
  • 网络west yorkshire;West Yorks
  1. 不,我来自英格兰北部,西约克郡。

    No , no. I come from the north of England , from west Yorkshire .

  2. 西约克郡村的村民(住户)不得不等到星期三在此之前,燃气供应体系未被修复。

    Residents in a West Yorkshire village will have to wait until Wednesday before gas supplies are restored .

  3. 英格兰北部西约克郡亚尔河畔的城市;一个服装工业中心。

    A city on the River Aire in West Yorkshire in northern England ; a center of the clothing industry .

  4. 我在西约克郡长大,驾车时总会在高速公路上经过指向沙德伍兹的路标。

    I grew up in West Yorkshire and would often pass the sign for Saddleworth as we drove along the motorway .

  5. 周日,这对夫妇和他们的四代子孙在西约克郡布拉德福德的家里庆祝了生日。

    The couple celebrated their birthdays with four generations of their family at their home in Bradford , West Yorkshire , on Sunday .

  6. 自它建成之后的四个世纪里大部分的时间,西约克郡的巴特利语法学校都是实行的有偿教育。

    FOR most of the four centuries since it was founded , Batley Grammar School in West Yorkshire has charged to educate its pupils .

  7. 照片随后被删除,但西约克郡警局的警犬部门非常喜欢这张照片,所以又将其发布到推特上,该照片被分享超过150次。

    The image was later deleted but the dog section of a different force , West Yorkshire , enjoyed it so much they posted the image on Twitter in a tweet that was shared more than 150 times .

  8. 阿米斯特德来自西约克郡靠近利兹的奥特利,23岁。在周日的这场自行车赛时,最后冲刺阶段140公里被荷兰车手超越。

    Armitstead , 23 , from Otley near Leeds , West Yorkshire , was beaten to the gold at the end of the 140-kilometre race by Holland 's Marianne Vos in a sprint finish on The Mall on Sunday .

  9. 休伊特位于西约克郡哈德斯菲尔德的住宅处的前邻居描述了他的省钱秘籍,比如在他的三轮汽车“依赖罗宾”里面读报,这样就不用开房间的灯了,或者就算穿湿衣服也不用滚筒式烘干机。

    Former neighbours of Mr Hewitt 's in Huddersfield , West Yorks . , told how he used to save money by reading the paper in his Reliant Robin so he didn 't have to turn on the light in his house , and wore his clothes wet rather than using his tumble dryer .

  10. 莫娜和塔姆西在约克郡的安静的空地上相遇,他们开始了一段不同寻常的友谊。

    Mona and Tamsin meet on the moors , above their quiet Yorkshire village and begin an intense , unlikely friendship .