
  • 网络Belém;belem;belen;Beren;BEL
  1. 事情发生在巴西贝伦港。当时,他正制作一系列反映热带雨林毁灭的影片;

    It happened in the Brazilian port of Belem while he was making a series of films on the destruction of the rainforest .

  2. 开罗、纽约、卡拉奇、加尔各答、贝伦、新奥尔良、上海、东京、拉各斯、迈阿密和阿姆斯特丹等沿海大城市可能会面临风暴激增的严重威胁。

    Major coastal cities such as Cairo , New York , Karachi , Kolkata , Belem , New Orleans , Shanghai , Tokyo , Lagos , Miami and Amsterdam could face serious threats from storm surges .

  3. 因为出生在贝伦杜帕拉(BelémdoPará)(位于潮湿的亚马逊河口)的苏格拉底同样也是一位知识分子。

    For the one born in Bel é m do Par á , at the humid mouth of the Amazon , was also an intellectual .

  4. 嫁给凡人贝伦的精灵少女。

    The EIf-maiden who gave her love to Beren , a mortal .

  5. 锡伯族对自己民族的渊远流长的舞蹈统称为贝伦。在贝伦舞中,最具有代表性的就属蝴蝶舞。

    The traditional dance is called Beilun , butterfly Dance is most representative .

  6. 这个冠军出现在贝伦的路线猛犬很多实际血统。

    This Champion appears in many actual pedigrees of Bellon 's line bulldogs .

  7. 贝伦舞是锡伯族古老民间舞蹈的统称。

    All kinds of old folk dance of the Xibe in Xinjiang are generally referred toas Beilun .