
  • 网络Siegel;segal;Jeremy Siegel
  1. 我指定的第二本书是杰里米.西格尔的,《股票:长线法宝》。

    The second book that I 'm assigning is Jeremy Siegel , Stocks for the Long Run .

  2. 我觉得和西格尔先生会谈我可能会搞得一团糟。

    I think I would handle a meeting with Mr. Siegel very badly

  3. 西格尔说,答案是一个响当当的“是!”

    The answer , Segal says , was a resounding yes !

  4. 《洛城机密》重点描写了继西格尔之后的洛杉矶黑社会势力,但也没有忽略洛城警方内部腐败堕落、制度性种族歧视、高级性交易等现象。

    LA Confidential focuses on the LA mob scene after Siegel9 , but takes in LAPD corruption19 , institutional racism20 , high-class prostitution and more .

  5. 在这个由超人形象合伙创作人杰瑞。西格尔继承人提起的诉讼中,华纳兄弟电影公司和DC漫画公司胜诉。

    The studio and DC Comics won a lawsuit filed by the heirs of the character 's co-creator Jerry Siegel .

  6. 洛杉矶咨询公司ImpactGroup总裁兼心理学家肯-西格尔表示,这种态度很普遍,但很多人不愿意承认。

    Such attitudes are ' much more common than people are willing to admit , ' says Ken Siegel , a psychologist and president of a Los Angeles consulting firm , the Impact Group .

  7. 西格尔曾是哥伦比亚大学(ColumbiaUniversity)的教授,他的公司叫“预测影响”(PredictiveImpact),专门开发各类数学模型,这些模型能从海量原始数据中提取出极具价值的信息。

    Siegel is a former Columbia professor whose company , predictive impact , builds mathematical models that cull valuable nuggets of data from floods of raw information .

  8. 西格尔:以上是NPR新闻的索拉亚·莎哈迪·纳尔逊从柏林带来的报道。

    SIEGEL : Well , NPR 's Soraya Sarhaddi Nelson in Berlin .

  9. 西格尔说她和CEO爱德华•布林恩(EdwardBreen)时常会就某位雇员的晋升潜力产生分歧。

    Ms. Siegel says she and CEO Edward Breen often disagree on an employee 's advancement potential .

  10. 他还曾为动作电影明星史蒂文•西格尔(StevenSegal)设计过日式防弹睡袍。

    He has also just designed a bulletproof kimono for movie action man Steven Segal .

  11. 去年西格尔的继承人被授予《超人》的一半版权,最近的这项裁决意味着他们只能向DC漫画公司索要版权所得,而不是华南兄弟公司。

    The Siegel heirs had been awarded half the rights to Superman last year and this latest ruling means they can only claim profits from DC Comics and not from Warner Bros as well .

  12. 西格尔:PKK就是指土耳其的库尔德武装组织。

    SIEGEL : The PKK is the Turkish Kurdish insurgency .

  13. 在《预测分析:预测谁将点击、购买、撒谎或死亡的力量》(PredictiveAnalytics:ThePowertoPredictWhoWillClick,Buy,Lie,orDie)一书中,西格尔用清晰生动的语言解释了这些模型运作的机制及各类误区。

    In Predictive Analytics : The Power to Predict Who Will Click , Buy , Lie , or Die , Siegel explains how these models work and where the pitfalls are , in clear , colorful terms .

  14. 现已70岁的克里斯托弗•奥德瑞正向NPR记者罗伯特•西格尔分享有关他的父亲和他所钟爱的火车头的故事。

    Now70 , Christopher Awdry shares his memories of his father and his beloved trains with NPR 's Robert Siegel .

  15. 西格尔与好友一起创作音乐的时间超过50年,其中著名歌曲有《假如我有铁锤》、《Turn!,Turn!,Turn!》以及《花儿都到哪儿去了?》。

    Seeger 's buddy works spent more than five decades and include such songs " If I Had a Hammer , " " Turn ! , Turn ! , Turn ! " and " Where Have All the Flowers Gone ? . "

  16. 麻省理工学院(MassachusettsInstituteofTechnology)地球物理学家西格尔(SaraSeager)说,开普勒望远镜的新发现证实,小行星在银河系极为普遍,对此我感觉十分兴奋。他没有参与发现新行星的任务。

    Taken together , the new Kepler discoveries confirm that ' small planets are extremely common in our galaxy , ' said planetary physicist Sara Seager at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology , who wasn 't involved in the discoveries .

  17. 泰科国际有限公司(TycoInternationalLtd.)主管人力资源的高级副总裁劳里•西格尔(LaurieSiegel)说,公司每年会对管理人员的领导行为进行两次评估,包括他们对在会议上“指出皇帝其实没穿衣服”是否感到自在,

    Tyco International Ltd. assesses managers ' leadership behaviors twice annually , including whether they feel comfortable ' saying the emperor has no clothes ' during meetings , says Laurie Siegel , its senior vice president of human resources . '

  18. 梅丽莎·加德纳(MelissaGardner)来自菲尔菲尔德郡,是个叛逆的波西米亚女郎,不过和西格尔笔下那个倔强的女学生不一样,梅丽莎很有钱,而且她经常笨拙地这样提醒剧中被称为“安迪”的安德鲁。

    Melissa Gardner is a Fairfield County black sheep bohemian , though unlike Jenny Cavilleri , the feisty scholarship student in the Segal tale , she is rich , as she frequently , and bluntly , reminds Andy .

  19. 麻省理工学院(MassachusettsInstituteofTechnology)地球物理学家西格尔(SaraSeager)说,开普勒望远镜的新发现证实,小行星在银河系极为普遍,对此我感觉十分兴奋。

    Taken together , the new Kepler discoveries confirm that ' small planets are extremely common in our galaxy , ' said planetary physicist Sara Seager at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology , who wasn 't involved in the discoveries . ' I am extremely excited about this . '

  20. 在1934年,杰瑞?西格尔和乔?舒斯特创造了超人。

    In 1934 , Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster created Superman .

  21. 西格尔:有关谈判的修辞变得越来越尖锐。

    SIEGEL : The rhetoric surrounding the talks is growing harsher .

  22. 西格尔:打电话的人当然是罗纳德·里根总统。

    SIEGEL : The caller was President Ronald Reagan , of course .

  23. 1999年,西格尔出演了《中央公园的王子》。

    In1999 , Seagal turned to producing with Prince of central park .

  24. 多胎妊娠的影响则更明显,西格尔说道。

    And multiple pregnancies may add to that effect , Segal says .

  25. 西格尔:为我们形容一下你在现场看到的情况。

    SIEGEL : And describe for us what you 're seeing there .

  26. 西格尔:詹姆斯,我还有最后一个问题。

    SIEGEL : Just one last quick question , James .

  27. 西格尔的研究和教学注重战略性长期投资。

    Siegel has dedicated his research and teaching to strategic long-term investing .

  28. 西格尔:丽兹·斯莱,非常感谢你。

    SIEGEL : Liz Sly , thank you very much .

  29. 西格尔:好,斯科特,谢谢你。

    SIEGEL : OK , Scott , thank you .

  30. 西格尔:首先,你怎么看?

    SIEGEL : First - what do you think ?