
  • 网络Scotland;The Kingdom of Scotland
  1. 1698年,苏格兰王国的贵族与大地主试图通过殖民统治巴拿马地峡把他们的国家提升为世界贸易强国。

    In 1698 the nobles and landowners of the kingdom of Scotland tried to elevate their country to a world trading nation by colonize ing the isthmus of Panama .

  2. 法律援助制度的萌芽可追溯到十五世纪的苏格兰王国,建立法律援助制度是经济发展和社会进步的必然产物。

    The origins of Legal Aid can be traced back until Scotland Kingdom in 15 century . The establishment of Legal system is the necessary output of economic and social progress .

  3. 英格兰和苏格兰是王国。

    England and Scotland are kingdoms .

  4. 让苏格兰女王嫁给王国第一公爵

    and marry the Queen of Scots to the premier duke of the realm ,

  5. 如果苏格兰从联合王国中脱离出来,结果也只能还是一个州,因为没有与苏格兰相关的一切东西。

    If Scotland seceded the rest of the Union would still remain as a state , just without all the stuff pertaining to Scotland .

  6. 对苏格兰和联合王国的剩余部分来说,在没有政治联盟的情况下建立货币联盟将是一种倒退,欧元区危机已向人们展示了这样做的各种弊端,双方都不应考虑这样的选择。

    For Scotland and the rest of the UK to enter into a currency union without a political union , after the euro crisis has demonstrated all the pitfalls , would be a retrograde step that neither side should contemplate .

  7. 相反,苏格兰将向联合王国欠下自己所需承担的那部分债务。

    Scotland would owe its share of the debt to the UK , instead .

  8. 卡梅伦在呼吁中告诉苏格兰人民,联合王国的其他地区非常希望你们留下来。

    The Prime Minister tells Scots that the rest of the UK desperately wants you to stay .

  9. 从启蒙运动至今,苏格兰人在联合王国内部发挥了巨大作用。

    Inside the union , the Scots have played a huge role , from the enlightenment to today .

  10. 我,玛丽,苏格兰女王,把苏格兰王国交给我的儿子,詹姆斯。

    I , Mary , Queen of Scots , give the kingdom of Scotland to my son , James .

  11. 我,玛丽,苏格兰女王,把苏格兰王国交给我的儿子,詹姆斯。从今天起,詹姆斯就是苏格兰的国王了。但因为他还是个小孩,可以由马里伯爵,我的同父异母兄弟为他治理这个国家。

    I , Mary , Queen of Scots , give the kingdom of Scotland to my son , James.From today , James is the new King of Scots.But because he is a child , the Earl of Moray , my half - brother , can rule the country for him .

  12. 1328年-苏格兰独立战争结束:爱丁堡-北安普顿条约-英国英国承认苏格兰王国为一个独立的国家。

    1328-Wars of Scottish Independence end : Treaty of Edinburgh-Northampton – the Kingdom of England recognises the Kingdom of Scotland as an independent state .