
  • 网络Essex County
  1. 或者说,是那个在经过了没完没了的废话以及当地许多地理学性质的困难之后将会变成埃塞克斯郡的地方。

    Or what would , after a lot of palaver and local difficulties of a geological nature , become Essex .

  2. 泰姆从前的雇主、位于埃塞克斯郡的职业自行车市场营销公司则通过自己聘请的律师对判决结果表示了不同意见,认为他所受的伤并不如其在法庭上所陈述的那般严重。

    His former employer , Professional Cycle Marketing , of Essex , had argued through their lawyers that his injuries were not as bad as suggested in court .

  3. 这家人的孩子们在英国埃塞克斯郡(Essex)的热带羽翼动物园(TropicalWingsZoo)追赶小公鸡宝贝杰克(Jake),而他们的父母却大笑着旁观。

    The children 's parents watched on laughing as they chased treasure Jake the cockerel around Tropical Wings Zoo in Essex .

  4. 这位来自埃塞克斯郡罗姆福德附近的哈罗德山的纹身艺术家,在他闲暇时光里常常定做灵车。

    The tattoo artist from Harold Hill , near Romford in Essex , normally customises hearses in his spare time .

  5. 1381年6月,在瓦特泰勒和杰克斯特劳领导下,凯特郡和埃塞克斯郡的农民和市民武装起来发动起义,并向伦敦进发。

    Armed villagers and townsmen of Kent and Essex , led by Wat Tyler and Jack Straw , moved on London in June , 1381 .

  6. 作为保护这类动物使其免受灭绝的计划的一部分,位于埃塞克斯郡的热带羽翼的工作人员希望他们能帮助这种生物存活。

    As part of a programme to help save the animals from extinction , staff at Tropical Wings in Essex are hoping they can help the breed survive .

  7. 毕业于伦敦市东区的伍尔维奇理工学院的英裔华人查尔斯·高琨获得了今年的诺贝尔物理学奖,现今担任位于埃塞克斯郡的一家移动电话公司的研发主任。

    A Chinese-born Briton who graduated from Woolwich Polytechnic in east London and became director of research at a mobile phone company in Essex has won this year 's Nobel prize for physics .