SmiljanRadic)同年为伦敦蛇形画廊(SerpentineGallery)设计了年度展馆。

    They include Pedro Alonso and Hugo Palmarola , who in 2014 won the Silver Lion award at the Venice Architecture Biennale , and Smiljan Radic , who that same year designed the annual pavilion at the Serpentine Gallery in London .

  20. 景观化都市建筑学&从2004威尼斯建筑双年展看当代先锋建筑与教育

    Landscape Urbanism & About Contemporary Avant-Architecture from 2004'Venice Architecture Exhibition

  21. 在去年威尼斯建筑双年展上,上海、庆、头(京一个环境改造试点)重庆和他们的丹麦合作者展示了一系列的城市创新。

    Shanghai , Chongqing , Fatou and Xian joined with their collaborator , Denmark , to show off a series of urban innovations at the Venice architecture Biennale last year .

  22. 阿拉维纳尽管不是“明星设计师”,但也在行业内获得了声望:他是今年威尼斯建筑双年展的总监,亦是普利兹克奖评审委员会的前成员。

    Though not a " starchitect , " Mr. Aravena has gained prominence in the profession : He 's this year 's director of the Venice Architecture Biennale and a former member of the Pritzker jury .

  23. 威尼斯的话筒&关于威尼斯双年展的观感

    The Microphone of Venice & Impressions of the Venice Biennial