
zhǔn jiàng
  • brigadier general;commodore;air commodore
准将 [zhǔn jiàng]
  • (1) [brigadier general] 陆军、海军陆战队或空军中军衔低于少将高于上校的军官

  • (2) [commodore]∶海军衔的一级,在少将之下,校官之上

  • (3) [air commodore]∶英空军军衔的一级,在少将之下,校官之上

  • (4) [brigadier]∶英陆军军衔的一级,在少将之下,校官之上

准将[zhǔn jiàng]
  1. 这位准将头歪向一边,就此考虑了一会儿。

    The Brigadier thought about this for a moment , head cocked to one side .

  2. 德里市克什米尔门外陆军准将约翰尼科尔森(BrigadierGeneralJohnNicholson)的塑像究竟何时消失,被谁拿走,没人知道。

    Exactly when the statue of Brigadier General John Nicholson disappeared from outside Delhi 's Kashmiri gate , and who took it , is unclear .

  3. 1853年,马休佩里(matthewperry)准将乘坐其黑色战船在那霸停驻,一直呆到吓坏了的冲绳人和其签订条约为止。

    In 1853 Commodore Matthew Perry anchored off Naha in his black ships and stayed until he had a treaty from the appalled Okinawans .

  4. 伊朗准将CarmeloBurgio帮助为这些警察提供训练。

    Italian Carabinieri Brigadier General Carmelo Burgio is helping train the police .

  5. RonSconyers是一位退役美国空军准将,同时他也是和平医师组织的主执行官。

    Ron Sconyers , a retired Air Force brigadier general , is the chief executive officer of Physicians for Peace .

  6. 北约领导的部队的发言人陆军准将JosefBlotz表示,塔利班试图扭转北约取得的胜利。

    A spokesman for the Nato-led force , Brigadier General Josef Blotz , said the Taliban were trying to reverse NATO gains .

  7. 英国退休准将,现于国际战略研究所的BenBarry,说叙利亚政府在失去其化学武器后,有可能会更多地使用其他军备。

    Retired British Brigadier Ben Barry , now at the International Institute for Strategic Studies , says with the loss of its chemical weapons , the Syrian government is likely to make more extensive use of its other military assets .

  8. 北约驻阿富汗军队发言人准将JosefBlotz坚持称盟军仍然紧密地团结在一起。

    Brigadier General Josef Blotz , a spokesman for the NATO force in Afghanistan , known as ISAF , insists the coalition is holding together .

  9. 英国海军准将布伦登(JeremyBlunden)说,被称为“联合行动部队151”的国际海军部队加大了对无人机和其他情报收集资源的使用,使他们能够更好地部署战舰拦截海盗。布伦登目前负责“联合行动部队151”。

    The international naval force known as Task Force 151 stepped up its use of drones and other intelligence gathering resources , allowing them to better position warships to intercept pirates , said Commodore Jeremy Blunden , the British naval officer currently in charge of the fleet .

  10. 他立刻就被保举晋升为准将。

    Immediately he was recommended for the grade of brigadier general .

  11. 空军准将向轰炸机机组下达执行危险任务的各项指示

    The air commodore brief the bomber crew on their dangerous mission

  12. 上校是在陆军中校之上、准将之下的军衔。

    Colonel is the military rank between Lieutenant-Colonel and brigadier .

  13. 受害人中有罗伯特·特拉弗斯准将。

    Among the victims was Brigadier General Robert F. Travis .

  14. 被里根总统授予海军准将的军衔。

    Was awarded the military rank of commodore by President Ronald Reagan .

  15. 谢乔准将是柬埔寨军区的副司令。

    Brigadier CheA Keo is the deputy commander of the Cambodian military region .

  16. 上校级别低于准将。

    A colonel is subordinate to a brigadier general .

  17. 我刚和欧文斯准将通话。

    I was on the phone with colonel owens .

  18. 他1939年从上校晋升为准将。

    He was promoted from captain to comodore in1939 .

  19. 我们还听说,一名军队的准将在法兹鲁拉的引导下做了礼拜。

    We also heard that an army brigadier went to prayers led by Fazlullah .

  20. 一个军衔位于准将之上和中将之下的将官。

    A general officer ranking above a brigadier general and below a lieutenant general .

  21. 一家国营新闻社报道称炸弹袭击目标指向美国陆战队准将的护卫。

    A state-run news agency says the bomb targeted the convoy of the Brigadier General .

  22. 苏拉培准将说,他不知道什么时候边境冲突终将结束。

    Saw Lah Pwe said he doesn 't know when the border clashes will end .

  23. 还有一个人,J.H.蒂特曼准将,他在分析员中享有很高声望。

    and another man , Brigadier J.H. Tiltman , won a high respect from the analysts .

  24. 之后又成为了准将,并开始领导自己的军队。

    He rose through the ranks and became a brigadier , taking command of his own brigade .

  25. 北约准将尼科·泰科表示,有超过1000名俄罗斯军人当前在乌克兰境内活动。

    NATO Brigadier General Nico Tak says more than a thousand Russian troops are operating inside Ukraine .

  26. 不过上帝保佑,上校的话,收费100至于一名准将则要收费200

    But Lord bless you , a colonel pays 100 . And a brigadier general , 200 .

  27. 约克敦之围中的英勇表现使得范·科特兰上校晋升为准将。

    Colonel van Cortlandt was promoted to brigadier general following acts of valour at the Siege of Yorktown .

  28. 后来,1853年,海军准将佩里率领的四艘美国战舰来到日本,拒不离开。

    Then in 1853 came four American warships under Commodore Perry , and refused to be driven away .

  29. 他倡导与日本之间的贸易往来,还派海军准将马休·佩里前往日本建立外交关系。

    He championed the rising trade with Japan and sent Commodore Matthew C. Perry to establish relations with the Japanese .

  30. 星期四早上,两名专家中的一位——阿斯兰准将打电话给菲奥娜医生。

    Infection had set in . On Thursday morning one of the specialists , Brigadier Aslam , called Dr Fiona .