
huó fó
  • Living Buddha
活佛 [huó fó]
  • (1) [Living Buddha]

  • (2) 藏传佛教中的上层僧侣,采用转世继位制度

  • (3) 积德行善的僧人

  1. 就凭你成天抱怨,活佛耳朵都要聋了!

    The way you complain all day long would deafen the living buddha !

  2. 有位禅师有个很虔诚却天真的弟子,视他为活佛。

    A Zen master had a faithful but very naive student who regarded him as a living buddha .

  3. 原本是周末要回上海,成都的TY说他正好要去贡嘎寺。读过贡嘎活佛传后特别想去他闭关的地方转转,因此延后一周再回去。

    TY in Chengdu happened to plan to visit Kunga Monastery which I read about from Kunga Rinpoche 's biography , so I postponed my return for a week to tag along his visit .

  4. 嘎多活佛回到帐篷准备装塔的东西。

    Gaduo living Buddha go back tent to prepare for insertions .

  5. 更何况还有活佛的祝福和保佑。

    In addition , they have blessings of living buddha .

  6. 牧民们还是接连不断地来找贡觉活佛。

    Herdsmen come to see Gongjue living Buddha incessantly .

  7. 贡觉活佛一直把他们送到水边。

    Gongjue living Buddha has accompanied them to waterside .

  8. 金刚佛圣小活佛被迅速地寻获。

    Little Buddha Vajra Buddhaholy has quickly been found .

  9. 革命也来找贡觉活佛。

    Geming came to ask for Gongjue living buddha .

  10. 因此贡觉活佛要在这里做一个转经筒。

    Therefore , Gongjue living Buddha is going to make a prayer wheel here .

  11. 试析历代中央政府重视对活佛转世管理的原因与措施

    On Reasons and Measures of Successive Central Governments ' Management over Living Buddha 's Reincarnation

  12. 这飞天啊是活佛里会飞的天神。

    They are flying deities in Buddhism .

  13. 活佛的两支特制金笛;

    Two buddha 's specially gold flute .

  14. 第五世德珠活佛转世灵童被选举出来。

    Reincarnation of5th Living Buddha Dezhub selected .

  15. 还有其他的大成就者也对活佛做了相关的认证和授记。

    There are other mahasiddha also to living Buddha did the relevant certification and granted to remember .

  16. 苏轼绘画“形神”观及其与佛教的关系活佛(藏传佛教高僧)

    Su Shi s Concept of " Form and Spirit " in Painting and the Relationship with Buddhism ;

  17. 曲卓是结古寺第一世嘉南活佛编创的宗教祭祀性民间歌舞,迄今已有近四百年的历史。

    Qu Zuo was a kind of religion sacrifice folk music composed and edited by Jia nan Living Lama No.

  18. 年轻僧人中的精英————即所谓的活佛(tulkus)向我们解释自己如何从小被确认为已故藏传佛教大师的转世灵童。

    An elite set of young monks known as tulkus explained to us how they had been identified in infancy as reincarnated Buddhist masters .

  19. 本文对玉树地区最大的萨迦派寺院结古寺,进行历史沿革、活佛系统及法会等方面的探讨。

    This article discusses the historical development , lamastic tradition , and religious festivals of the largest Sakya Monastery in Yushu Prefecture : Jiegu Monastery .

  20. 宏大庄严的讲述&谈长篇小说《首席金座活佛》节能技术在东方金座商住楼围护结构中的应用

    Grand Narrative & On Chief Golden Base Living Buddha Application of Energy Conservation Technique in the Enclosure of " Oriental Golden Estate " Commercial and Residential Building

  21. 同时,我们可以通过与她有很深缘分的的尊者桑格卡仁波切――高陈活佛的故事窥见一斑。

    In the mean time , we can get a little taste through the stories of Tulku Sangngak Rinpoche the Gochen Tulku who is related to her .

  22. 圣山下的活佛,2001多佛大道对此人说来就在多佛邮车的另一面。这时那邮车隆隆响着往射手山苦苦爬去。

    The Living Buddha in the Saint Mountain , 2001 The Dover road lay , as to him , beyond the Dover mail , as it lumbered up Shooter 's Hill .

  23. 机上还有几个空位,因为有几个订票旅客没来。有位禅师有个很虔诚却天真的弟子,视他为活佛。

    Seats are still available on the aircraft because there are several no - shown . A Zen master had a faithful but very naive student who regarded him as a living buddha .

  24. 经“金瓶掣签”认定的活佛转世灵童须报请中央政府批准后,方能正式继位。

    The ` ` soul boy ''confirmed through lot-drawing from the golden urn as the reincarnation of a grand living Buddha must be reported to the central government for approval prior to his official enthronement .

  25. 当时也有舞龙,有一些很庄严和正规的仪式活动,有歌唱表演,也有一位六岁的"小活佛″完美熟练地演出莫扎特K330钢琴奏鸣曲。

    There was also dancing dragons , some very solemn and formal ceremonial things , some singing , and an amazing performance from a six year old " Living Buddha " who played Mozart note perfect .

  26. 活佛的脉管在我的手指下感觉起来有一点硬,血液流动的节律正常但力量稍微过大,那种感觉就像一锅汤在沸腾。

    The living Buddha 's vein felt slightly hard under my fingers and the blood pulsed through it with a rhythm , which was steady but a bit too forceful , like a pot of soup that is about to boil over .

  27. 该系统是由位于北京广济寺的中国佛教协会发起的。这个在线查询系统可以查询每位活佛的姓名、出生年月、教派、活佛证号和照片。

    Launched by the Buddhist Association of China at the Guangji Temple in the capital , it will include the names , dates of birth , sect of the religion , the numbers on Living Buddhas ' certificates and photographs of each Living Buddha .

  28. 这山很高,气势磅礴,在山脚下,路分成两个方向,往北是一望无际的麦田,远处仿佛有一个小镇;圣山下的活佛,2001

    It was majestic and awe-inspiring . The Southern Knight saw that the road split into two farther ahead . To the north , the wheat fields extended , and a small town could be seen far away . The Living Buddha in the Saint Mountain , 2001