
  • 网络county durham;Durham
  1. 她只能不断去寻找工作,最终获得了达勒姆郡的一个教师职位。

    She was left having to search for work , and eventually secured a teaching position in County Durham .

  2. 他在英国达勒姆郡的克鲁克乡村里创造了自己的骄傲和快乐,而且是只凭借嗅觉和触觉就做到了,他的努力还使他得了一些奖。

    He creates his pride and joy in the village of Crook , County Durham , using only his sense of smell and touch and has even won awards for his efforts .

  3. 帕米·罗斯今年23岁,来自英国桑德兰市达勒姆郡。他希望赢得此次比赛冠军以获得足够的奖金支付他期待已久的彻底变性手术。

    Pammy Rose , 23 , from Seaham , County Durham , is hoping to bag first prize in the contest - which is a voucher for the full sex change operation she 's always wanted .

  4. 《每日电讯报》根据《自由信息法》开展的调查显示,目前,布里斯托尔、伯克郡、彼得堡、西米德兰兹、诺森比亚、达勒姆郡的中学都在为少女避孕。

    Implants and jabs are now offered in schools in Bristol , Berkshire , Peterborough , West Midlands , Northumbria and Country Durham according to a survey by The Daily Telegraph , using Freedom of Information laws .

  5. 身处达勒姆郡的这个小村庄,站在一座古老的小教堂前面的草地上,说着一些我心知将会传遍英国和世界的话,感觉很奇异。

    It was odd , standing there in this little village in County Durham , on the grass in front of an ancient small church , speaking words that I knew would be carried around the country and the world .