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  • post and telecommunications
邮电 [yóu diàn]
  • [posts and telecommunications] 邮政、电信业的总称

邮电[yóu diàn]
  1. 目前,国有的缅甸邮电公司(MyanmarPostandTelecommunications)通过摇号系统,发放数量有限的SIM卡,其标价为1500缅甸元(约合9.6元人民币)。

    Only a limited number of cards are available through a lottery system for 1500 kyats , or about $ 1.50 , from the state-owned Myanmar Post and Telecommunications .

  2. 接着选取大连机场货运吞吐量作为大连机场的运营指标,大连市GDP、邮电业务总量、外贸进出口总额和社会消费品总额作为大连市经济指标。

    It selects Dalian Airport cargo and mail throughput as its operational target , and Dalian GDP , post and telecommunications business volume , foreign trade imports and exports and the total amount of social consumer goods as the Dalian Economic Indicators .

  3. 全国邮电无线寻呼资产剥离、改制重组工作取得了较大进展。

    Rapid progress was made in the divestiture of radio paging assets from the P & T sectors and the restructuring on a nationwide basis .

  4. 一个人去乡村邮电所取挂号信。信来了,可工作人员却不给他。“我怎么知道这信是你的?”工作人员说。

    A man came not give it to the man . " How can I know that the letter is for you ? " he asked .

  5. 《C陷阱与缺陷》,高巍译,人民邮电出版社。

    《 C Traps and Pitfalls 》, Andrew Koenig , Addison Wesley Publishing .

  6. 上海邮电ATM网络建设和发展

    The Construction and Development of ATM Network in Shanghai

  7. 结合重庆邮电学院设施管理系统开发的实践经验,介绍了一种将GIS技术应用到校园设施管理系统中的方法。

    The paper introduces a method of how to apply the GIS technology to the campus ' facility management system .

  8. 邮电高校办学效益的DEA分析

    DEA Analysis of the Benefit for P & T Institutions

  9. 纯C语言编写的手机销售系统,控制台程序,北京邮电学院长沙分院的刘位编写的。

    Written in pure C mobile sales system , the console program , Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications , Changsha branch of the Liu-bit prepared .

  10. Fisher判别法在邮电企业素质综合评估中的应用

    An application of Fisher discrimination for comprehensive evaluation of the post and telecommunication enterprises

  11. 应用DEA方法(数据包络分析法)分析了我国邮电工业企业的相对效益;

    The efficiency of the China posts and telecommunications industry and enterprise is analyzed with DEA ;

  12. 质量控制在邮电部门中应用的特点与X(SE)-Rs控制图

    The Characteristics of Quality Control Applied in the Field of Post and Communication and the X_ ( SE ) - R_S Control Chart

  13. 重庆邮电大学近五年SCI论文的统计分析

    Statistic Analysis of SCI Academic Papers of Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications in the Past Five Years

  14. 经过政企分开、邮电分营、企业重组、开放竞争、加入WTO等举措,中国电信业已形成开放竞争局面。

    After separating the mechanism of competition , corporate restructuring , open competition , as well as the accession to the WTO , telecom firms have formed an open competitive situation .

  15. 邮电部门应抓住机遇,利用自身优势,以竞争的态势积极主动地参与CATV业务的开发。

    The P & T departments should lose no time to enter the competition arena of CATV services with their own superiority .

  16. 北京邮电大学的学生如果早到实验室,便会获得由北邮CAD中心考勤机器微博发来的奖励信息消息。

    At Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications , students who arrive at the laboratory early are rewarded with a message of praise on a micro blog named BUPT CAD center attendance machine .

  17. 京沈哈SDH扩容工程是继京沈哈光缆通信干线系统工程之后,邮电部在东北地区建设的又一重要干线传输项目。

    The Beijing-Shenyang-Harbin SDH Expansion Project is another important trunk transmission project of MPT in north-east China after the B-S-H optical trunk communications system .

  18. 偶尔也会有显眼的写字楼和酒店,比如中心点写字楼(CentrePoint,现在改为了住宅楼),但以前最引人注目的建筑物也是公共建筑,比如邮电大楼(PostOfficeTower)。

    There were occasional spectacular office blocks like Centre Point , now itself being converted to residential , and hotels but even the most striking structures - take the Post Office Tower - were public buildings .

  19. 北京邮电大学的学生如果早到实验室,便会获得由“北邮CAD中心考勤机器”微博发来的奖励信息消息。

    At Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications , students who arrive at the laboratory early are rewarded with a message of praise on a micro blog named " BUPT CAD center attendance machine . "

  20. 目前,该SDK已应用于北京邮电大学校园地图服务系统的开发工作中。

    At present , this SDK has been applied in the campus map service system of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications .

  21. 以当前应用最广泛的邮电部通信协议和Modbus通信协议为例,详述了协议转换原理。

    Analysis of the most widely usage of Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications protocol and Modbus protocol , explain protocol conversion principle .

  22. 本文运用SWOT分析方法,分析了人民邮电出版社的优势与劣势、机会与威胁。

    By using the SWOT analysis method , this essay analyzes the advantages and disadvantages , opportunities as well as threats faced by the Posts and Telecommunications Press .

  23. 该系统已经成功应用在邮电系统48V通信线路监控。

    This system has been applied to the supervision of 48 V communication lines in mail system .

  24. 1998年政府颁布新《肯尼亚通信法》实现政企分开、邮电分营,并成立了通信委员会(CCK)。

    According to the new Communication Act released in 1998 , Kenyan government began to push separation of governmental sector and enterprises and establishment of CCK .

  25. 同时,主要研发人员参与了国家IC卡付费系统的标准制定,为国内第一家具有自主知识产权的工C卡付费电话系统的原邮电部指定电信设备生产厂家。

    Meanwhile , the main researching persons participated in the formulation of the standards for national IC card payment system , and designated telecommunicating equipment manufacturers for former Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications which is the first domestic company that has IC telephones with independent intellectual property rights .

  26. 南京邮电学院学报(社会科学版)2005年总目次第7卷第l一4期

    Total contents of Journal of Nanjing University of Posts and telecommunications ( social science ) 2005 Vol.7 no.1 ~ 4

  27. 设计区域经济发展的指标体系,包括人均GDP、人均第一产值、人均第二产值、人均第三产值、居民消费水平、人均财政收入、人均邮电总量、人均进出口总额。

    An index of the regional economic development is designed , which includes average GDP , first production rate , second production rate , service production rate , consumption rate , financial income , post total , export total per person .

  28. 就邮电系统及供电系统广泛使用VRLA阀控密封铅酸免维护蓄电池,由于该蓄电池的检测技术相对于开放式蓄电池更为复杂。

    The VRLA storage battery is wide used in post and telecom system , The technique of detecting VRLA storage battery is much complex then that of detecting open type one 's.

  29. 在加入ETSI之前,布鲁克先生是波恩邮电和电信部标准局局长。

    Before joining ETSI he was Head of the Standardization Division of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications ( BMPT ) at Bonn .

  30. 本文主要关注IaaS云,北京邮电大学YUN系统就是一个典型的IaaS云,它能够为用户提供三种服务:虚拟机服务、虚拟磁盘服务和在线存储服务。

    This paper focuses on IaaS and the BUPT YUN system is a typical IaaS cloud . It can provide powerful service such as virtual machine , virtual disk and online storage for customers .