
  • 网络Prime Minister of Australia
  1. 本文作者李明博为韩国总统;陆克文为澳大利亚总理

    Lee Myung-bak is president of South Korea ; Kevin Rudd is prime minister of Australia

  2. 澳大利亚总理吉拉德

    Julia Gillard , Prime Minister of Australia

  3. 英国首相、澳大利亚总理和土耳其总理向战争纪念碑敬献了花圈。

    The British , Australian and Turkish Prime Ministers laid wreaths at the war memorial .

  4. 马来西亚航空MH17航班在乌克兰上空坠毁后,澳大利亚总理阿伯特曾声称要shirtfront俄罗斯总统普京。在此之后,shirtfront一词便成为热门词汇,该中心也将该词列入备选。

    The center selected shirtfront after the word rose to prominence1 after Prime Minister Tony Abbott promised to " shirtfront " Russian President Vladimir Putin over the down of the Malaysian airline MH17 over Ukraine .

  5. 2007年,他就任澳大利亚总理,2010年6月,他被其所在的执政党工党(LaborParty)的成员赶下台。

    He served as Australia 's prime minister from 2007 until he was ousted by members of his ruling Labor Party in June 2010 .

  6. 澳大利亚总理陆克文(KevinRudd)拒绝就具体投资发表评论。

    Kevin Rudd , the prime minister , declined to comment on specific investments .

  7. 澳大利亚总理阿博特(TonyAbbott)周日说,有关部门有了一些可靠的线索。

    Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott said on Sunday that authorities have a number of credible leads .

  8. 相反,澳大利亚总理约翰霍华德(johnhoward)在本周与布什的一系列会面中,重申了自己继续参加伊拉克战争的承诺。

    John Howard , prime minister , by contrast , reaffirmed his commitment to the war in Iraq in a series of engagements with Mr Bush this week .

  9. 澳大利亚总理陆克文(kevinrudd)则提出另一个构想:“亚太共同体”(asiapacificcommunity),似乎是以亚太经合组织为基础,并向美国敞开大门。

    Kevin Rudd , the Australian Prime Minister , suggested an alternative , the Asia Pacific community , which appears to be based on APEC and would be open to Washington .

  10. 对于澳大利亚总理约翰•霍华德(JohnHoward)而言,好于预期的月度就业数据是一个喜忧参半的消息,因为他希望即将到来的大选成为一场关于充分就业的全民公决。

    The better-than-expected monthly jobless rate is a mixed blessing for John Howard , the Australian prime minister , who wants the forthcoming election to be a referendum on full employment .

  11. 中国竞购力拓(RioTinto)或收购其大宗股权,将对工党的、能讲一口中文普通话的澳大利亚总理陆克文(KevinRudd)构成考验。

    A Chinese bid or purchase of a large stake in Rio Tinto would test Kevin Rudd , Australia 's Labor prime minister , who speaks Mandarin .

  12. 由于澳大利亚总理陆克文(kevinrudd)本人与中国之间的长期关系,此案在澳大利亚引起了异常的政治关注。

    In Australia , the case is generating particular political heat , because of the longstanding ties with China of Kevin Rudd , the Australian Prime Minister .

  13. 上个月,对中国持友好态度的陆克文(kevinrudd)当选澳大利亚总理,但澳大利亚过去一直阻止外资收购该国旗舰能源资产。

    The country last month elected Kevin Rudd , a Sinophile , as prime minister , but has in the past blocked foreigners from acquiring flagship energy assets .

  14. 澳大利亚总理约翰霍华德(johnhoward)昨天被迫放弃一项备受争议的计划,他任职总理10年的权威遭受最沉重的打击。

    John Howard yesterday suffered one of the worst blows to his authority in his 10 years as Australian Prime Minister when he was forced to abandon a controversial plan to clamp down on asylum seekers .

  15. 同时,澳大利亚总理JuliaGillard称,她的国家至2014年从阿富汗撤军的计划不会因奥巴马的计划而改变。

    Meanwhile , Australia 's Prime Minister , Julia Gillard says her country 's plan to withdraw troops from Afghanistan by2014 is unchanged by Obama 's plan .

