
Wēi ěr shì rén
  • Cambrian;welsh;Taffy
  1. 威尔士人在烹饪方面可是好手。

    The Welsh are no slouches at cooking .

  2. 他是威尔士人,有着他祖先那种暗黑和粗犷健美的外貌。

    He was welsh , with the dark , stormy good looks of his ancestors .

  3. 威尔士人少见的右脚射门意味着他现在在全部的17个赛季的EPL中都有进球。

    The Welshman 's rare right-footed strike means he 's now netted in all seventeen Premier League campaigns so far .

  4. 欧洲公约:其中包含那些为威尔士人着想的内容?

    The European Convention : What 's in it for Wales ?

  5. 苏格兰人和威尔士人不是英格兰人,反过来也一样。

    The Scots and Welsh are not English and vice versa .

  6. 威尔士人将他们的语言保留到了惊人的程度。

    The Welsh have preserved their language to a remarkable extent .

  7. 他是威尔士人,因此嗓音好听。

    He was Welsh , so he had that lovely voice .

  8. 我首先问他们是不是威尔士人。

    I asked them first of all if they were welsh .

  9. 菲永的妻子是威尔士人,他在英国有强大的人脉。

    And Mr Fillon has a Welsh wife and strong British connections .

  10. 听她口音,像是威尔士人。

    He seems to be a welsh by his accent .

  11. 我看威尔士人要赢这场橄榄球赛了。

    I think the Taffs will win this rugby match .

  12. 威尔士人通常被说成是用平板声调讲话的。

    Welsh people are often described as having singsong voices .

  13. 威尔士人和苏格兰人也同样对这个更宽泛的身份认同失去了信心。

    Welsh and Scots too have lost faith in the larger identity .

  14. 更多人认为它以一个威尔士人——本杰明·霍尔先生的名字命名的。

    More people believe it was called after Welshman , Sir Benjamin Hall .

  15. 他们根据我的姓氏断定我是威尔士人。

    They assumed I was Welsh from my surname .

  16. 她的小说把英格兰人的拘谨和威尔士人的情感外露很独特地结合在一起。

    Her novels are an odd synthesis of English reserve and Welsh emotionalism .

  17. 这位50岁的威尔士人并非一位赌场的常客。

    The 50-year-old Welshman is not an itinerant gambler .

  18. 由于我的姓氏,别人便误以为我是威尔士人。

    I was mistakenly assumed to be a Welshman because of my surname .

  19. 他说话的声音有一种陌生的调子;范妮想起来他是威尔士人。

    His voice had an unfamiliar cadence Fanny recollected that he was welsh .

  20. 威尔士人全部是优秀的歌手,并且一直吃韭。

    The Welsh are all excellent singers , and eat leeks all the time .

  21. “第一个赛季就打进20球真是难以置信,”威尔士人说。

    " Twenty goals in his first season is unbelievable ," said the Welshman .

  22. 家庭和亲情对于那些疼爱孩子的威尔士人来说是格外重要的。

    Family and kinship are extremely important to the Walsh who lavish affection on their children .

  23. 连安东尼。霍普金斯都是威尔士人。

    Even Anthony Hopkins is welsh .

  24. 每个人都想使亚瑟王被认可为他们自己民族的人,法国人,威尔士人,并非只是英格兰人。

    Everybody tries to claim Arthur for themselves-the French and the Welsh , not just the English .

  25. 每年威尔士人都要举行威尔士音乐诗歌节,这个一年一度的节日被称为爱诗特德赋。

    Every year they have a festival of Welsh music and poetry called an " Eisteddfod " .

  26. 作为长弓始作俑者,威尔士人使用这种武器技艺娴熟。

    As the inventors of the longbow , the Welsh are among it 's most skilful proponents .

  27. 苏格兰人,威尔士人和北爱尔兰人认为他们不应该被冠以这个美名。

    The blue bonnet , Wales and north the irish person thought they should not obtain this view .

  28. 无须告诉威尔士人橄榄球是多么吸引人这是多此一举!

    You don 't have to tell Welsh about the attractions of rugby football-you 're preaching to the converted !

  29. 一个威尔士人的生死爱欲&论狄兰·托马斯诗歌主题艺术

    Life , Death and Love of a Welsh & An Exploration of the Themes in the Poems of Dylan Thomas

  30. 威尔士人安东尼·佩雷特是最早获得俄罗斯撤销起诉的人。

    Anthony Perrett a Welshman is the first to have the charges against him entirely dropped by the Russian state .