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  • Ebola virus
  1. 科学家已经发现埃博拉病毒如何入侵人体细胞并造成感染,在对抗该病毒的进程中取得重大突破。2014年3月埃博拉病毒在西非爆发。

    Scientists have discovered how the Ebola virus enters cells and infects humans , marking a major breakthrough in the battle against the virus after the deadly outbreak in West Africa in March 2014 .

  2. 联邦官员周三称,位于亚特兰大的疾病控制与预防中心(CentersforDiseaseControlandPrevention,简称CDC)实验室的一个失误,可能已使一名技术人员接触到致命的埃博拉病毒。

    A laboratory mistake at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta may have exposed a technician to the deadly Ebola virus , federal officials said on Wednesday .

  3. 2014年,全球洗手日主要针对抗击埃博拉病毒(一种非常严重的疾病),并在受影响的非洲国家举办了多场活动。

    In 2014 . Global Handwashing Day was used in the fight against Ebola , a very serious disease , with events held in affectedAfrican countries .

  4. 今年,《时代》杂志(Timemagazine)并没有把年度人物称号授予任何个人,这一荣誉的最后归属是全球抗击埃博拉病毒的所有人员。

    This year , Time Magazine has no single Person of the Year & instead choosing to give that honor to all the people fighting ebola throughout the world .

  5. 随着埃博拉病毒在利比里亚、塞拉利昂和几内亚造成的死亡人数日益增高,世界银行(worldbank)承诺将向西非提供总计2亿美元紧急资金,以抗击埃博拉。

    The World Bank pledged up to $ 200m in emergency funding to help fight the Ebola virus in west Africa , as the death toll in Liberia , Sierra Leone and Guinea mounts .

  6. CNN,十分谢谢你们铺天盖地的埃博拉病毒报道。

    And , CNN , thank you so much for the wall-to-wall Ebola coverage .

  7. 周四早些时候,英国官员称,英国皇家空军(RoyalAirForce)的一架飞机已经带着英国军方的三名医护人员离开塞拉利昂。他们中有一人在埃博拉病毒检测中呈阳性。

    Earlier Thursday , British officials said a Royal Air Force plane left Sierra Leone carrying three British military health workers , of whom one has tested positive for Ebola .

  8. 如果埃博拉病毒(Ebola)是一种性格类型,那就是这种战斗狂型的性格了。

    If Ebola was a personality type , it would be a conflict junkie .

  9. 这笔奖金是由美国国立卫生研究院(NationalInstitutesofHealth)提供的,旨在通过全球合作开发出抗击埃博拉病毒和青猴病、苏丹亚型埃博拉病毒、拉沙病毒等出血热病毒的鸡尾酒疗法。

    The grant , awarded by the National Institutes of Health , is meant to be a global collaboration to develop cocktails to fight Ebola and other hemorrhagic fever viruses such as Marburg , Sudan and Lassa viruses .

  10. 一周前,尼安蒂所在的收尸队来过同一间屋子给丈夫萨姆·戴维(SamDavid)收殓。他是这片社区里首名死于埃博拉病毒的患者。

    A week earlier , his team had visited the same house to retrieve the body of her husband , Sam David , the first Ebola death in that community .

  11. 这种移植的基因迫使VSV在表面产生埃博拉病毒蛋白。

    The transplanted gene forces V.S.V. to sprout Ebola proteins on its surface .

  12. 据NPR新闻的奥非比·奎斯特·阿克顿报道,尼日利亚宣布该国第二例感染埃博拉病毒的患者死亡。

    As NPR 's Ofeibea Quist-Arcton reports , Nigeria says a second person there has died from the disease .

  13. 但令人意想不到的是:Ian在英国实验室用来确定和诊断埃博拉病毒基因序列的相同设备,

    But here 's a surprise : the same equipment that Ian could use at his lab in the UK to sequence and diagnose Ebola ,

  14. 周三,众议院议长约翰·A·博纳(JohnA.Boehner)呼吁奥巴马考虑颁布禁令,禁止埃博拉病毒迅速蔓延的西非国家的乘客前往美国,博纳成为了提出此类要求的知名度最高的共和党人。

    Speaker John A. Boehner of the House on Wednesday became the highest-profile Republican to urge Mr. Obama to consider a ban on travel to the United States from West African countries where the Ebola virus is spreading rapidly .

  15. 感染埃博拉病毒的利比里亚裔美国公民帕特里克·索耶(PatrickSawyer)在差旅过程中将病毒传播到了非洲人口最多的国家尼日利亚。

    An infected Liberian-American , Patrick Sawyer , carried the disease to Nigeria , Africa 's most populous country , on a flight for business .

  16. 几个月前,当埃博拉病毒在西非肆虐日甚之际,作家理查德·普雷斯顿(RichardPreston)正在创作一本儿童奇幻小说。

    When the Ebola outbreak in West Africa began to escalate a few months ago , the writer Richard Preston was working on a children 's fantasy novel .

