
  • 网络AFL;rugby;Australian Rules football;footy;Aussie Rules
  1. 贵族学校的其它“足球”分支最后形成了橄榄球和澳式橄榄球。

    Other variations on public school football resulted in the development of rugby and Australian rules football .

  2. 另有四项更得民心深受喜爱的体育运动,英式橄榄球联赛、橄榄球联盟、澳式橄榄球和板球。

    There are4 other sporting codes that attract a greater following-Rugby League , Rugby Union , Australian Rules , and Cricket .

  3. 比如,我在墨尔本看过澳式足球、橄榄球大联盟、橄榄球联合会、板球、篮球、曲棍球、跆拳道、高尔夫、网球、赛车、摩托车比赛和田径等各种各样的比赛,这些只是我列举的一些我在墨尔本看过的比赛。

    For example , I have been to see Australian rules football , rugby league , rugby union , cricket , basketball , hockey , Taekwondo , golf , tennis , car racing , motorcycle racing and athletics , just to name those which I have attended here in Melbourne .