
Wēi ěr shì qīn wánɡ
  • Prince of Wales
  1. 他比威尔士亲王还牛气,甚至更有钱。

    He is grander and even richer than the Prince of Wales

  2. 他的画把威尔士亲王给迷住了。

    His paintings beguiled the Prince of Wales

  3. 周日晚上,在伦敦威尔士亲王剧院举办的2014What'sOnStage颁奖典礼,《哈利波特》主演丹尼尔雷德克里夫和鲁伯特格林特都获得了奖项。

    Harry Potter stars Daniel Radcliffe and Rupert Grint both won gongs at the 2014 What 's On Stage Awards on Sunday night which were held at the Prince Of Wales theatre in London .

  4. 2001年,罗琳从威尔士亲王——查尔斯王子(PrinceCharles)处领取到大英帝国勋章。

    In 2001 , Rowling received an award called the Order of the British Empire , or OBE , from Prince Charles , the Prince of Wales .

  5. 这是康沃尔公爵夫人嫁给威尔士亲王(威廉王子的父亲)时穿着的一件由RobinsonValentineS设计的漂亮的礼服。

    The Duchess of Cornwall married the Prince of Wales wearing a beautiful outfit by Robinson Valentine in2005 .

  6. 当时作为威尔士亲王的爱德华七世在这里居住过多年。

    Edward VII lived here for years as Prince of wales .

  7. 查尔斯王子于1996年受封为威尔士亲王。

    Prince Charles was invested as Prince of Wales in 1996 .

  8. 查尔斯王子於1969年受封为威尔士亲王。

    Prince Charles was invested as Prince of Wales in1969 .

  9. 威尔士亲王是王位的当然继承人。

    The prince of Wales is the heir apparent to the throne .

  10. 册封查尔斯王子为威尔士亲王的计划。

    Plans for the investiture of Prince Charles as Prince of wales .

  11. 他是威尔士亲王的侍从。

    He is equerry to the Prince of Wales .

  12. 我自然看到了威尔士亲王和王妃的婚礼。

    Naturally I watched the nuptials of the prince and Princess of wales .

  13. 艾迪.伊扎德看来是官方授意的威尔士亲王人选;

    Eddie Izzard looks like inspired casting as Bertie , the Prince of Wales ;

  14. 在12月10日,日本飞机击沉了英国的战舰击退号和威尔士亲王号。

    On 10 December Japanese aircraft sank the British battleships Repulse and Prince of Wales .

  15. 女士们,先生们,请为威尔士亲王殿下乾杯。

    Ladies and gentlemen , I give you his royal highness , the prince of wales .

  16. 通过电视摄像机的镜头,数百万人目睹了黛安娜嫁给威尔士亲王查尔斯的场面。

    TV cameras rolled and millions watched as Diana married Charles , the Prince of Wales .

  17. 威尔士亲王和王妃殿下为这幢大楼举行正式揭幕典礼。

    The building was officially opened by their royal Highnesses the prince and Princess of wales .

  18. 王室宝宝的祖父威尔士亲王的第四个名字也是乔治。

    George is also the fourth name of the Prince of Wales - the baby 's grandfather .

  19. 威尔士亲王(查尔斯王子)被英国女王授予英国海、陆、空三军最高统帅的军衔。

    The Prince of Wales has been awarded the highest rank in all three military services by the Queen .

  20. 本周三威尔士亲王与妻子康沃尔公爵夫人亲自乘坐了伦敦地铁,这次地铁之行似乎给他们留下了强烈的印象。

    The Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall took to the London tube on Wednesday and appeared mightily impressed .

  21. 下个月我要封你为威尔士亲王,这是你要在典礼上穿的衣服。

    ' Next month I 'll make you Prince of Wales and these are your clothes for the ceremony . '

  22. (英国)摄政时期(1810-1820年,威尔士亲王乔治摄政时期)

    The Regency ( in Britain )( the period 1810-20 , when George , Prince of Wales acted as regent )

  23. 这本手册由香港中文大学威尔士亲王医院微生物系编写。

    The handbook was commissioned by the Department of Microbiology , Chinese University of Hong Kong , Prince of Wales Hospital .

  24. 24日一整天,英国几艘巡洋舰和威尔士亲王号继续尾随着俾斯麦号和它的僚舰。

    All through the twenty-fourth the British cruisers and the Prince of Wales continued to dog the Bismarck and her consort .

  25. 让该公司引以为豪的还有英国女王伊丽莎白二世和威尔士亲王查尔斯王子颁发的(质量认可)“皇室御用保证”。

    The company also boasts warrants ( endorsements of quality ) from Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and H.R.H.The Prince of Wales .

  26. 1787年,乔治三世、夏洛特王后和威尔士亲王在公共水槽边狼吞虎咽。

    James Gillray . 1787 . George III , Queen Charlotte , and the Prince of Wales gorging at the public trough .

  27. 而新封的威尔士亲王却闭上了眼睛。我觉得很难受,他说,现在我们可以回家了吗?

    The new Prince of Wales closed his eyes . 'I feel terrible , ' he said . 'Can we go home now ? '

  28. 卡米拉和女王、丁伯格公爵和威尔士亲王一起在白金汉宫的宴会厅进餐。

    Camilla was dining with the queen , the Duke of Edinburgh and the Prince of Wales in the Ball Room of Buckingham Palace .

  29. 查尔斯:伊丽莎白二世长子和英国王位的继承人。1969年被确立为威尔士亲王。

    Charles : The eldest son of Elizabeth II and heir to the British throne . He was invested as Prince of Wales in 1969 .

  30. 美国对牛肉的需求正危及全球的水资源供应,威尔士亲王在访问美国时说。

    America 's appetite for beef is jeopardising the world 's water supply , the Prince of Wales said during a visit to the US .