
  • Baker Street
  1. 我们乘出租马车回贝克街时,福尔摩斯一直在坐着沉思。

    On the way back to Baker Street in the taxi , Holmes sat thinking deeply .

  2. 雷斯垂德有人非法闯入我们贝克街的公寓把你手下最不讨人厌的警官派来再叫辆救护车

    Lestrade ? We 've had a break-in at Baker Street . Send your least irritating officers and an ambulance .

  3. 最近,斯塔布斯以哈德森太太的身份赢得了年轻人的喜欢。她在BBC电视剧《神探夏洛克》中饰演贝克街221B和221C的女房东,与本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇和马丁·弗里曼合作。尤娜·斯塔布斯逝世后,本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇表示悼念,他说:

    More recently , she won new generations of fans as Mrs Hudson , the caring landlady Street in the BBC series Sherlock , alongside Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman .

  4. 9月的阳光明媚地照进了贝克街221号B门的窗户里,整个伦敦都在享受晚夏的美好时光。

    The September sun was shining brightly into the win - dows of 221B Baker Street , and London was enjoying a beautiful late summer .

  5. 在这儿,贝克街221B。

    Here . It 's. .. in 221 Baker Street .

  6. 我叫夏洛克·福尔摩斯地址是贝克街221B

    The name 's Sherlock Holmes and the address is 221B Baker Street .

  7. 对了我叫夏洛克·福尔摩斯地址是贝克街221B

    Oh , and the name is Sherlock Holmes and the address is 221B Baker Street

  8. 曾经疏远的兄弟因工作关系不得不再次联系,而Sherlock和JoanWatson医生则作为Mycroft的客人住在贝克街221B的家里。

    The estranged siblings are forced to work through their relationship while Sherlock and Joan Watson are guests in Mycroft 's home at 221B Baker Street .

  9. 附近有一些不错的公寓楼……就在贝克街那边。我想我能找到离WEFL近一点的房子。

    There are some nice apartment buildings nearby .... over on Baker Street . I think I can find something closer to WEFL .

  10. 在这部剧集里,福尔摩斯(34岁的BenedictCumberbatch饰演)和华生(《办公室》明星、38岁的MartinFreeman饰演)搬进了贝克街的一套公寓里。

    In the drama , which stars Benedict Cumberbatch , 34 , as Holmes and The Office star Martin Freeman , 38 , as Watson , the pair move into a flat in Baker Street .

  11. 随着该剧的走红,贝克街221B门前都是成群结队前来参观的粉丝,而影片真正的取景地其实是距其半英里外的高尔北街185号,Speedy’scafé咖啡馆就在它楼下。

    Since the show 's popularity , fans have flocked to catch a glimpse of 221B Baker Street - which is actually about half a mile away at 185 North Gower Street , above Speedy 's caf é .

  12. 最近,斯塔布斯以哈德森太太的身份赢得了年轻人的喜欢。她在BBC电视剧《神探夏洛克》中饰演贝克街221B和221C的女房东,与本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇和马丁·弗里曼合作。

    More recently , she won new generations of fans as Mrs Hudson , the caring landlady of 221B and 221C Baker Street in the BBC series Sherlock , alongside Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman .

  13. 《神夏》中夏洛克和花生经常光顾的三明治店史皮迪斯咖啡馆是真实存在的,这间咖啡馆位于尤思顿附近的高尔街(剧中的贝克街221b)。

    Speedy 's Cafe , the sandwich emporium frequented by Holmes and Watson in the series , is a real caf é on Gower Street , near Euston - the BBC 's stand-in for 221b Baker Street .

  14. 夏洛克的人物背景仍然忠于原著:福尔摩斯和华生医生依旧住在贝克街221B号;神秘凶手依旧激发着福尔摩斯的推理能力;这位神探依旧和他的死敌莫里亚蒂较量着。

    The setting of Sherlock remains true to the original story : Holmes and Dr Watson live at 221B Baker Street ; mysterious murders stimulate Holmes ' reasoning powers ; and the detective takes on his arch enemy Moriarty .

  15. 如果你执意搬入……贝克街221B,在下愿意定期提供一笔可观的费用以解除你的燃眉之急。

    It could be . It really couldn 't. If you do move into , erm ..... 221B Baker Street , I 'd be happy to pay you a meaningful sum of money on a regular basis to ease your way .

  16. 上周四举办的圣迭戈动漫展上,该剧制作人史蒂文·莫法特播放了首段预告片,在该特辑中,卷福和华生将“穿越”回到原作小说中100多年前的维多利亚时代,平行世界的221B贝克街,此举受到了影迷的热烈欢呼。

    Showrunner Steven Moffat was met with cheers when he promised Sherlock fans that they would be returning to 221B Baker Street this Christmas and premiered the first footage from the special Victorian episode of the show at San Diego Comic-Con on Thursday 。

  17. 这一现象很诡异的体现在影迷寄往贝克街221B的信中,他们请求福尔摩斯解决当下危机,如水门事件或者一次劫机,甚至拯救帕蒂·赫斯特。

    This was bizarrely reflected in the letters sent by fans to 221B Baker Street , most of them asking for Holmes to solve a current crisis , like the Watergate scandal , or a plane hijacking , or even rescue Patty Hearst !

  18. 贝克街。我们正在贝克街上朝北走。

    Baker street . We 've going north on Baker street .

  19. 贝克街.他已经不住在那里了

    Baker Street ? He isn 't there any more .

  20. 转个弯就到了贝克街

    Just round the corner , it 's Baker Street !

  21. “贝克街小分队”包括无家可归的伦敦人和一位涂鸦艺术家。

    The Baker Street Irregulars include homeless Londoners and a graffiti artist .

  22. 我得赶紧去贝克街莫里亚蒂回来了

    I have to go to Baker Street now . Moriarty 's back

  23. 赫德森太太怎么能离开贝克街不然英国可要沦陷了

    Mrs Hudson leave Baker Street ? England would fall .

  24. 有歹徒闯进了我贝克街的公寓

    We 've had a break-in at Baker Street .

  25. 我会成为贝克街的亡灵。

    I 'll be the ghost of Bleecker street .

  26. 他是阿尔巴尼亚的歹徒,住在贝克街附近。

    He 's a big Albanian gangster , lives two doors down from us .

  27. 我们住在伦敦西部的贝克街。

    We lived , of course , in Baker Street , in west London .

  28. 突然回到贝克街.从蛋糕里跳出来什么的

    Pop into Baker Street , who knows , jump out of a cake .

  29. 猎犬死后,汉默公司短暂的贝克街之旅也随之终结。

    With the hound dead , so ended Hammer 's brief foray into Baker Street .

  30. 那骑摩托车的人已风驰电掣地向贝克街驶去了。

    The motor cyclist has gone like a bat out of hell toward Baker street .