
  • 网络Fortaleza;FORTALEZA,for;La Fortaleza
  1. 金砖国家的联合声明福塔莱萨宣言(FortalezaDeclaration)还表示,在设立总部的同时,还将在南非设立一个区域中心。

    A statement from the group , titled the Fortaleza Declaration , also said a regional centre would be established in South Africa concurrently with the headquarters .

  2. 美国及其盟友在观察福塔莱萨种种活动的过程中,可能会对此加以反思:正是由于它们拒绝在IMF中依照中国占全球经济比重给予其相应的投票份额,才促成了这一机构。

    As it watches events in Fortaleza , the US and its allies might reflect that they brought this body into being by denying China a share of IMF voting that matches its weight in the global economy .

  3. 金砖国家的联合声明“福塔莱萨宣言”(FortalezaDeclaration)还表示,在设立总部的同时,还将在南非设立一个“区域中心”。

    A statement from the group , titled the " Fortaleza Declaration , " also said a " regional centre " would be established in South Africa concurrently with the headquarters .

  4. 您对这次金砖国家领导人福塔莱萨会晤有何期待?

    What is your expectation of the upcoming BRICS Summit in Fortaleza ?

  5. 福塔莱萨会晤期间将举行金砖国家同南美国家领导人对话会。

    On the sidelines of the Fortaleza summit , the BRICS leaders will have a dialogue with leaders of South American countries .

  6. 去年在巴西福塔莱萨,我们一致决定本着开放、包容、合作、共赢精神,深化金砖国家伙伴关系。

    In Fortaleza last year , we made the decision to deepen BRICS partnership in the spirit of openness , inclusiveness and win-win cooperation .

  7. 对喜欢象征主义说法的人士而言,本周在巴西福塔莱萨举行的金砖峰会将是一个标志性事件,凸显全球政治秩序正在发生什么样的变化。

    For those who love symbolism , the Brics summit in Fortaleza , Brazil , this week will be a banner occasion , a remarkable demonstration of how the global political order is changing .