
  • 网络Nanjiang County;H. Nam Giang
  1. 南江县某中学甲型流感暴发流行病学调查

    On 263 Type A Influenza Outbreak in A Middle School of Nanjiang County

  2. 四川省南江县红山铁矿物质组分特征研究

    Mineral and chemical compositions of the Hongshan iron ores in Nanjiang county , sichuan

  3. 南江县米仓山森林公园风景质量评价

    Landscape quality evaluation of Mi Chang Shan Forest Park

  4. 四川南江县中药金银花植物资源调查

    Survey of Resources of Medicinal Plants of Flos Lonicerae in Nanjiang Country Sichuan Province

  5. 南江县退耕还林工程的财政支出效率评价

    Appraising the Efficiency of Finance Expenditure of Grain for Green Project in Nanjiang County of Sichuan Province

  6. 欠发达地区山地小城市人居环境建设初探&以巴中市南江县为例

    Exploring Construction of Human Settlements of Small Mountains Towns in Underdeveloped Area-A Case Study of Nanjiang County in Bazhong

  7. 前言:调查四川南江县中药金银花品种及其资源情况。

    Objective : To gain a clear idea on the species and resources of medicinal plants of Flos Lonicerae ( Jinyinhua ) in Nanjiang county Sichuan province .

  8. 巴中市2人因暴雨冲毁房屋死亡,另有南江县6座房屋被泥石流掩埋,5人失踪。

    In Bazhong City , two people were killed when their house were collapsed by torrential rain . A mudslide in Nanjiang County buried six houses , leaving five people missing .