
huó dòng shì
  • Activity Room;function room
  1. 这是活动室。

    This is the Activity Room .

  2. 你也可以找到学前儿童角落及活动室。

    You will also find a preschooler 's corner and an activity room in the children 's section .

  3. quietcare(基本套装199美元,每月监控费99.95美元)使用5至10个分布在家中各处的传感器靠近卧室门、浴室、冰箱门或家庭活动室来跟踪活动。

    Quiet care ( $ 199 for a basic package , plus $ 99.95 a month for monitoring ) uses five to 10 sensors positioned throughout the home near the bedroom door , bathroom , refrigerator door or family room to track movement .

  4. 请到我们的学生活动室来&接待室的门一直是开着的。

    Come into our apprentice shop-the door to our reception room is open .

  5. 淄博市托幼机构活动室卫生状况调查

    Survey of sanitary conditions in playing rooms of kindergartens and nurseries in Zibo City

  6. 通常,日本学生宿舍会有一些活动室,学生们会在那举办派对。

    Japanese residence halls often have common rooms that students use to host parties .

  7. 什么样的体育活动室在团队之间进行的?

    Which sport events do you like best ? which sports are played between teams ?

  8. 妈妈在社区活动室呢。

    Mom 's at the district office .

  9. 小小的壁炉上方,紧挨着只有手帕大小的家庭活动室,是一组照片。

    Over the small fireplace in the adjoining handkerchief-sized family room was a row of pictures .

  10. 西关苑的西南角有一间布置简洁、功能齐全的活动室,它就是棋艺馆。

    Chess House located at the southwest of the7th exhibition hall was arranged concisely and multifunctional .

  11. 旧餐室被隔出一部分作为一个小的活动室。

    Part of the old dining room have is partition off to make a small function room .

  12. 通往家人活动室的门不够大,可以做得更宽吗?

    The door into the family room isn 't big enough . Could it be made wider ?

  13. 宝拉:我想让你把它从客厅移到家庭活动室。

    Paula : I want you to move it from the living room to the family room .

  14. 学生活动室作为留学生活动的公共场所,严禁私人以各种理由使用。

    This compound room is a public places of abroad students , is forbidden for any privacy purpose .

  15. 在我读中学的日子里,我常到活动室打乒乓球。

    During my secondary school years I often liked to go to the recreation room to play table tennis .

  16. 全天课程的另外半天主要是一个补充,包括午餐,阅读,电影时间和趣味活动室时间。

    The full day program is supplemental , and includes lunch , reading and resting , movies and clubhouse activities .

  17. 会议室于一九九七年九月二十八日完成改善工程后,已改为多种活动室,用以举办各类艺术活动。

    On September 28 , 1997 , improvement works were completed and the seminar rooms were converted into multi-activities rooms .

  18. 综合楼内建有声乐、音乐课、图书阅览等专用活动室及配套设施。

    Building has built-in vocal music , music lessons , read books and other special activities room and supporting facilities .

  19. 注意:若演讲厅满座,参加者将被安排于香港中央图书馆活动室收看现场转播。

    Note : If the Lecture Theatre is full , participants may be admitted to the Activity Room of Hong Kong Central Library for video broadcast relay .

  20. 中心现时设有九个艺术工作室、一间演讲厅、一个展览厅及一间多用途活动室,欢迎艺术工作者及团体租用。

    Currently , VAC runs nine studios , a lecture theatre , an exhibition gallery and a multi-purpose room , open for hire to artists and art groups .

  21. 学校师生对英语俱乐部的支持,英语俱乐部已经有了专门的活动室,同学们在这里尽情展示才华。

    Since the students and teachers all support the English Club , the club now has special rooms for their activities , where students relax and have fun .

  22. 据设计方的芬兰知名船舶设计企业Deltamarin透露,轮船最顶层的甲板将配备公众活动室、游客楼梯、客舱,同时,还保留了原有特色。

    The upper decks will feature the public rooms , passenger stairs , cabins and features of the original , according to designs by Deltamarin , a Finnish-based engineering firm .

  23. 记者来到该康复站,发现该站设有健身俱乐部、阅读室、棋牌室、活动室、手工室、女红坊等多个服务项目。

    In the newly established center , our reporter found there were several rehabilitation facilities , including health club , reading room , chess room , activity room , handcraft-rooms and needlecraft room .

  24. 问题11.你可以从画中看见,厨房有一个门通往餐厅,另一扇通往家人活动室,第三个通往户外。

    Question 11 . As you can see from the drawings , the kitchen has one door into the dining room , another into the family room and a third to the outside .

  25. 酒店的设施,包括宴会厅,活动室,水疗中心,健身房,游泳池,餐厅和酒吧,位于五在机翼附近的塔较低水平。

    Hotel amenities , including ballrooms , function rooms , spa , gym , pool , restaurants and bar , are located on the five lower levels of the wing adjacent to the tower .

  26. 第二十七条任何人不得在中小学、幼儿园、托儿所的教室、寝室、活动室和其他未成年人集中活动的室内吸烟。

    Article 27 No person may smoke in the classrooms , dormitories and recreational rooms of secondary and primary schools , kindergartens , as well as any other indoor places where minors gather for activities .

  27. 与其在台湾的旗舰店一样,诚品书店希慎广场店设有一家音乐音像制品店、一家文具店、一家茶室、一家咖啡店、一个画廊以及一间活动室。

    Like its flagship branches in Taiwan , the Hysan Place location will include a music and video boutique , stationery , a teahouse , a coffee shop , an art gallery and an event room .

  28. 这些面积3000平方英尺(约合279平方米)的三层混凝土住宅有石灰石和砖镶面,带一个车库和一间活动室、数间保姆房和起居室以及两个厨房和三个卧室。

    Made of concrete with limestone and brick veneers , the three-level , 3,000-square-foot homes will include a garage , an entertainment room , maid 's quarters , living rooms , two kitchens and three bedrooms .

  29. 有一次我去格拉斯顿伯里音乐节,然后被一堆狗仔团团围住,后来没办法我就只能坐在活动室,没办法出去。

    She continued : ' I once went to the Glastonbury music festival and was completely surrounded by packs of paparazzi the entire time , so I ended up sitting in a trailer , unable to go out . '

  30. 德国MAN公司桥式起重机活动司机室安装结构的改造

    Reconstruction of mounting structure of mobile cabin of overhead travelling crane made by German MAN company