
  • 网络Beiyang Fleet
  1. 北洋水师让当时的中国人感到无比自豪。

    The Northern Navy made Chinese people at the time feel extremely proud .

  2. 这儿就是当年的北洋水师提督署,俗称水师衙门。

    This was the Northern Navy commander 's office , or commonly known as the Navy Yamen .

  3. 严复任职北洋水师学堂期间与李鸿章的关系曾引起人们的关注,一般以“怀才不遇”说明严复的悲剧,但此说不能真实反映出大器晚成的思想家严复的成长境遇。

    Although the popular view of " unrecognized talent " could explain his tragedy , it couldn 't really reflect his growth situation as a thinker with great talent matures slowly .

  4. 最主要的原因是风气越来越坏,人心思变,不安心工作的现象普遍存在,这样下去就和北洋水师差不多了。

    The most important reason is that has become increasingly worse , the people wanted change , not to work in widespread , so go on , and northern naval almost the same .