
sū fēi
  • Sophie;Sufi
苏菲[sū fēi]
  1. 伟大的苏菲主义者鲁米(Rumi),曾叫他的学生们写下他们人生中最想要的三件事。

    The great Sufi poet and philosopher Rumi once advised his students to write down the three things they most wanted in life .

  2. 包括苏菲(Sufi)诗中的音乐间隔,从低音域开始逐步攀升至高音,然后降到初始调。

    Interludes of spoken Sufi poetry interrupt the music , typically beginning at a low register and gradually ascending to a climax before calming back down to the beginning tone .

  3. 收到苏菲的来信后,因为没有龙,CSIRO的科学家在博客中发帖向全澳大利亚人道歉。

    After receiving Sophie 's letter , CSIRO published a blog post apologising to Australia for the lack of dragons .

  4. 于是苏菲和我来到米凯尔比萨店(Pizzeriada)我们刚刚点的一人一份的饼,使我们为之疯狂。

    So Sofie and I have come to Pizzeria da Michele , and these pies we have just ordered - one for each of us - are making us lose our minds .

  5. 本尼迪克特英国版ELLE杂志的摄影师马克霍恩正在为他拍摄照片目前正与苏菲亨特交往,但是他承认,由于自己是明星,两人之间的恋爱关系变得有点复杂了。

    Benedict who was shot by photographer Mark Horn for ELLE UK is currently in a relationship with Sophie Hunter but he admits the dating game has become more complicated since he became famous .

  6. 伟大的苏菲主义者鲁米(Rumi),曾叫他的学生们写下他们人生中最想要的三件事。假若清单中的任何项目与其他项目发生冲突,鲁米告诫说,就注定不快乐。

    The great Sufi poet and philosopher Rumi once advised his students to write down the three things they most wanted in life . If any item on the list clashes with any other item , Rumi warned , you are destined for unhappiness .

  7. 我走到人民广场去,壮丽的拱门是贝尔尼尼(Bernini)的雕塑作品,为了纪念瑞典女皇克莉丝汀的历史性访问(她确实是历史上的一名秀异人物。我的瑞典朋友苏菲如此描述这位伟大的女皇

    I walk over to the Piazza del Popolo , with its grand arch , carved by Bernini in honor of the historic visit of Queen Christina of Sweden ( who was really one of history 's neutron bombs . Here 's how my Swedish friend Sofie describes the great queen :

  8. 苏菲,不要拍我的马屁。

    Sophie , will you please climb out of my butt .

  9. 苏菲:你答应你来我的婚礼。

    Sophie : You promised you 'd come to my wedding .

  10. 乔和苏菲手牵手走向卖冰淇淋的人。

    Joel and Sophie walk over to the ice-cream vendor hand-in-hand .

  11. 苏菲,你的大驾光临真是始料未及啊

    Sophie , I 'm surprised to see you in here .

  12. 苏菲,你不舒服我们也很遗憾。

    Sophie , we 're sorry you 're not feeling well .

  13. 苏菲,你不会伤害她吧?不会。

    Sophie , you 're not gonna hurt her , right ?

  14. 苏菲,给,总共11块25。

    Here you go , Sophie . That 's $ 11.25 .

  15. 苏菲,你不能一个人占四个人的座位。

    Sophie , you cannot take up a whole booth alone .

  16. 苏菲和我是交往十五个礼拜的朋友。

    Sofie and I have been friends for about fifteen weeks .

  17. 苏菲也会参加卢卡的生日派对。

    Sofie will be coming to Luca 's party , too .

  18. 苏菲不幸地成了我的保护者。

    Sophie 's unfortunately taken on the role as my protector .

  19. 这受难的爱对于起舞的苏菲来说是无价的礼物;

    This love of suffering is a gift to the derwishes ;

  20. 来咯,苏菲要教丽兹怎么爬咯!

    Ok , Sophie 's gonna teach Ease how to crawl !

  21. 苏菲打开信箱时,感觉自己心跳加快。

    She felt her beating fast as she opened the mailbox .

  22. 苏菲,你真该看看这公寓之前的模样。

    Sophie , you should 've seen what was in here .

  23. 麦克斯,我的爱都给苏菲了

    Max , now that I have big love for Sophie ,

  24. 苏菲(停顿了一下):哦上帝,是的。

    Sophie : [ pause ] Oh my god , yeah .

  25. 苏菲:我已经邀请我的爸爸参加婚礼了。

    Sophie : Ive invited my dad to my wedding .

  26. 几天后,苏菲又收到了哲学家写来的一封信。

    A few days later Sophie receives another letter from the philosopher .

  27. 另一方面,苏菲试图与别人建立联系感。

    On the other hand , she attempts to reconnect with others .

  28. 苏菲:是的,至少我们台湾人这么认为。

    SOPHIE : Yes . Or at least we Taiwanese think so .

  29. 我便起身前往这位苏菲的家。

    I 'm on the way to this unknown sufi 's house .

  30. 苏菲科林斯,23岁,是来自伦敦的生物学毕业生。

    Sophie Collins , 23 , is a biology graduate from London .