
  • 网络benin;the Bight of Benin
  1. 这些国家包括尼日尔、贝宁湾、马里和布基纳法索。

    They include Niger , Benin , Mali and Burkina Faso .

  2. 在贝宁湾讲话中布什表示在帮助他人认识到可能发生的事情时要多讲成功事例。

    Speaking in Benin , Mr Bush said he wanted to highlight success stories as they helped others realize what is possible .

  3. 在贝宁湾举行的国际卫生会议上对这种疾病进行了商讨。

    It was just discussed during an international health conference held in Benin .

  4. 但是三个非洲国家:贝宁湾、纳米比亚和毛里求斯排名更高。

    But three African countries were rated higher : Benin , Namibia and Mauritius .

  5. 他们包括贝宁湾,干比亚,埃塞阿比亚,马达加斯加,利比亚,赞比亚。

    They include Benin , Gambia , and Ethiopia , Chana along with Madagascar , Liberia , and Zambian .

  6. 据对贝宁湾、肯尼亚和马拉维地区的调查研究发现,非洲农村的农民们已经适应了气候变化。

    Rural African farmers are already adapting to climate change , according to case studies in Benin , Kenya and Malawi .

  7. 芝加哥讯来自西非贝宁湾非洲大陆最有历史的地区的有关王室雕塑和王位的标志。

    CHICAGO . - Royal sculptures and regalia from the West African Kingdom of Benin are among the continent 's most historically important works of art .