
yóu chuō
  • postmark
邮戳 [yóu chuō]
  • [postmark] 在邮件上的正式邮政标记;特指表示送出邮局名称和邮件送发日期(有时还带时间)的戳记

邮戳[yóu chuō]
  1. 他拿了一个盖着爱尔兰邮戳的旧信封。

    He took a used envelope bearing an Irish postmark .

  2. 所有的信件上都盖有阿伯丁郡的邮戳。

    All the letters bore an Aberdeen postmark .

  3. 明信片上盖着东京3月9日的邮戳。

    The card was postmarked Tokyo 9th March .

  4. 这封信8月6日在伦敦盖过免费邮戳。

    The letter was franked in London on August 6 .

  5. 信封上盖有赫尔辛基的邮戳。

    The envelope was postmarked Helsinki .

  6. 邮戳为凭。

    Postmark serves as a proof .

  7. 她想弄明白信封上的邮戳。

    She puzzled over the postmark on the letter .

  8. 有关详细信息,请参阅outlook电子邮件邮戳如何帮助减少垃圾电子邮件。

    For more information , see how Outlook E-mail postmarking helps reduce spam .

  9. sieger的飞艇类别没有阐述这些纪念邮戳,但是michel飞艇进行了阐述。

    The Sieger Zeppelin catalog does not illustrate these cachets ; the Michel Zeppelin catalog does .

  10. 通过综合考虑所有模拟节点的请求推进时间和TSO消息的时间邮戳,该算法可以计算出最大的共同推进时间。

    Through consideration of request advancing time and time stamp of TSO message for all the simulating nodes , it is easy to find out the maximal common advancing time .

  11. 对于大部分人来说,atime邮戳功能不是十分有用,而且几乎没有任何应用程序(我想不到一个)依靠atime处理什么重要的任务。

    For most people , the atime stamp isn 't very useful and hardly any applications ( none I can think of ) rely on the atime for any critical task .

  12. 费城的出入境邮戳,是去年6月份。

    Philadelphia entry and exit stamps , June of last year .

  13. (印在纸片上的)纪念邮票邮戳是印于邮票上的官方戳记。

    Postmark is an official mark printed over a postage stamp .

  14. 但是邮戳是西雅图的,所以是他寄的

    but it 's postmarked Seattle , so he sent it .

  15. 邮戳标明寄自另一个遥远的城市。

    The postmark was that of a city many miles distant .

  16. 用邮戳标记以表明邮寄的日期和时间。

    Stamp with a postmark to indicate date and time of mailing .

  17. 信要加盖邮戳后才能寄出。

    You must stamp these letters before you post them .

  18. 用日期做标记,即一个邮戳。

    Stamp with a date , as of a postmark .

  19. 这封信盖有一九八三年三月八日的邮戳。

    The letter bore a postmark of march8th , 1983 .

  20. 但这包裹的邮戳比他自杀那天晚。

    But I think the package was postmarked after he killed himself .

  21. 日期印刷器,无论是否带油墨(不包括手动邮戳机)

    Dating machine , whether or not inked ( excl. hand-operated date stamps )

  22. 邮戳显示这些信都是一年以前的。

    These are all postdated over a year ago .

  23. 包裹上的邮戳是哪天的?

    What was the time stamp on the package ?

  24. 但有时盖过邮戳的更有价值。

    But sometimes cancelled stamps have a greater value .

  25. 他从邮戳推断她住在哪。

    From the postmark he inferred where she lived .

  26. 这封信盖着纽约的邮戳。免费邮递公文的信封

    The letter is postmarked New York . penalty envelope

  27. 我不知道,但是你们看邮戳。

    LYNETTE : I don 't know , but check out the postmark .

  28. 不,这是一个邮戳的最后期限。

    No , this is a postmark deadline .

  29. 基于邮戳的网络教育资源安全机制

    A Stamp-Based Security Mechanism for Distance Educational Resources

  30. 他在信件上盖上了邮戳。

    He imprinted a letter with a postmark .