
  • 网络northern territory;North Territory
  1. 一个非常典型的例子是位于澳大利亚北领地的最偏僻的一处养牛场SupplejackDowns,这里绵延4,000平方公里,从最近的主要城镇艾利斯斯普林斯开车要花13个小时才能到达。

    One prime example is one of Australia 's most isolated cattle stations , Suplejack Downs in the Northern Territory , extending across 4,000 square kilometers , taking over 13 hours to reach by car from the nearest major town — Alice Springs .

  2. EnergyMetals在北领地和西澳大利亚州拥有9个项目,覆盖范围超过4000平方公里。

    Energy Metals has nine projects in the Northern Territory and Western Australia covering more than 4,000 sq km .

  3. 他说,政府对北领地(NorthernTerritory)一些陷入困境的社区进行了有争议的干预,这使得对土著居民的歧视继续下去。

    He says the government 's controversial intervention in communities in the Northern Territory continued to discriminate against Aborigines .

  4. 玩乐达人将享有参加专属悉尼派对和节日庆祝会的VIP特权,而北领地的内陆探险者则能亲身感受澳洲丛林生活。

    The " Chief Funster " will have VIP access to exclusive Sydney parties and festivals , while the Northern Territory ` s " Outback Adventurer " will get a taste of Australian bush life .

  5. 上月有消息称,澳大利亚北领地(NorthernTerritory)政府在未经澳大利亚外国投资审查委员会(FIRB)全面审查的情况下,决定将达尔文港(Darwin)租赁给中国岚桥集团(Landbridge)。

    Last month it emerged that the Northern Territory government leased Darwin port to a Chinese company , Landbridge , without a full examination by Australia 's Foreign Investment Review Board .

  6. KingsCanyon,NorthernTerritory帝王谷,北领地帝王谷位于荒远的澳大利亚中部,高270米,怪石嶙峋。佐伊•沃尔默之死和游客靠近悬崖边缘拍照的事实被曝光以后,当地导游告诉北领地新闻的记者,设置安全栏已经很有必要。

    Following Zoe Woolmer 's death at the rugged , 270m-high Kings Canyon in remote Central Australia , and the revelations that many tourists have posed too close to the edge of the cliff , local guides told the NT News that safety fences will be inevitable .

  7. 大部分的澳洲人使用日光节约时间,但西澳、北领地或昆士兰则没有。

    Most of Oz does DST , but not Western Australia , The Northern Territory or Queensland .

  8. 澳大利亚北领地的国内边境将继续关闭至少18个月。

    Domestic borders of Australia 's Northern Territory will remain shut for at least another 18 months .

  9. 希拉蕊和罗伯正在澳洲徒步旅行。今天,他们在北领地的达尔文附近健行。

    Hillary and Robert are backpacking around Australia . Today , they are hiking near Darwin , Northern Territory .

  10. 当警察到达时,这名42岁的男子已经穿好衣服正坐在该女子家的门廊上,北领地新闻说。

    The42-year-old man was dressed and sitting on the woman 's verandah when police arrived , the NT News said .

  11. 广告鸭后来被选为该金矿区,城镇和农村在维多利亚,昆士兰和北领地。

    Kwong Sue Duk later travelled throughout the goldfields , towns and countryside in Victoria , Queensland and the Northern Territory .

  12. 自从澳大利亚北领地成为世界上第一个将自愿安乐死合法化的地方以来,已有16个月了。

    It is16 months since the Northern Territory of Australia became the first place in the world to legalize voluntary euthanasia .

  13. 北领地首席部长迈克尔·刚纳表示,关闭边境是为了保护该地区脆弱的土著居民。

    Chief Minister Michael Gunnar says the decision to keep its borders closed was made to protect the region 's vulnerable indigenous population .

  14. 他表示,在1995年,(澳大利亚的)北领地成为全世界首个允许在符合严格条件的情况下施行协助自杀的司法管辖权的地区。

    He says in1995 , the Northern Territory became the first jurisdiction in the world to allow assisted suicide , under strict conditions .

  15. 根据目前的限制措施,所有来自维多利亚州和悉尼的旅客必须在抵达北领地后自费完成为期两周的隔离。

    Under current restrictions all travellers from Victoria and Sydney must complete a two-week quarantine at their own expense upon arrival in the NT .

  16. 而他本人确坚称自己只会三门语言(英语,西班牙语和沃匹利语——来自于澳洲北领地),而对于其它语言,聊聊尚可。

    But he insisted he spoke only three ( English , Spanish and Warlpiri - from Australia 's Northern Territory ) and could merely " talk in " others .

  17. 波特:最近,塔斯马尼亚、南澳、维多利亚地区都着手立法,采用北领地类似的相关法律,更多地区也纷纷计划仿效。

    Porter : Recently , Tasmania , South Australia , and Victoria all tried to introduce legislation similar to the original Northern Territory law and more attempts are being planned .

  18. 澳洲北部约有8到10万条鳄鱼。过去的40年里,北领地共有20余人丧生鳄口,仅2014年就发生了4起悲剧。

    Northern Australia has an estimated 80000-100000 crocodiles . Over the last four decades more than 20 people in the Northern Territory have been killed by the creatures , including four fatalities in 2014 alone .

  19. 1689年签定《尼布楚条约》,1858年俄罗斯占领阿穆尔河以北的领地,并声称归己所有,并在《瑷珲条约》中加以强调。

    The treaties of Nerchinsk was signed between Russia and Qing Government in 1689 . In 1858 Russia occupied the territory north of the River Amur and claimed this territory as Russian , ensured in the Aihui Treaty .