
  • 【地名】【澳大利亚】Sydney B.
  1. 1788年1月26日,当菲利普船长在悉尼湾(Sydneycove)插上英国国旗时,

    When Commander Phillip planted the British flag in Sydney cove on the 26th January , 1788 ,

  2. 托:当然是悉尼湾大桥和悉尼歌剧院。

    To : Sydney 's famous Opera House and the Sydney Harbour Bridge .

  3. 悉尼湾国家公园里灌木从星罗棋布,小道蜿蜒其中。

    The Sydney Harbour National Park protects the scattered pockets of bush land and offers good walking tracks .

  4. 一些全球性的标志性建筑,比如悉尼湾大桥、多伦多的加拿大国家电视塔、旧金山金门大桥、罗马斗兽场等,都作为代表希望的标志、为同一个日益紧迫的环保目标在活动中熄灯。

    Global landmarks such as the Sydney Harbour Bridge , CN Tower in Toronto , Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco , and Romes Colosseum , all stood in darkness , as symbols of hope for a cause that grows more urgent by the hour .

  5. 今年26岁的罗伯特·帕丁森在悉尼的琼斯湾码头为这部吸血鬼系列电影的终结篇拍摄了一组宣传照。黑衬衫蓝西服,配搭牛仔裤的装扮十分休闲。

    The 26-year-old actor looked casual in a black shirt , blue blazer and pair of jeans as he posed during the photo call for the final film in the vampire franchise at Jones Bay Wharf in Sydney .