  17. 四环医药几乎没有发布jk-05的技术信息,只是说,这种药物是新型的核糖核酸(RNA)聚合酶选择性抑制剂,能够抑制埃博拉病毒的RNA聚合酶,从而达到抑制病毒复制的目的。

    Sihuan has released little technical information about jk-05 , beyond saying that it can selectively inhibit virus replication by inhibiting the RNA polymerase of the Ebola virus .

  18. 白宫新闻发言人乔希·欧内斯特(JoshEarnest)周四表示,美国正在考虑医疗疏散,将确认感染埃博拉病毒的美国救援工作者接回国。

    The White House press secretary , Josh Earnest , said Thursday that the United States was considering a medical evacuation to bring home U.S. aid workers diagnosed with Ebola .

  19. 研究人员通过移除VSV的一个基因使该病毒变得无害并嵌入埃博拉病毒基因来改变VSV病毒。

    The researchers altered V.S.V. by removing one of its genes rendering the virus harmless and inserting a gene from Ebola .

  20. 内布拉斯加州称,在奥马哈一家医院的美国摄影师AshokaMukpo,已经脱了被感染埃博拉病毒的危险。

    A hospital in Omaha , Nebraska says an America cameraman Ashoka Mukpo is freed of Ebola .

  21. 四环医药几乎没有发布jk-05的技术信息,只是说,这种药物是“新型的核糖核酸(RNA)聚合酶选择性抑制剂,能够抑制埃博拉病毒的RNA聚合酶,从而达到抑制病毒复制的目的”。

    Sihuan has released little technical information about jk-05 , beyond saying that it " can selectively inhibit virus replication by inhibiting the RNA polymerase of the Ebola virus . "

  22. Aman说,如果未来的研究可以确定埃博拉病毒蛋白质的准确结构,这可能有助于科学家设计出针对埃博拉病毒的药物。

    Aman says that if future studies can determine the exact structure of the Ebola protein , this could help researchers design drugs .

  23. 在金融市场继续动荡、投资者抛售西班牙股票和债券之际,经济合作与发展组织(OECD)负责人将日益严重的债务危机比作埃博拉病毒(Ebola)。

    As financial markets continued to gyrate and investors offloaded Spanish stocks and bonds , the head of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development compared the growing debt crisis to the Ebola virus .

  24. 关于Mapp生物制药公司,以及它推出的这款抗埃博拉病毒药物,有五点值得我们了解。

    Here are five things to know about Mapp and its efforts to develop a potential treatment for the Ebola virus .

  25. 昨日利比里亚关闭了大多数边界通道,以努力阻止埃博拉病毒的传播,尼日利亚主要航空公司ArikAir停飞了从利比里亚和塞拉利昂出发的航班。

    yesterday Liberia closed most of its border crossings in an effort to halve the spread of the disease and Arik Air , a leading Nigerian airline , stopped flying from Liberia and Sierra Leone .

  26. 奥巴马将向利比里亚总统埃伦·约翰逊·瑟利夫(EllenJohnsonSirleaf)提供帮助,在该地区建设最多17个埃博拉病毒治疗中心,共有大约1700张病床。

    Mr. Obama will offer help to President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf of Liberia in the construction of as many as 17 Ebola treatment centers in the region , with about 1,700 treatment beds .

  27. 亚特兰大艾默里大学医院(EmoryUniversityHospital)周四发表声明称,已接到通知,旗下的疾病特控部门将在未来几天内收治一名感染埃博拉病毒的患者。这一部门由CDC与该医院合作成立。

    Emory University Hospital in Atlanta issued a statement on Thursday saying it had been told of plans to transfer a patient with Ebola to its special containment unit , set up in collaboration with the CDC , in the next several days .

  28. 查尔斯•艾比奥(CharlesAbior)和他的家人在中国做了40多年生意。然而,这名乐观自信的尼日利亚人表示,由于担心他是埃博拉病毒携带者,最近举办的广交会不让他入内。

    Charles Abior and his family have been doing business in China for more than 40 years , but this debonair Nigerian says he was denied entry to the recent Canton trade fair owing to fears that he was an Ebola carrier .

  29. 去年,Cunningham证明了人体的一种酶可以帮助埃博拉病毒与被感染者的细胞融合(参见人体酶帮助埃博拉病毒入侵细胞)。

    Last year he showed that a human enzyme helps Ebola fuse with the cells of people it infects ( see Human enzyme helps Ebola virus invade cells ) .

  30. Bavari的研究组在用埃博拉病毒感染猴子之前和之后都给猴子服用了反义药物。迄今为止,找到一个在人类感染埃博拉病毒之后有效的疗法,被证明是极其困难的。

    Bavari 's team gave the antisense drug both before and after they infected the monkeys with Ebola virus .