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  • warship;naval vessel;warcraft
军舰 [jūn jiàn]
  • [warship] 国家所有用于战争目的的船舶;尤指为战斗而武装起来的军用船舶

军舰[jūn jiàn]
  1. 海军今天有一艘新军舰要下水。

    The Navy is to launch a new warship today .

  2. 潜水艇没等军舰靠近就及时潜入水下了。

    The submarine had had time to submerge before the warship could approach .

  3. 舰队司令视察了他所统率的军舰。

    The admiral visited the ships under his command .

  4. 海军陆战队进行了有18艘军舰和90架飞机参与的训练。

    The Marines carried out a drill that included 18 ships and 90 aircraft

  5. 过去5年时间里,约200艘老式军舰和潜艇陆续退役。

    Some two hundred obsolete warships and submarines have been taken out of service during the past five years .

  6. 据报道,部队自周日晚离开海军军舰登陆后已经挺进了将近4英里。

    The troops are reported to have advanced nearly four miles since they were landed from naval craft on Sunday evening .

  7. 这艘军舰配备了新雷达。

    The warship was fitted out with a new radar .

  8. 一艘军舰出现在港口附近。

    A warship appeared near the harbour .

  9. 3艘入侵军舰被一举击沉。

    Three invading battleships were sunk at one stroke .

  10. 他是一个提倡多造飞机、少造军舰的人。

    He is an advocate of more airplanes and fewer warships .

  11. 舰队司令视察了他所统率的军舰。

    The Admiral visited the ships under his command .

  12. 军舰被鱼雷击中,立即沉没。

    The warship was torpedoed and sank at once .

  13. 军舰正驶向码头。

    The warship was making towards the pier .

  14. 在此之前,北约军舰护送了世界粮食计划署(worldfoodprogramme)的船舶。

    This follows the sending by NATO of ships to accompany World Food Programme vessels .

  15. 澳大利亚军舰海盾号(OceanShield)自4月4日以来一直在南印度洋一条7英里(约合11公里)长的地带进行搜索。

    The Australian naval ship Ocean Shield has been sweeping a 7-mile strip of the southern Indian Ocean since April 4 .

  16. 军舰模型在OpenGL中的显示

    Display Model of Warship in OpenGL

  17. 去年10月,中国军舰编队还首次通过南美洲最南端的麦哲伦海峡(StraitofMagellan)。

    And , last October , its ships made their first voyage through the Strait of Magellan at the southern tip of South America .

  18. ColonelSteveCox在英国Ark皇家军舰上告诉路透社记者,中午时候,伊拉克部队向美国第15海军陆战部队投降。

    Colonel Steve Cox told Reuters on board the British flagship Ark Royal in the Gulf that the Iraqi troops had surrendered to the U.S.15th Marine Expeditionary Unit by noon .

  19. OperationDesertStorm中的情况如何呢,由于空军、陆军和海军没有通用的无线电通信能力,日常的电子军事命令不得不通过软盘传递到海军军舰上?

    How about the situation in Operation Desert Storm , when electronically prepared daily military orders had to be flown out to Navy ships on floppy disk because the Air Force , Army , and Navy had no common radio communication capability ?

  20. F-22已经是中国一种受大众欢迎的外销项目,同样它提供许多军舰也是为了用于获利。

    The F-22 has proved to be a popular export item , as it provides a lot of warship for the money .

  21. 韩国国防部官员曾经暗示,上月,是朝鲜方面击沉了那搜韩国军舰cheonan。

    South Korean defence ministry officials have suggested the North could have sunk its warship , the Cheonan , last month .

  22. 海军军舰在澳大利亚西部城镇Broome当场对非法到来的船只进行检查。

    A navy warship spotted the latest unauthorized arrival near the Western Australian town of Broome .

  23. 在美国国务卿约翰•克里(JohnKerry)今日抵达亚洲以强化美国重返亚洲战略之际,中国海军则在近期令其军舰编队接连开辟新的航线,突显其在太平洋的地位和信心不断增长。

    As John Kerry , US secretary of state , arrives in Asia today to reinforce the US pivot , the Chinese navy has been making waves by sailing new routes that illustrate its growing presence and confidence in the Pacific .

  24. Buccaneer和船员目前由海军军舰护卫,目前正在前往吉布提途中。

    The Buccaneer and its crew is now being ed by navy vessels and is on its way to Djibouti .

  25. 分布式移动多载舰地波OTH(Over-TheHorizon)雷达是以海军舰队的多艘军舰为离散装载平台的全新体制的雷达。

    The distributed moving multi-carriable warship ground wave OTH ( Over-The-Horizon ) radar is a kind of brand new system radar , whose discrete loading platform is many warships of navy armada .

  26. 结合军事舰载软件无线电通用平台,使用自适应能量检测伪码捕获算法的DS-SS仿真系统经过优化可以应用于军舰码分多址扩频通信中。

    Based on the software defined radio universal platform applied in military carrier communication , the optimized simulation system with the adaptive acquisition scheme can be deployed in military carrier DS-CDMA .

  27. 去年夏天,在中国军舰编队首次通过日俄之间的宗谷海峡(SoyaStrait)之后,官方媒体称,中国实现了突破第一岛链封锁的长期梦想。

    Last summer , when its warships sailed through the Soya Strait between Japan and Russia for the first time , state media said China had fulfilled its long-held dream of breaking through the ' first island chain blockade ' .

  28. 台湾的兄弟象棒球队相当于纽约的洋基队(Yankees),它的前任一垒手现在不分昼夜,绝大部分时间都是在当地一个球场内一间充满老军舰魅力的简朴房间里度过。

    The former first baseman for the Brother Elephants , Taiwan 's equivalent of the Yankees , now spends most of his days and nights deep in a local stadium , in a spartan room with all the charm of an old warship .

  29. 上周六,一艘菲律宾船成功地从一艘中国舰船旁边溜过,为废弃的二战时期军舰谢拉&149;马德雷(SierraMadre)号补充了一批驻守士兵。

    A Philippine ship managed to slip past a Chinese vessel on Saturday to resupply a small contingent of Filipino soldiers aboard the World War II-era Sierra Madre , which was steered onto Second Thomas Shoal in 1999 .

  30. 俄罗斯海军司令弗拉基米尔Vysotsky周日表示,所有军舰的海军舰队将参与措施,以打击盗版在非洲之角地区。

    Russian Navy commander Vladimir Vysotsky said on Sunday that warships from all of the Navy 's fleets will be involved in measures to fight piracy in the Horn of Africa region .