
shù dài xióng
  • koala;koala bear;coala
树袋熊[shù dài xióng]
  1. 树袋熊已列为澳大利亚濒临绝种的动物之一。

    The koala is listed among Australia 's endangered animals .

  2. 一些物种白天和夜晚都睡觉,例如树袋熊。

    Some species sleep day and night such as the Koala Bear .

  3. 在澳大利亚的一些地区,树袋熊几乎灭绝。

    In some parts of the country Koalas are nearly extinct .

  4. 树袋熊是生活在树上的一种中等大小的动物。

    The koala is a medium-sized creature that lives in tres .

  5. 她胆小怕事而且穿的像只考拉(树袋熊)。

    Shes a funky little broad that looks like a koala .

  6. 加拿大移民政策特别宽待树袋熊,式真的么?

    Is it true that Canada has lax immigration policies for Koalas ?

  7. 我要飞到澳大利亚去看树袋熊和袋鼠。

    I would fly to Australia to see the koala bears and the kangaroos .

  8. 袋熊和树袋熊并不知道恐惧是什么。

    Wombats and other koala bears , who don 't know what fear is .

  9. 它看了看图片,看到一只树袋熊。

    It took a look at the pictures , and it saw a koala .

  10. 树袋熊在世界上很稀少。

    Koalas are rare in the world .

  11. 我想要这只树袋熊。

    I 'd like this koala .

  12. 树袋熊吃桉树叶。

    Koala bears eat Eucalyptus leaves .

  13. 如果你在白天看见树袋熊,你会发现它们很快就进入梦乡。

    If you see a koala during the day , you will usually find it fast asleep .

  14. 可悲的是,由于栖息地的缺失,猎人的捕杀以及较低的出生率,白腹树袋熊的数量正在不断减少。

    Sadly , their numbers are declining due to loss of habitat , hunters and a low birthrate .

  15. 所以,下次你看到树袋熊在睡觉时,记住,那是它们计划好的。

    So , next time you see a koala sleeping , remember , it is all part of its plan .

  16. 它不知道树袋熊是什么,但电脑表示它认为树袋熊看起来是很有趣的生物。

    It didn 't know what the koala was , but it said it thought it was an interesting-looking creature .

  17. 在水涨的河里堆积沙袋这里有3000多种动物,包括非常受人欢迎的袋鼠、沙袋鼠、树袋熊和袋熊。

    Sandbag a rising river There are some 3 000 species of animals here , including the ever-popular kangaroos , wallabies , koalas , and wombats .

  18. 和袋鼠一样,雌性白腹树袋熊的腹部有一个育儿袋,有四个乳房供其孩子吮吸乳汁。

    Like the kangaroo , the female dingiso has a pouch on its abdomen , where its young ride as they suckle milk from one of its four breasts .

  19. 拉线袋用拉线拉紧袋口的一种小袋,尤用于装口袋中的零碎物品这里有3000多种动物,包括非常受人欢迎的袋鼠、沙袋鼠、树袋熊和袋熊。

    A small bag often closing with a drawstring and used especially for carrying loose items in one 's pocket . There are some 3 000 species of animals here , including the ever-popular kangaroos , wallabies , koalas , and wombats .

  20. 在白腹树袋熊攀爬的过程中,弯曲的指甲、宽大的爪子上坚硬皮肤以及爪心肉垫的完美搭配使其可以牢牢地扎住树干及树枝;尾巴则用来保持平衡。

    The dingiso sports curved nails and cushioned pads lined with rough skin on its large feet , which enable it to get a grip on tree trunks and branches , where it uses its long tail for balance as it climbs .