
zì xí shì
  • Self-Study Room;room for individual study
  1. 她在学校图书馆的小自习室里学习。

    She studies in a cubicle in the school library .

  2. 考虑考虑做自习室或者图书馆管理员。

    consider working as a study hall or library monitor .

  3. 高校图书馆应设立考研自习室

    The University Library should Set up the Postgraduate Entrance Examination Self-learning Room

  4. 幸运的是,多伦多同时也有丰富多样的另类自习室。

    Thankfully , Toronto is also abundant in alternative locations to study .

  5. 高校图书馆自习室自动排坐系统研究

    Study of the Automatic Seating Arrangement System for Self-Studying Rooms in College Library

  6. 我们当时都在自习室里呢。

    We were all at the study hall .

  7. 高校图书馆自习室管理及服务模式初探

    Probe into the Management and Service Mode of the Study Lounges of University Library

  8. 为何不试试离开自习室座位的时候随手将纸屑带走?

    Why not just take away the litters with you when leaving the classroom ?

  9. 我们准备在伍德福德自习室一起学�

    We 're meeting at the Woodford common room

  10. 你难道不知道学习时间大家都在自习室吗?

    Don 't you know everyone 's at the study hall during the study hours ?

  11. 等我们赶回自习室的时候,门已经落锁了。

    When we hurried back to the self-study room , the door had already been locked .

  12. 他可以去图书馆、校园咖啡厅及宿舍楼中的自习室。

    He can visit libraries , campus caf é s and study lounges in the dorm buildings .

  13. 在图书馆或自习室里看书,为了考虑他人的感受,我不得不克制自己的求知欲。

    In a library or classroom I have to refrain from asking questions and show consideration toward others .

  14. 幸福就是你去自习室上自习,一推开门发现自己想见的那个人也在这间教室里;

    When you enter the classroom , you notice that the guy you want to meet has arrived .

  15. 早上,同学们还没起,我又爬起来到自习室去学习。

    In the early morning , when they were still asleep , I got up and went to the library again .

  16. 扬声器把他的声音带到校园里,咖啡馆,自习室,不管正在做什么学生们都停下来聆听。

    Loudspeakers carried his words into courtyard and cafeterias and study rooms , where students stopped whatever they were doing to listen .

  17. 一进自习室,哇,好多人哦,暑假还有这么多的人,真是令我们太不可思议了。

    Zixi into a room , wow , many people Oh , the summer there are so many people , we really too incredible .

  18. 期中论文大限将至,考研也迫在眉睫,校园里图书馆和自习室可谓一座难求。

    As the deadlines for midterm papers and postgraduate entrance exams draw closer , seats in campus libraries and classrooms are a scarce commodity .

  19. 结果:被试在图书馆自习室学习后单词听写正确率比在教室高,(P<0.05或P<0.01)。

    Results : The correctness rate of dictation in the library was higher than that in the classroom ( P < 0.05 or P < 0.01 ) .

  20. 时间很快过去了,学生们排着队去了自习室,艾尔诺拉无精打采的跟着她们,因为她没有其他地方可去。

    When the hour had gone the class filed back to the study room and Elnora followed in desperation , because she did not know where else to go .

  21. 有些还有个人自习室,在我看来,这里你可以做很多事情。

    Some libraries have private study rooms which in my mind , is the best place for me to get any real work done whether on a personal or business level .

  22. 省图一楼的自习室,二楼、三楼的长走廊,这个城市里最安静舒适的地方。

    The most quite and comfortable place in Changsha City lies in the study room of the first floor and long corridors of the second and third floors of Hunan Library .

  23. 由于图书馆爆满,浴室自习室意外地提供了一个安静的场所,让勤奋的同学们有了学习空间。

    With libraries full to the brim with thousands of their peers , the former showers provide a surprisingly serene and , more importantly , quiet environment in which the hard-working students can study .

  24. 如果你是学霸,喜欢泡在自习室埋头学习,你的完美情人最好有个狂热爱好,类似保龄球联盟骨干,可以打一整夜,这样就免得对方闲在一旁无事可做;

    If you are in school part time and need to devote significant time to studying , then a guy who devotes a night every week to his bowling league might be the perfect person to keep from causing distraction at home .

  25. 随着温度和湿度的上升,你也许一直穿着短袖上衣,要么是无袖背心,要么是休闲T恤,但是为了抵御室外高温,咖啡馆或是自习室的空调往往开得很大,很容易因此着凉。

    As temperatures and humidity rise , you 'll want to stick to something short-sleeved as a top , whether it 's a flowing graphic tank top or a comfy T-shirt . That said , it could get chilly in the caf é or exam room if the air conditioner is cranked up to compensate for the weather outside .

  26. 高校大学生的自习场所往往都选择图书馆自习室,由于人数众多,难免会出现一些不文明的现象。

    College students tend to choose self-study places library study room , because of the large number , there will be some uncivilized phenomenon .