
  • 网络dazhou city
  1. 在回顾达州市对外科技合作与交流已取得的工作成绩的基础上,提出了“走出去,引进来”的发展战略。

    On reviewing the forepassed effection basic , this paper puts forward expedite Dazhou city exterior science and technology cooperation & intercommunion apocalypse and countermeasure .

  2. 通过牛提纯结核菌素皮内注射变态反应小区试验,总结出了达州市奶牛结核病普查方法:使用提纯结核菌素(PPD)比普通结核菌素(OT)检出率高、特异性强、操作简便。

    From the test of allergic reaction by intradermal injection with PPD , the survey methods are concluded as follows : the interpretable rate with PPD is higher , the specificity is better , the operation is more convenient , comparing with that of OT .

  3. 对此,提出加快达州市文化产业发展的九条建议。

    As for these , this paper puts forward nine proposals fur quickening the development of cultural industry .

  4. 通过对达州市开江县几所偏远农村小学进行的调查和访谈,我们了解到综合实践活动主题设计实施现状不容乐观,农村小学的主题设计状况堪忧。

    Our investigation held in several remote rural primary schools of Kaijiang County shows the theme design of rural primary schools is not satisfied .

  5. 接着,对四川省进行效能建设的背景和核心指导思想作出介绍,并分别就丹棱县、青神县和达州市乡镇机关的政府效能提升实践为对象。

    Then , on the performance of construction in Sichuan Province to the background and guiding principles to introduce the core , with separate Danleng , test report and up to City township authorities to enhance government efficiency target practice .

  6. 暴雨过程的两个强降雨中心乐山市、巴中与达州两市的强降雨集中时段与低涡在当地的活动时段一致。

    The heavy rainfall concentration period of the two rainfall centers-Leshan andBazhong / Dazhou are consistent with the activity period of vortex in these areas .