
  • 网络BANNER;bonner;bonna
  1. 目前许多国际著名的光电传感器生产企业,如KEYENCE、欧姆龙、邦纳等都已经将机器视觉传感器作为光电传感器中新型的传感器来发展与推广。

    At present , many well-known international photoelectric sensor manufacturers have developed and generalized machine vision sensor as a new photoelectric sensor , such as KEYENCE , OMRON and BANNER .

  2. 在许多年轻人享受暑假时光时,扎克·邦纳却在努力工作。

    While many young people were enjoying the summer vacation , Zach Bonner was working his hardest .

  3. 邦纳曾在利兹都市大学(LeedsMetropolitanUniversity)学习景观建筑学,并于毕业后留校任教。

    Bonner had studied and taught landscape architecture at Leeds Metropolitan University .

  4. 你得的就是邦纳症候群(CharlesBonnetsyndrome)群。

    And you have Charles Bonnet syndrome .

  5. 邦纳的熟悉身影如今时常出没于自己所在的小区。每次骑车从自家到“高丽之旅”公司(KoryoTours)上班时,打招呼问候声不断。

    Bonner is a regular fixture in his Beijing neighbourhood , dispensing a cheery " hello darling ! " as he pedals from home to the office of Koryo Tours .

  6. 尼古拉斯邦纳经历过一次重要的人生抉择:一方面,他受邀出任距自己出生地英国柴郡(Cheshire)不远的谢菲尔德大学(SheffieldUniversity)教职;另一方面,他那时又想创办专赴朝鲜旅游的公司。

    The " fork in the road " came for Nicholas Bonner when he was asked to become a lecturer at Sheffield university , not far from his native Cheshire , just as he was preparing to establish a travel agency focused on North Korea .

  7. 邦纳与制片人罗美花(RyomMiHwa)以及联合导演、比利时人安嘉戴尔曼(AnjaDaelemans)力推“女性奋斗”题材,以挑战长久以来男性主导电影题材的状况。

    It is a fun if cheesy film of a young woman triumphing over sexism and class prejudice . Bonner along with producer Ryom Mi Hwa and Belgian co-director Anja Daelemans pushed for the " girl power " theme against the resistance of the male film establishment .

  8. 扎克邦纳知道自己在多大程度上能得到你想。

    Zach Bonner knows just how far trying can get you .

  9. 邦纳提倡加强与朝鲜进行接触,这已远远超出旅游本身的范畴。

    Bonner promotes an engagement that goes well beyond tourism .

  10. 格雷格•邦纳是维拉诺瓦大学的市场学教授。

    Greg Bonner is a marketing professor at Villanova University .

  11. 邦纳宣读了一份事先精心准备的声明。

    Bonnet read from a carefully prepared statement .

  12. 路易斯。邦纳:有人有麻烦了。

    Louise Bonner : Someone is in trouble .

  13. 邦纳式的则很不一样。

    The Charles Bonnet ones are quite different .

  14. 扎克邦纳表示,如果你有一个善良的心你必须使用它。

    Zach Bonner says if you have a good heart you have to use it .

  15. 这时邦纳在我们上方靠了过来,从我们两人手中取走了枪。

    Then Bonner was leaning over us , taking the gun out of both our hands .

  16. 尽管钦佩邦纳的敬业精神,但他的技巧根本无法与斯科拉相比。

    Matt Bonner , despite his admirable work ethic , isn 't close to Scola in terms of skills .

  17. 在邦纳式幻觉中,有好几种等级,从几何幻觉,

    So in the Charles Bonnet hallucinations , you have all sorts of levels , from the geometrical hallucinations --

  18. 问题既不在你的大脑,也不在你的意识,你只是得了这种邦纳症候。”

    There is nothing wrong with your brain . There is nothing wrong with your mind . You have Charles Bonnet syndrome . "

  19. 2006年2月,5岁的男孩杰克·芬克邦纳参加了一场比维篮球联赛--这是这个赛季的最后一场比赛。

    In February 2006 , five year-old Jake Finkbonner was playing in a Pee-Wee League basketball game - the last game of the season .

  20. 但邦纳认为这部电影证明:如果国际社会投入更大精力财力去朝鲜进行接触、而不是孤立它的话,实际效果会更好。

    Bonner , however , believes the film shows what could be accomplished if greater resources were devoted to engaging rather than isolating the country .

  21. 正如邦纳说:“我们当时的顾客中,既有美国海军陆战队员、俄罗斯黑手党、中国姑娘,也不乏蒙古黑帮。”

    As Bonner puts it : " That was the time we had the US marines and the Russian mafia and the Chinese girls and the Mongolian gang . "

  22. 邦纳把拍电影与“高丽之旅”支持孤儿院(公司筹集资金后给孤儿院送食品)视作公司工作不可分割的组成部分。

    Bonner views the films and Koryo 's charitable work with orphanages - the company raises funds to send food packages - as an integral part of the business .

  23. 卡恩所指的是邦纳维尔电力局,它是一所受人尊敬的联邦机构,管理着哥伦比亚河域盆地31座联邦水坝所发出电力的市场销售。

    The guy in question is the Bonneville Power Administration ( BPA ) , a venerable federal bureaucracy that markets power from 31 federal dams in the Columbia river basin .

  24. 邦纳深信必须与朝鲜进行接触才能改变它,而朝鲜因美欧制裁(旨在迫使平壤政权放弃核计划)而深受打击。

    Bonner is a big believer in engagement with North Korea , which has been hit with US and European sanctions in an attempt to force Pyongyang to give up its nuclear weapons programme .

  25. 他们确实有一定的不同期待本赛季加上罗杰梅森在后场和马特邦纳在中场,但其结果是到现在来看是类似的。

    They do have somewhat of a different look this season with the addition of Roger Mason in the backcourt and Matt Bonner in the middle , but their results have been similar thus far .

  26. 公司拍摄的首部影片,让邦纳重回英格兰北部地区。这部影片讲述了1966年的那支朝鲜足球队过五关、斩六将,最终成功晋级世界杯八强的故事。

    The company 's first project , a film about the North Korean football team that , against all odds , advanced to the World Cup quarter-finals in 1966 , brought him full circle back to the north of England .