  16. 加入悉尼亚太经开构造峰会的向导人们能够定心了,澳大利亚总理约翰•霍华德于本周一暗示,不会让他们衣着泳裤和夹指拖上阵拍本周的APEC民方“百口祸”。

    Australian Prime Minister John Howard assured Asia Pacific leaders Monday that they would not have to parade around Sydney in tiny swimsuits and flip-flops for this week 's official APEC photograph .

  17. 但是澳大利亚总理陆克文(KevinRudd)发誓要推动该提案获得通过。近几个月来陆克文支持率大幅下降,而且他在一年内还面临着竞选压力。

    But Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd , who has seen his popularity drop in recent months and will have to face an election within a year , vowed to press on .

  18. 布朗和澳大利亚总理陆克文(kevinrudd)提出,不受限制的全球化越过了道德界限,破碎市场的重建应该建立在所有宗教信仰都珍视的价值观上。

    Mr Brown and Kevin Rudd , Australian Prime Minister , argued untrammelled globalisation crossed moral boundaries and the rebuilding of shattered markets should be founded on values held dear by all faiths .

  19. 吉拉德昨日就任澳大利亚总理,此前陆克文(kevinrudd)辞去工党领袖,并在告别记者会上含泪承认,他失去了议会同事们的支持。

    Ms Gillard was sworn in yesterday after Kevin Rudd stepped down as leader of the labor party , acknowledging in a tearful final press conference that he had lost the support of his parliamentary colleagues .

  20. 但Jimbelung忽略了这位美国总统,把注意力放在澳大利亚总理托尼•阿博特(TonyAbbott)怀里的考拉身上。

    But Obama 's new furry friend did not seem very much impressed with the US commander-in-chief , and instead focused his attentions on the koala in the arms of Australia 's Prime Minister Tony Abbott .

  21. 澳大利亚总理吉拉德(JuliaGillard)目前在民调中的支持率处于落后的位置,她正指望来自矿业的税收能够帮助其履行预算方面的承诺。吉拉德有意弱化了必和必拓、力拓和FMG撤出投资的影响。

    Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard , behind in opinion polls and counting on mining-industry taxes to meet budget pledges , has downplayed the pullback in investment by BHP , Rio and Fortescue .

  22. 澳大利亚总理托尼•阿博特(TonyAbbott)对中美间达成减排协议表示欢迎,但他强调G20是一个展开经济磋商的论坛,并表示有大量其他场合可供讨论气候变化问题。

    Tony Abbott , Australia 's prime minister , welcomed the emissions deal between the US and China but stressed that the G20 was a forum for economic discussion and said there were plenty of other venues at which to discuss climate change .

  23. 但与会领导人注意到,无论是日本首相鸠山由纪夫(yukiohatoyama),还是澳大利亚总理陆克文(kevinrudd),都未能阐明各自的提议将如何运作,以及美国是否会参与进来。

    Summit leaders noted , however , that neither Yukio Hatoyama , the Japanese Prime Minister , nor Kevin Rudd , his Australian counterpart , had spelt out how their proposals would work , or whether the US would have a role to play .

  24. 澳大利亚总理陆克文警告说,澳大利亚必须做好准备,以回应亚太地区正在出现的军备竞赛。

    Prime Minister Rudd Calls on Australia to Respond to Asian Arms Race

  25. 澳大利亚总理孟席斯先生于5月间同我们告别。

    Mr. Menzies , the Australian Prime Minister , left us in May .

  26. 澳大利亚总理陆克文警告说,今年的经济形势将进一步恶化。

    Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has warned that economic conditions will worsen this year .

  27. 澳大利亚总理陆克文称,很明显,阿富汗的安全形势逐渐恶化。

    Prime Minister Kevin Rudd says it is clear that security in Afghanistan is deteriorating .

  28. 对于史蒂夫·欧文的不幸去世,澳大利亚总理约翰·霍华德表示,他深感震惊,同时也非常悲恸。

    Prime Minister John Howard , said he was shocked and distressed at the death .

  29. 澳大利亚总理斯科特·莫里森延续了他作为澳大利亚最受欢迎领导人的领导地位。

    Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison has extended his lead as the country 's most preferred leader .

  30. 陆克文对日本为期四天的访问将是澳大利亚总理历来对日本进行的最长访问。

    Mr. Rudd 's four-day trip will be the longest visit to Japan by an Australian Prime Minister .