
  • 网络Main Irrigation Channel of North Jiangsu;Subei General Irrigation Canal
  1. 通过数值计算、模型试验和现场观测,对通榆河与苏北灌溉总渠立交地涵的泥沙淤积进行了综合分析。

    By means of numerical calculation , model test and field investigation the sedimentation of the underground culvert at the main irrigation canal in North - Jiangsu Province was analysed .

  2. 灌溉渠系是一种分形体,渠系的某部分渠段在某种程度上包含了整个渠系的信息。苏北灌溉总渠沿线水电站的发电效益分析

    The irrigation canal system can be viewed as a fractal with fractal dimension , and the part of canal ( system ) composes the information of the whole ( system ) on a certain degree . Analysis of power benefit of hydropower plants along the North Jiangsu Irrigation Canal