
huó láo dònɡ
  • labor spent in production
  1. 物化劳动与活劳动共同创造价值的论证

    On the Value-creation by Both Material Transformation Labour and Living Labour

  2. 活劳动是知识产品价值的唯一源泉

    Living labor : the only source of value of intellectual products

  3. 卫星系统研制过程活劳动消耗模型研究

    A Research on Direct Labour Consumption in Developing Satellite System

  4. 传统经济学的劳动力价值理论只有生产劳动力的生产费用(物化劳动),没有生产劳动力的劳动时间(活劳动)的耗费。

    The production of labor force includes the consumption of labor time .

  5. 论坚持活劳动创造价值原理的重要性

    On Importance of Persistence in Living Labour Creating Value Principle

  6. 二是生产劳动力的活劳动即学习劳动。

    Living labor , such as learning and labor .

  7. 物流过程中为提供有关服务而占用和耗费的活劳动和物化劳动的货币表现即为物流成本。

    Logistics cost are the expenditure of offering service for customer in logistics process .

  8. 生产商品的抽象劳动创造价值,即活劳动创造价值。

    The abstract labour , living labour , which manufacture goods , create value .

  9. 比例于活劳动的支出

    In proportion to the expenditure of living labor

  10. 论活劳动创造价值

    On " Living Labor Creates Value "

  11. 破解活劳动减少而价值量增加之谜

    Crack the Mystery : Why the Living Labor Decreases While the Magnitude of Value Increases

  12. 作为人格化资本的资本家对活劳动的剥削主要通过监督和指挥劳动表现出来。

    As personalized capital , capitalists exploit the live labor mainly by supervising and directing labor .

  13. 服务劳动是一种商品,活劳动是其价值存在形态。

    Service labor is a kind of commodity and live labor is its existing form of value .

  14. 在知识经济条件下,活劳动仍然是价值创造的惟一源泉;

    On the condition of knowledge economy , the living labor is still the only source of value .

  15. 人力资本形成过程中包含的大量活劳动。

    It should be realized that a lot of living labor is included within the formation of human capital .

  16. 企业的物化劳动(生产资料)来自其他企业的活劳动,而且是本期的活劳动,这说明社会活劳动是价值形成的唯一源泉。

    The materialized labor and means of production of enterprise come from other enterprises'living labor , present living labor .

  17. 活劳动减少而价值量增加,至今是一个理论“谜团”。

    The phenomenon that the living labor decreases while the magnitude of value increases is still an academic mystery .

  18. 多元化的劳动归源于人类的活劳动,活劳动是价值创造的终极来源。

    Pluralistic labour originated from direct human labour which in turn provided the final source for the creation of value .

  19. 从劳动对人类生存和发展的不可替代的积极意义的角度看,人类一切价值的源泉只能是活劳动;

    All value of human being comes from flexible labour from the perspective of labours role in mans survival and development .

  20. 活劳动创造价值,这条马克思主义基本原则必须坚持;

    We must insist on the basic principle of Marxism that live labor ( physical labour and mental work ) creates value .

  21. 在价值创造过程中,活劳动创造价值,是新价值的唯一源泉;

    In the course of value creation , living labour creates value , which is the only course of the new value .

  22. 理解和发展马克思的劳动价值论,必须在搞清楚价值创造与财富生产、价格形成、价值分配,以及活劳动与物化劳动等的区别中掌握其意义所在。

    Its significance must be grasped in the difference between value creation and wealth production , price formation as well as value distribution .

  23. 其中,节省活劳动和降低商品价值量是先进非劳动生产要素的作用或贡献之一。

    Among them , sparing living - work and reducing magnitude of goods value is one of the contribution by advanced non-labor factor .

  24. 物化劳动是价值创造的必要务件,是活劳动创造的新价值的凝结和载体。

    Materializing labour is the essential condition of value creation and is also the coagulation and carrier of new value which living labour creates .

  25. 活劳动是创造商品价值的惟一源泉&坚持和发展马克思劳动价值论的一个根本问题

    Living Labor is the Sole Source to Create Commodity Value & An essential point in adhering to and developing Marx 's labor value theory

  26. 生产消费指生产过程中工具、原材料、燃料、人力等生产资料的活劳动资料的消耗。

    Production consumption refers to production process tools , raw materials , fuels , human and other production information on the consumption of live labor .

  27. 马克思劳动价值论在坚持只有活劳动才创造新价值的前提下,对非劳动生产要素在商品价值量形成中的作用或贡献也作了科学阐述和客观评价。

    Based on the labor value theory , Marx also gave a scientific description and an objective evaluation over the contribution of value production from non-labor factors .

  28. 高校教育成本是高等学校在提供教育服务过程中所耗费的物质劳动和活劳动的价值总和。

    The university education cost is the total value of Physical labor and living labor which is consummated in the process of providing educational services by universities .

  29. 科学技术是一种不同于活劳动的生产要素,这是科学技术不创造价值的决定性原因。

    Science and technology as productive relations are quite different from real work , which forms the basic reason that science and technology does not create value .

  30. 城市基础设施作为活劳动和物化劳动的凝结,是城市赖以生存和发展的重要物质基础。

    As the crystallization of a living and physico-chemical work of labor , Urban infrastructure is an important material basis for the survival and development of cities .