
  1. 确保您的映射项目或其中一个库依赖关系包含对Java项目的依赖。

    Make sure that your mapping project or one of its library dependencies contains a dependency to your Java project .

  2. 这些由动力和热力过程控制的位相关系包含着ENSO循环的可能机制。

    These phase relations governed by the dynamic and thermal processes contain the possible mechanism of ENSO cycle .

  3. 该方法将励磁调节器的影响和与系统的耦合关系包含在可测扰动变量中,使得控制器的设计只与本地发电机及其调速系统的参数有关,GAHC是一种设计简单、安装方便的分散控制器。

    The design of the controller is simple , because the effect of the exciter and the complex relation with system are included in the measurable disturbance .

  4. 全球化使国际关系包含了更多的非军事化的内容;

    The globalization makes the international relations containing the more contents of demilitarization ;

  5. 师生关系包含两个最基本的层面:人人关系层面(人际关系)与教师学生关系层面(角色际关系)。

    The teacher-student relation includes two basic aspects : interpersonal relation and relation between different roles .

  6. 人际关系包含了同属某个组织的成员间语言的与非语言的互动。

    Human relations involves the interaction ? both verbal and nonverbal ? among people in an organization .

  7. 正象我们原来所想象的那样,大众传播工具与人际交流二者的关系包含一个两步的交流过程。

    As originally conceived , the relationship between mass media and interpersonal communication consisted of a two-step flow of communication .

  8. 事实上,夫妻关系包含两个层面:一个是领导关系,另一个是爱人与依附的关系。

    In fact there are two aspects of this relationship ; one of leadership and the other of love and attachment .

  9. 概念的多级抽象关系包含众多不易掌握的抽象概念,并需要用到原来认知结构中的许多固着点,要求学生原概念结构应非常优良;

    The concept contains many abstract concept , so the study demands that the students ' cognitive structure , ought to be very goodness ;

  10. 原文大户型与小户型的关系包含着社会对效率和公平的取舍。二者的矛盾也在一定程度上测量出了企业利益最大化与社会福利最大化的距离。

    The inconsistency of them also reflects , in certain extent , the difference between the maximization of enterprise 's benefit and the maximization of social welfare .

  11. 但是如果关系数据库包含数百万条记录,相应的Notes数据库就可能变得非常大并且可能会非常慢。

    But if your relational databases contain millions of records , you could have a very large and potentially very slow Notes database .

  12. CGE模型有着清晰的微观经济结构和宏观与微观变量之间的连接关系,包含对因果关系和行为机制的描述,模型是可以解释的。

    CGE model makes the clear relationship between the structure of microcosmic and macrocosmic , and includes the description for the cause and effect relation and behavior mechanism .

  13. 正如获奖者之一戴尔莫滕森(DaleMortensen)在1988年的一篇论文中所言:人们结识一个伴侣,并了解这一伴侣关系所包含的不确定的价值,需要花费时间。

    As Dale Mortensen , one of the laureates , wrote in a 1988 paper : It takes time to meet a partner and to learn the uncertain value of any partnership .

  14. 某类单叶函数族的从属关系与包含关系

    The Subordination Relation and Inclusion Relation of Some Classes of Univalent Functions

  15. 认为高校与大学生法律关系既包含有行政法律关系,又兼有民事法律关系。

    Also , the relationship includes both administrative and civil legal relationships .

  16. 这一相互关系式包含有范围广泛的实验材料。

    The correlation covers a broad range of test materials .

  17. 其中情感关系又包含了工作情境和工作责任感两种成分。

    And emotional relationship includes two components , work context and work responsibility .

  18. 借景·映照·融合&论雕塑与建筑的关系中包含的易学精神

    Scenery-borrowing , upon-shinning and amalgamation : Yi Spirit in the relationship between sculpture and architecture

  19. 关系价值包含三个维度:协作增强、投入增加和策略适应。

    Customer relationship value includes three dimensions : strong cooperation , increased investment and acceptance of tactics .

  20. 洋基队和这名经纪人有稳固的关系,包含了一些最近签下的合约。

    The New York club has a strong relationship with the agent , including a number of recent deals .

  21. 语法关系可以包含两类,一类是结构关系,一类是词性关系。

    Grammatical relations can be divided into two kinds , one is structural relationship , the other is nominal relationship .

  22. 笔者认为,物业管理各主体之间的相互关系既包含平权型的民事法律关系,也包含指导、监督型的行政法律关系。

    I think the related relationship among the main bodies in property management includes civil legal relationship and administration legal relationship .

  23. 其中,婚姻作为实体性的伦理关系,包含两性关系的自然方面、婚姻双方的爱情和维系婚姻的礼法;

    Marriage represents substantial ethical relationships , including sexual relation , mutual love and discipline rite that helps maintain family relationship .

  24. 经典连续介质力学的本构关系不包含任何材料内秉特征长度,不能预测材料的尺寸效应。

    The constitutive equations of the classical continuum mechanic possess no any material intrinsic characteristic length , and they cannot predict the size effect phenomena .

  25. 就与当下话题的关联系/重要性来说,关系从句包含的信息通常次于主句包含的信息。

    Normally , the information embodied in a relative clause is less important or relevant to the current conversational topic than that in the matrix clause .

  26. 该方法能有效地描述复杂区域间的相邻关系和包含关系,并且表现出较好的鲁棒性。

    The description differs from the traditional ways of image representation in that it handles the adjacent and inclusive relations on regions effectively and it is robust in nature .

  27. 更多地运用给予图像来提供客观信息;通过适当的社会距离,构建了图像体现者和观察者之间和谐关系;包含和平等在正面视角和平视视角中得以创建。

    Offer image is employed more to give objective information . Harmonious relationship is created through adequate social distances . Involvement and equality are created through the frontal angle and the eye-level angle of perspective .

  28. 善和恶的关系中包含善恶同源问题,善恶先后、宾主问题,善和恶相对等问题的探讨。

    The relationship between good and evil contained in the problem of good and evil identity , good and evil has , host and guest issues , issues of good and evil of the relative .

  29. 矛盾关系不仅包含科技的矛盾与人文的矛盾,也包括科技的局域性利益与人类整体利益的矛盾、科技的近期之利与长远之弊的矛盾。

    The relationship of contradiction contains not only the contradiction of each oher , also confliction of technology local interests and the overall interests of human , and the advantages and disadvantages of recent long-term .

  30. 本研究建立的定量关系中包含参数少,且参数的生物学意义明确,为今后定量评估弱光天气对小麦品质指标的影响奠定了理论基础。

    The quantitative relationships included some parameters which have explicit biological significance , thus , the study can be used to supply an academic foundation for assessing the impact of wheat quality quantitatively under the low light event .