
  • 网络bondi;Bondi beach
  1. 冲浪者寻找在邦迪海滩一个好的地点。

    Surfers look for a good spot at Bondi Beach .

  2. 是的,澳大利亚有美丽的海滩,像邦迪海滩。

    Yes , Australia has beautiful beaches-like Bondi Beach .

  3. 泰德和布鲁斯又在邦迪海滩见面了。

    Ted and Bruce meet again on Bondi Beach .

  4. 在悉尼邦迪海滩上位于冲浪手后方一条水龙卷在袭击海面。

    A water spout hits the sea behind a surfer on Sydney 's Bondi Beach .

  5. 你可能刚到这个城市一分钟,下一分钟你就会在邦迪海滩或在港口周围漫步。

    Sophie and Joel are sitting on Bondi Beach on the first day of their honeymoon .

  6. 离开办公室,不用半小时的功夫便可在邦迪海滩享受冲浪(的快乐)。

    You can leave the office and within half an hour be out riding those waves at Bondi .

  7. 近几年,邦迪海滩成功吸引了大量海外游客前来举行聚会以及庆祝活动。

    In recent years , Bondi Beach has become a magnet for overseas visitors to gather and celebrate .

  8. 靠近克洛夫利海滩和戈登海湾的邦迪海滩,在相关部门对海水进行检测时,已经向游客关闭了。

    Bondi Beach , nearby Clovelly Beach and Gordon 's Bay were closed while authorities tested the water .

  9. 悉尼生活方式图片。日光浴者伸展身体在邦迪海滩,最著名的悉尼的海港和海滩。

    Sunbathers stretch out on Bondi Beach , the most famous of Sydney 's harbor and ocean beaches .

  10. 景点包括标志性的悉尼歌剧院、海港大桥和邦迪海滩,该海滩是冲浪爱好者的圣地。

    Attractions include the iconic Sydney Opera House and Harbour Bridge as well as Bondi Beach , a mecca for serious surfers .

  11. 然后,我们曾到邦迪海滩游泳,当我们去看望我的朋友谁是教学在广州大学的中文老师。

    Then we had been to Bondi beach for swimming , after we went to see my friend who was a teaching Chinese teacher at University in Guangzhou .

  12. 排在第六位的悉尼提供的是另一种类型的男人喜欢玩乐、金发碧眼的冲浪小子,他们会很乐意带那些游历世界的姑娘们到邦迪海滩散散步。

    Sydney offers up a different type of fellow at number six , where fun-loving , blond-streaked surfer dudes will be more than happy to take the globe-trotting girls for a stroll on Bondi Beach .

  13. 景点包括标志性的悉尼歌剧院、海港大桥和邦迪海滩,该海滩是冲浪爱好者的圣地。文化爱好者在这里有足够的事情可以做,可以去博物馆或从众多剧院中挑选一家去看演出。

    Attractions include the iconic Sydney Opera House and Harbour Bridge as well as Bondi Beach , a mecca for serious surfers . Cultural lovers will find plenty to do here , whether they want to museum hop or catch a performance at one of the city 's many theaters .