
  • 网络South Ferry;South Pier;South Quay;South Harbour
  1. 在南码头有一间废弃的罐头厂。

    There 's an abandoned cannery on the South pier .

  2. 请问6路公交车去南码头吗?

    Excuse me , is bus No.6 going to South Ferry ?

  3. 南码头步行桥,伦敦,英国

    South quay footbridge , london , uk , 1997

  4. 重建南码头的支撑结构

    Bracing Structure in Rebuilding South Jetty

  5. 你可以搭乘去南码头的5路公共汽车。吊车用来将货物从码头装入船舱。

    Take No.5 which goes to South Ferry . Workers use cranes to lift the cargo from the dock to the shop 's hold .

  6. 每天,他都会去孟买以北阿拉伯海边的渔民那里跑一趟,看看他们有没有捕到对虾或大鱼,好卖给孟买南部沙逊码头(SassoonDock)的出口商。这样来回一趟就要5个小时。

    Every day , he would make the five-hour round trip to visit fishermen living on the Arabian Sea on the north of the city to see if they had caught any of the prawns and large fish that he sells to exporters at south Mumbai 's Sassoon Dock .

  7. 南部港码头设计的探讨

    Investigation on Wharf Design of Nanbu Port

  8. 湛江港一区南一期突堤码头维修设计

    Maintenance and Repair Design for Southern Phase I Finger Pier of Zone I in Zhanjiang Port

  9. 介绍湛江港一区南一期突堤码头维修设计所采用的维修、加固、防腐方法和新材料新技术在维修、加固和防腐工程中的应用。

    This paper describes the application of new method , new materials and new technologies for maintenance , strengthening and anti-corrosion of the finger pier in Zhanjiang Port .