
yóu zhèng
  • postal service;Royal Mail;mail;post
邮政 [yóu zhèng]
  • [postal service] 国家专门从事邮政业务的部门,主要业务是传递信件和包裹、办理汇兑、发行报刊等

邮政[yóu zhèng]
  1. 对丢失或毁坏邮件的赔偿将由邮政部门处理。

    Compensation for lost or damaged mail will be handled by the postal service

  2. 英国仍拥有最便宜的邮政服务系统。

    Britain still boasts the cheapest postal service

  3. 邮政员工的工资将提高5.2%,追溯至二月份起算。

    Postal workers are getting a 5.2 % pay rise , backdated to February .

  4. 豪谨慎地和邮政副部长丹尼尔·C.罗珀拉近关系。

    Howe carefully cultivated Daniel C. Roper , the Assistant Postmaster General

  5. 堪萨斯州的邮政缩写是KS。

    The postal abbreviation for Kansas is KS .

  6. 一度很强势的邮政联盟已经威风不再。

    The once-powerful post unions have been cut down to size .

  7. 很多人疏忽之下会颠倒邮政编码中数字的顺序。

    Many people inadvertently transpose digits of the ZIP code .

  8. 她的钱存在邮政储蓄银行里。

    Her savings were in the Post Office Savings Bank .

  9. 邮政汇票的金额最高可达700美元。

    Postal money orders are available in amounts up to $ 700 .

  10. 地址为华盛顿特区,西北区,M大街2025号,邮政编码20036。

    The address is 2025 M Street , Northwest , Washington , DC , 20036

  11. 应在支票/邮政汇票上画线,并使之可用于新市场促销活动的支付。

    Cheques / postal orders should be crossed and made payable to Newmarket Promotions .

  12. 邮政部已确认可能会流失掉多达1.5万份工作。

    The Post Office has confirmed that up to fifteen thousand jobs could be lost .

  13. 写上完整的邮政地址。

    Include your full postal address .

  14. 在这一格里写上你的邮政编码。

    Mark the frame with your postcode

  15. 你订购的货物由邮政人员送达时,要先检查一下包装盒再签收。

    When the postal clerk delivers your order , check the carton before signing for it .

  16. 当邮政局长和妻子到邮局开门营业时,3名持械男子正等着他们。

    Three armed men were waiting when the postmaster and his wife arrived to open up the shop

  17. 公司在几座大城市都设有办事处,不过大部分业务都通过邮政系统来实现。

    The firm has offices in several large cities , but does most of its business by mail .

  18. 她被任命为约克市邮政局局长。

    She was appointed postmaster of the city of York .

  19. 日本是万国邮政联盟的成员(国)。

    Japan is a member to the Universal Postal Union .

  20. 我未能通过邮政查询与他们取得联系。

    I have failed to reach them by postal inquiries .

  21. 机器嘟嘟地响着,再一次问道:“邮政区号?”

    The machine beeps , then asks again ," zip code ?"

  22. 过了邮政局再走两家就是我家了。

    My house is two doors down from the post office .

  23. 邮政总局在哪儿?

    Where 's the main post office ?

  24. 勿忘使用邮政编码。

    Remember to use postal code .

  25. 勿忘填写邮政编码。

    Remember to fill postal code .

  26. 有一段时间,邮政罢工威胁到了户口普查的进行。

    For a time the census was perilled by a postal strike .

  27. 请问如何前去邮政局?

    How do I get to the post office ?

  28. 国家邮政局于4月份正式启动为期一年的过度包装专项治理,推动快递包装绿色环保。今年3月施行的《邮件快件包装管理办法》规定:

    The State Post Bureau launches a yearlong campaign this month to crack down on excessive packaging and promote more environmentally friendly package wrapping .

  29. 证券时报网的一篇报道显示,中国邮政与华为就提高邮政的数字化进程展开合作。

    China Post and Huawei have partnered to work on advancing the digitalization of China Post , according to a report by Securities Times Online .

  30. 笔友就是对那些定期通过邮政信件彼此联络的人们的称呼。笔友多用来提高外语阅读和写作能力、增长知识、了解其他国家和不同的生活方式,以及用来交朋友。

    Pen pals mail . A penpal relationship is often used to practice reading and writing in a foreign language , to improve literacy , to learn more about other countries and life-styles , and to make friendships .