
  • 网络Australia Day;australian day
  1. 莫里克:是,我很喜欢,这是“澳大利亚日”吧。

    ALICIA MOLIK : Yeah , I did . I enjoyed it . It 's Australia Day .

  2. 历史上的今天-澳大利亚日1788年的今天,英国正式在澳大利亚杰克逊港建立起第一个殖民区,亚瑟•菲力浦就任首任总督。

    Australia Day 1788 - The British First Fleet , led by Arthur Phillip , sails into Port Jackson ( Sydney Harbour ) to establish Sydney , the first permanent European settlement on the continent .

  3. 主办二十国集团(G20)峰会的澳大利亚日前祭出一招“考拉外交”,安排了毛茸茸又害羞的考拉来欢迎世界各国领导人,让他们在讨论严肃议题前,先抱抱这些澳大利亚国宝。

    Australia arranged a warm and fuzzy welcome for the world 's most powerful leaders at this weekend 's G20 summit with a campaign dubbed1 " koala diplomacy2 " , in which top politicians cuddled the shy native marsupials .

  4. 这些公司有同样的基本策略,安全的存取澳大利亚日用品通过购买属于他们的公司。

    And these firms have the same basic strategy : secure access to Australian commodities by buying the companies that own them .

  5. 今天是一个不错的凉爽天,下周一将是公众假期,这是澳大利亚日,我们将庆祝这个国庆节,如将有许多喜庆活动的内城。

    Today is a nice cool day , Next Monday will be public holiday which is Australian Day , we will celebrate this National day such as there will be many functions in inner city .

  6. 最早的澳大利亚国庆日记录可以追溯到1808年。

    The earliest records of Australia Day date back to 1808 .

  7. 澳大利亚国庆日定于每年的1月26日庆祝。

    Australia Day is celebrated annually on January the 26th .

  8. 澳大利亚国庆日庆祝的是1788年英国在澳大利亚建立了第一个殖民区。

    Australia Day commemorates the creation of the first British settlement in Australia in 1788 .

  9. 澳大利亚国庆日是哪一天?

    What date is Australia Day ?

  10. 这位女发言人称,图书销售的部分收益将捐赠给儿童慈善组织。澳大利亚国庆日是为了纪念1788年首支舰队登陆澳大利亚港口。

    Some profits from the sale of the book will go to children'scharities , the spokeswoman said .

  11. 中国驻澳大利亚使馆日前宣布,澳大利亚政府已正式开始向中国旅客发放10年多次“常旅客签证”。

    The Australian government has formally started granting 10-year multi-entry tourist visas to Chinese visitors , the Embassy of China in Australia announced .

  12. 这一天从此成为澳大利亚国庆日,被人们称作“澳大利亚日”。历史上的今天-英国占领香港1841年的今天,中国割让香港岛,英国正式占领香港。

    Commemorated as Australia Day United Kingdom occupies Hong Kong 1841 - The United Kingdom formally occupies Hong Kong , which China later formally cedes .

  13. 来自澳大利亚的科学家日前透露,大堡礁正遭受前所未有的破坏。

    Scientists in Australia have revealed unprecedented damage to the Great Barrier Reef .

  14. 同时澳大利亚支持英日同盟续约以保持与日本的关系。

    As soon as possible , Australia tried to appease Japan , and she supported the renewing of Anglo-Japanese Alliance in order to keep Australia-Japan relations .

  15. 教皇这次澳大利亚世界青年日之行,被一些天主教士所犯下的性侵犯行为蒙上了一层阴影。就在他抵达之前几天,教廷的一些高级官员决定对发生在澳大利亚的一件历时25年之久的案子进行重新审理。

    Sexual abuse by Catholic priests has overshadowed the pope 's visit to World Youth Day in Sydney , with senior church officials reopening a 25-year-old case of indecent assault in Australia only days before the pontiff arrived .

  16. 星期四是澳大利亚的公民日,当天有4千人宣誓成为澳大利亚公民。

    The country on Thursday celebrated Citizenship Day and to mark the occasion 4000 people were sworn in as new Australians . Among them was China-born opera singer Sharon Zai , who gave up her Chinese citizenship to become an Australian .

  17. 中国和澳大利亚当地时间17日下午在堪培拉签订了期待已久的《中澳自由贸易协定》。

    China and Australia have signed the long-awaited free trade agreement ( FTA ) in Canberra on Wednesday afternoon .

  18. 一名在南太平洋所罗门群岛参加多国援助行动的澳大利亚维和人员22日晨在所首都霍尼亚拉执行例行巡逻任务时被枪杀。

    An Australian officer of a regional intervention force in the Solomon Islands was killed in Honiara , capital of the South Pacific island country , on Wednesday .

  19. 澳大利亚一名经济学家日前称他发现了一个幸福计算公式。根据该公式,婚姻对于男性的价值相当于1.8万英镑,对于女性相当于九千英镑。

    Marriageis worth £ 18000 to men , but just £ 9000 to women , according to anAustralian economist who claims he has discovered a formula todetermine the cost of happiness 。

  20. 首相宣布澳大利亚年度奖将在澳大利亚国庆日前夕公布。

    The Prime Minister announces the Australian of the Year on the eve of Australia Day .