
  1. 基于HPM的西安城北区住宅价格实证研究

    Research on the House Price and Its Determinations in the North Area of Xi'an Based on HPM

  2. 最后,本文将SD模型与其他模型进行了比较分析,得出SD模型在进行复杂系统优化上具有优势,并提出了促进西安高新区建设用地合理利用的经济、法律以及技术等措施。

    Meanwhile , this paper has analysis of other models and found that SD model has an advantage on complex systems . Finally , this paper put forward to promote Xi ' an high-tech zone construction land reasonable use of the economic , legal , and technical measures .

  3. 西安高新区产业园循环经济发展模式研究

    Study on the Circulating Economy Development Mode in Xi'an High-tech Industrial Park

  4. 西安旅游区旅游流空间结构研究

    Spatial Structure of Tourist Flow in Xi'an Tourism Region

  5. 西安高新区的商务成本分析

    The Business Cost of Xi'an Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone

  6. 西安古城区传统民居形态研究

    Form Study on Xi'an Traditional Dwellings in the Ancient City Zone of Xi'an

  7. 二是西安高新区文化品质评价体系的建立。

    Second , the Xi ' an High-tech Zone and cultural quality evaluation system .

  8. 西安旅游区入境旅游流时空演变及系统调控

    Tempo-spatial varieties of oversea tourists flow and its systematical adjusting in Xi'an tourism districts

  9. 西安高新区西区供热规划可行性研究

    Analysis and suggestion on feasibility of heating plan of the Xi'an open and develop district

  10. 西安住区儿童户外活动场所规划设计研究。

    Planning and design study of children 's outdoor activities places in Xi'an residential areas .

  11. 成都、西安高新区创业环境的比较研究

    A Comparative Study on Entrepreneurship Environment between the Hi-Te Industrial Development Zone of Chengdu and Xi'an

  12. 乡村旅游地品牌个性特征研究&以西安长安区农家乐为例

    A Study on Rural Tourism Brand Personality : A Case of " Nongjiale " Xian Chang'an

  13. 最后对上海市高新技术成果转化服务中心和西安高新区创业服务中心作了典型案例分析。

    Shanghai High-tech Fruit Transformation Service Center and Xi ' an High-tech Business-establishing Service Center are analyzed as typical cases .

  14. 第三,从制度创新的角度对西安高新区发展中存在的问题进行剖析。

    And thirdly , analyzing the problems that exits in Xi ' an Hi-tech Industrial Zone from the institutional innovation angle .

  15. 西安高新区高新技术产业的快速发展得益于高新区风险投资业的迅猛发展。

    The rapid development of the High-tech industries comes from the fast development of venture capital in Xi'an High-tech Industrial Development Zone .

  16. 2008年下半年金融危机以来,西安高新区部分企业生存环境的复杂性和不确定性在不断增加。

    Since the second half of 2008 financial crisis , some enterprises in Xi ' an High-tech Zone habitat complexity and uncertainty are increasing .

  17. 融历史于现代的多义空间营造&西安高新区中心绿化景观带景观规划

    Build the Multi-vocal Space with History Merged into Modernity & The Planning of Central Greenbelt in Xi ′ an High Technology Industry Development District

  18. 第五,将该城市天际线评价方法应用到西安市中心区(钟楼周边)进行实证研究。

    Fifth , the city skyline evaluation method is applied to the Xi ' an city center ( bell tower surrounding ) an empirical study .

  19. 研究表明:西安高新区两型产业发展环境综合评价得分为6.15分,发展环境基本令人满意。

    It shows that the comprehensive evaluation score of the two-oriented industry development environment of Xian high-tech zone is 6.15 points , which is generally satisfied .

  20. 西安高新区金融服务体系中各子体系发展不均衡,表现在:优惠的政策制度对金融服务体系服务水平的提升至关重要。

    The development of financial services system and sub-systems are unequal : Preferential policies on financial services system are essential for enhancing the level of services .

  21. 本文以西安高新区人力资源为研究主题,从理论探索、实证研究和对策分析三个方面进行研究。

    The paper analyses Human Resources in Xi ' an Development Zone for High-tech Industries from three aspects : theory exploration , positive research and strategy design .

  22. 并且分析了西安高新区嵌入式软件产业发展现状、存在的问题以及未来的发展趋势。

    Also , the paper analyzes the development status ` the existing problems and development trends of the embedded software industry in Xi ' an High-tech Zone .

  23. 科技型中小企业的产品定位&以西安高新区七家科技型中小企业为例

    The Market Orientation of Products of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises & Seven Small and Medium-Sized Sci-tech Enterprises in Xi ′ an High and New Technology Industrial Development Zone

  24. 笔者正是基于以上形势,以西安高新区液晶投资项目为研究对象,运用可行性研究的相关理论,做出实证研究,为该项目可行性提供分析评价结果和建议,为项目投资决策者提供决策参考。

    According to the above situation , I choose the Xi ' an hi-tech zone LCD investment projects as the research object and make empirical research with relevant theory .

  25. 西安高新区发展与国内外先进园区相比还有很大的差距,原因固然很多,但高新区对于人才资源的开发与利用的重视不够是制约高新区发展的重要因素。

    Although there are a lot of reasons for this problem , the main restrict reason is that the High-tech Industrial Development Zone pays less attention to human resources development and utilization .

  26. 最终,本文以西安都市区为例,运用以上枢纽选址原则方法,对中心区域与外围区域之间公交换乘枢纽现状和规划布局作了实证分析。

    Finally , take the Xi ' an metropolitan area as an example , this paper presented an example analysis to the layout of public transportation transfer hub between Periphery region and central region .

  27. 该文运用行为地理学相关概念和理论,采用实证分析和数理统计相结合的方法,对西安旅游区入境旅游流流动规律和空间结构进行了刻画和测度。

    Adopting relating concepts and methods of the behavioral geography , the authors analyze and measure the spatial structure and flow rules of tourists flow in the Xi'an tourism region in a case study .

  28. 作者充分总结了西安高新区的土地征用制度改革的成果,同时对于进一步完善土地征用政策提出建议。

    Through summarizing the achievement of the land requisition policies in Xi'an High - Tech Developing Zone , the paper , meanwhile , brings forward some suggestions to further perfect the current land requisition policy .

  29. 以上述理论为基础,论文分析了西安高新区的现状,阐述了问题的症结在于制度缺失。

    On the basis of the analysis above , the paper focuses on the problem that exits in Xi ' an Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone , and suggests that the lack of institution is the main cause .

  30. 在此基础上,利用数据包络分析方法对西安高新区建设用地的使用效率进行了研究并得出相应结论。

    According to survey and study , this dissertation takes advantage of data envelopment analysis to study the efficiency on usage of construction land in high-tech zone of Xi ' an and makes relevant conclusions in the end .