
jūn duì jiàn shè
  • military construction;army construction
  1. 因此,研究军队建设项目管理模式改革已成为急待解决的问题。

    Therefore , the study reform of the military construction project management has become a pressing problem .

  2. 不断扩大士官数量,加强士官队伍的内涵建设已经成为了各个国家军队建设的共识。

    Expanding quantity , strengthen connotation construction team of each country has become the consensus of the military construction .

  3. 辩证地认识军队建设面临的环境与条件

    On a dialectical understanding of conditions and environment in army construction

  4. 仿真技术在军队建设和作战中的应用

    Application of Simulation Technology to Army Development and Battle

  5. 国防和军队建设迈出新步伐。

    New strides have been taken in strengthening national defense and army building .

  6. 国防和军队建设开创新局面。

    New progress was made in strengthening national defense and the armed forces .

  7. 这个问题关系到军队建设的前途。

    This has a bearing on army building .

  8. 德国军队建设对巩固蒙特进犯,保卫专职攻击!

    German14th army build Entrenchment on Monte cassino , to defend on allied attack !

  9. 军备竞赛推动了两国的军队建设。

    As a result , the arms race pushed the army building of two countries .

  10. 国防和军队建设

    VII . National Defense and Army Building

  11. 组织学习在学习型军队建设中的应用研究

    A Study on the Application of Organizational Learning in the Construction at the Learning Army

  12. 网络系统已经成为军队建设由机械化向信息化转型的核心和关键。

    Network system has become the kernel and key of army construction change from mechanization to information .

  13. 建设信息化部队,打赢信息化战争是我国军队建设的一个重要战略目标。

    One of our army development strategic goals is to construct information army , win information war .

  14. 加强国防和军队建设,是社会主义现代化建设的重要战略任务。

    Strengthening national defense and the army is an important strategic task in China 's socialist modernization drive .

  15. 更新发展理念,进一步认识国防和军队建设的艰巨性;

    To take scientific development concept as a guide to further understanding of national defense and army building arduous ;

  16. 加强国防和军队建设,是国家安全和现代化建设的可靠保证。

    Strengthening national defense and the armed forces is a reliable guarantee for national security and the modernization drive .

  17. 所以,把军队建设成为具有强大战斗力的正规化、现代化的军队是一个历史性的重要课题。

    Therefore , to build the military to a modernized and normalized one with strong battle effectiveness is a historical task .

  18. 戚继光对孙膑军队建设思想的继承和发展主要表现在三个方面。

    There are three aspects that Qi Jiguang 's making succeeding and development to the military building thoughts of Sun Bin .

  19. 以上这些重要指示均深刻的表明了加强后勤管理尤其是给养管理对军队建设的特殊作用。

    These important instructions are all profound that strengthening logistics management especially the catering management plays a special role to army building .

  20. 实践证明,这项工作为军队建设科学发展起到了积极的作用,并取得了辉煌的成就。

    Practice proves that the project plays a positive role in the scientific development of the army construction and makes brilliant achievements .

  21. 打赢信息化条件下的局部战争,将成为国防和军队建设的主要目标。

    To win such a war under the condition of informationalization is the main target of the national defense and the army .

  22. 新中国60年国防和军队建设的主要成就、基本特点及启示

    The Achievements , Characteristics and Implications of the Defense and Army Building in the Past 60 Years since the Founding of New China

  23. 尽管在长期的军队建设中发挥过重要作用,但是还带有一定的历史局限性。

    In spite of its important effect in the long-term construction of the army , it has its own historical limit to some extent .

  24. 拉姆斯菲尔德军事思想具有丰富的内涵,它包括军事哲学思想、统战思想和军队建设思想等。

    His thought has the rich connotation , it included military philosophy thought , united front thought and modernization of the armed forces thought .

  25. 随着全军文职人员招聘工作的层层推进,文职人员在军队建设发展中所发挥作用将越来越明显。

    Along with the development of the recruitment of the nonmilitary personnel , nonmilitary personnel are playing obvious roles in the construction of the army .

  26. 科学高效的管理,对于降低军队建设成本、提高军事系统运行效率、增强部队战斗力,具有非常重要的作用。

    Scientific and efficient management is very important for decreasing cost of army construction , improving the effectiveness of military system operation and strengthening fighting capacities .

  27. 为更好借助社会人才资源为军队建设服务,2005年我军建立并实行了非现役文职人员制度。

    In order to help the community of human resources services for military construction , 2005 PLA has established and implemented a system of non-commissioned civilian personnel .

  28. 实事求是地回顾这一复杂历史时期军队建设的主要成就,深刻地总结其经验教训,对正确认识与评价这段历史,探讨和平时期军队建设的规律,具有重要意义。

    It is important to realistically review the main achievement of the PLA in this complex period , and to thoroughly sum up its experiences and lessons .

  29. 因为它既是国防建设和军队建设的需要,同时也便于军内民事案件的审理和执行。

    Because it is the needs of national defense construction and army building , but also for the trial and execution of civil cases within the military .

  30. 建国后,他基于建设一支革命化、现代化、正规化的国防军的需要,更加强调文化工作是军队建设的重要任务。

    After the foundation of New China , he put a greater emphasis on cultural work to serve the needs of building a revolutionary , modern and regularized army .