
sū ɡé lán rén
  • Scot;Scotsman;Scotch;Caledonian
  1. 他的口音表明他是苏格兰人。

    His accent proclaimed him to be a Scot .

  2. 他的口音表明他是苏格兰人。

    His accent proclaimed him a Scot .

  3. 她是英国人——更确切地说,她是苏格兰人。

    She 's English ─ Scottish , I mean .

  4. 苏格兰人在与英格兰人的比赛中获胜。

    The Scots won their match against England .

  5. 王子与苏格兰人结盟。

    The prince allied himself with the Scots .

  6. 有相当长的一段时间他为《苏格兰人》报撰写艺术评论。

    He was also for a time the art critic of ' The Scotsman '

  7. 奶奶是苏格兰人。

    Grandma was from Scotland .

  8. 这位42岁的苏格兰人带领球队在最近5场比赛中赢了3场。

    The 42-year-old Scot has guided the team to victory in three of their last five games .

  9. 我和我丈夫是苏格兰人。

    My husband and I are scottish .

  10. 艾伯特·布罗克里刚跟一个他极力称赞的苏格兰人做了一个间谍片。

    Cubby Broccoli1 just made a spy movie with some Scottish fellow he 's raving2 about .

  11. 一个苏格兰人提着一只大箱子,坐上了一辆开往伦敦的汽车。上车后,在汽车行驶了5英里的这段路上,他一直在试图躲开售票员。

    A Scotsman , carrying a huge suitcase , has been riding a London bus for five miles along its route , all the while attempting to avoid the ticket collector .

  12. 苏格兰人惊呆了,怔怔地站在那里,片刻之后对售票员说:“我的上帝啊!你不仅向我多收票钱,现在还淹死了我的儿子强尼。”

    The Scotsman stands shocked for a moment and says to the ticket collector , " My God ! Not only are you treat to overcharge me for the ticket — but now you 're gone a drowned my boy Jenny . "

  13. 苏格兰人答道:“我是不会付那么多钱的。我只付1便士,因为我刚刚上车。”最后,他们争吵起来。售票员越吵越生气,终于在车子行驶到伦敦大桥上时,抓起苏格兰人的箱子,用力扔出了车外。

    The Scotsman responds : " I haven 't , I want to have a penny fare , just got on this very moment . " They begin to argue , and the ticket collector become more and more enraged it out of the bus .

  14. 无家者世界杯是苏格兰人扬(MelYoung)和奥地利人施米德(HaraldSchmied)想出来的点子。

    The Homeless World Cup was the brainchild of Mel Young , from Scotland , and Austrian Harald Schmied .

  15. 此次胜利使穆雷在亚洲赛季实现了惊人的帽子戏法。苏格兰人显出锐不可当之势,排名超过16次大满贯冠军费德勒,成为ATP排名第三。

    The victory completed a stunning Asian hat-trick for Murray and allowed the seemingly unstoppable Scot to leapfrog 16-time grand-slam champion Federer into third spot in the ATP list .

  16. 在苏格兰人本周末穿上花呢格纹服装,庆祝民族诗人罗伯特•彭斯(RobertBurns)的诞辰之际,他们可能会惊讶地得知,他们不是喜欢这种服装风格的唯一人群。

    As Scots don their clan tartans in celebration of national bard Robert Burns this weekend , they may be surprised to learn they will not be the only ones .

  17. 自豪的苏格兰人、北约(Nato)前秘书长乔治罗伯逊(GeorgeRobertson)曾说,世界上的黑暗势力将乐见英国分裂,他没有夸大其辞。

    George Robertson , a proud Scot and a former head of Nato , was not exaggerating when he said that the forces of darkness in the world would love that .

  18. 往东,与苏格兰人一样勇敢和足智多谋的波罗的海国家,尽管是欧盟和北约(Nato)成员国,但在复仇主义俄罗斯的熊爪面前仍然自觉脆弱。

    Further east , the Baltic states , brave and resourceful as the Scots , are members of the EU and Nato but still feel vulnerable to the bear 's paw of a revanchist Russia .

  19. 由于他的软弱,他的军队在Bannockburn被罗伯特、布鲁斯和苏格兰人所击败,那导致了由英国男爵所带领的革命和一场短暂的内战。

    Because of his weakness his army was beaten by the Robert the Bruce and the Scots at Bannockburn which led to revolution by the English barons and the start of a short civil war .

  20. 苏格兰人和威尔士人不是英格兰人,反过来也一样。

    The Scots and Welsh are not English and vice versa .

  21. 苏格兰人倾向于说,好,好的。

    Scots have a tendency to say , aye , right .

  22. 所有这一切的谜底将在苏格兰人是否选择独立后揭晓。

    All of this will need answers if Scots choose independence .

  23. 苏格兰人享免费教育,国际学生学费不涨价

    Free education for scots , and no price hike for international students

  24. 你不觉得当苏格兰人很骄傲吗?

    Dosen 't it make you proud to be Scottish ?

  25. 年青人的口音显示他是苏格兰人。

    The young man 's accent proclaimed him a Scot .

  26. 在过去很久远的时候(主要用于苏格兰人)。

    At a distant time in the past ( chiefly Scottish ) .

  27. 长期悬而不决将造成巨大的代价,尤其是对苏格兰人而言。

    Prolonged uncertainty would be costly , above all to the Scots .

  28. 约翰和琼是同胞,他俩都是苏格兰人。

    John and Jean are compatriots because they both come from Scotland .

  29. 威尔士人和苏格兰人也同样对这个更宽泛的身份认同失去了信心。

    Welsh and Scots too have lost faith in the larger identity .

  30. 苏格兰人相信人放弃生命是为了活着的人。(?)

    The Scots believe you give up a life for a life .