
  • 网络Treasurer of Australia
  1. 澳大利亚财政部长乔·霍基(JoeHockey)表示,他是按照外国投资规定批准这笔交易的,因为它符合澳大利亚的国家利益。

    Treasurer Joe Hockey said he approved the sale under foreign investment rules because it was in Australia 's national interests .

  2. 澳大利亚财政部长乔·霍基(JoeHockey)命令该公司出售它在悉尼以3000万美元非法购买的一座名为VilladelMare的豪宅。

    The Australian treasurer , Joe Hockey , ordered the company to sell a $ 30 million mansion in Sydney called Villa del Mare that it was found to have acquired illegally .

  3. 澳大利亚财政部长维恩。斯旺也将出席会议。他诚望,会议将采取决定性行动。

    Australian Treasurer Wayne Swan will also be there and hopes that decisive action will emerge from the talks .

  4. 尽管大多数人被一片悲观情绪笼罩,澳大利亚联邦财政部长坦纳却认为,全球危机最糟糕的时刻已经过去。

    Despite such widespread pessimism , Australian Finance Minister Lindsay Tanner thinks the worst of the global financial crisis is over .