
  • 网络Mason-Dixon line
  1. 秦岭野生兰花资源是处于我国南北分界线上的一个野生资源分布群体。

    Wild orchid resources in Qinling were a wild Cymbidium resources distribution group in North-south division of china .

  2. 秦岭是我国地理和气候的南北分界线,其地形复杂多变,适合多种生物生存繁衍。

    Qinling Mountain is the geography and climate separatrix in china , it suitable for various survival and reproduction because of its complex and changeable terrain .

  3. 这个夹在北安普顿郡两座小山中间的小凹地有一个高速公路服务站,也是非官方的英国南北分界线。

    The small dip between two hills in Northamptonshire is home to a motorway service station and marks the unofficial boundary between the north and south of Britain .

  4. 北韩星期天上午打开南北韩分界线北韩一侧一座水电站大坝的闸门。

    North Korea opened floodgates Sunday morning on a hydropower dam on its side of the North-South border .

  5. 一个韩国代表团星期四清晨启程前往开城工业园区。该园区位于事态紧张的南北朝分界线上朝鲜一侧。

    A South Korean delegation left early Thursday for the Kaesong Industrial Complex , which lies on the North Korean side of the countries ' tense border .

  6. 秦岭是我国中部东西走向的最高山脉,成为气候的南北屏障和分界线。

    Being the highest mountains in central-western China continent , Qinling Mountains are the barrier of the climate both north and south China , are the boundary ;

  7. 秦岭作为我国南北气候的分界线,具有特殊生物多样性和植物群落特征。

    As geography and climate of the dividing line for south China and north China , Qinling Mountain has the special biodiversity and the plant community characteristic .

  8. 秦岭是我国南北地区的天然分界线,是全球变化的敏感区域。

    Qinling is natural boundary in southern and northern of China and sensitive area in global change .