
  • 网络bedfordshire;Bed-fordshire
  1. 马塞尔•杜尚(MarcelDuchamp)也许正为他要玩的恶作剧开心不已:他买了一个贝德福德郡小便池。

    Perhaps tickled by the prank he was about to play , Marcel Duchamp purchased a Bedfordshire urinal .

  2. 来自政府的英格兰高等教育拨款委员会的数据显示,一些新兴的大学,如贝德福德郡和东伦敦大学将会缩减约1/8的招生名额。

    Data from the Government 's Higher Education Funding Council for England suggests some newer universities such as Bedfordshire and East London are expecting to lose around one-in-eight places .

  3. 中贝德福德郡议员娜丁•德里斯(NadineDorries)猛烈抨击卡梅伦,她称已经致信“1922年委员会”主席格雷厄姆•布雷迪(GrahamBrady)。“1922年委员会”代表保守党后座议员,通常接收对首相发起不信任投票的签名。

    Nadine Dorries , the Mid-Bedfordshire MP and ardent critic of Mr Cameron , said she had already written to Graham Brady , chairman of the backbench 1922 committee which normally receives signatures for a leadership challenge .

  4. 在这次时长8分钟的试飞中,该飞机围绕贝德福德郡的机场飞了两圈,飞行高度达到1000英尺(305米),航速达到100节(185公里/小时)。

    The aircraft did two circuits of the Bedfordshire airfield , reaching 1000ft and 100 knots , during the eight-minute flight .

  5. 贝德福德郡警方证实,这名被捕男子已经被送往医院接受轻伤治疗,目前正在接受审问。

    Bedfordshire Police confirmed the arrested man was initially taken to hospital to be treated for minor injuries and was now being questioned .

  6. 不过他们刚跑到后门,就被支持此次行动的贝德福德郡警官们逮捕。

    However , they did not get further than the back door where they were apprehended by Bedfordshire Police officers , who were supporting the operation .

  7. 袭击发生在凌晨4点刚过,这家从贝德福德郡远道而来观看利物浦比赛的家族,从市中心加里波第广场的酒吧出来后就被跟踪。

    The attack happened shortly after4am when the family , from Bedfordshire and in town for tonight 's Liverpool game , were followed from a bar in the Piazza Garibaldi in the city centre .

  8. 根据每日邮报的报道,贝德福德郡野生动物园顽皮的猴子们提早融入了万圣节的氛围,大玩假面游戏,带着恐怖面具惊吓捉弄周围的同伴们。

    According to Daily Mail News , cheeky monkeys got into the spirit of Halloween early as they gave each other a playful fright messing around with masks and disguises at a Bedfordshire safari park .

  9. 在他服务于救护队期间,威廉王子一直驻扎在剑桥机场。他们的团队里有专业医师、急救护理人员以及飞行员,并为贝德福德郡、剑桥郡、诺福克郡和萨福克郡提供紧急医疗服务。

    Throughout his service William has been based out of Cambridge Airport , as part of a team including specialist doctors , critical care paramedics and pilots providing emergency medical services across Bedfordshire , Cambridgeshire , Norfolk and Suffolk .