
Xī ní
  • Sydney
  1. 悉尼是世界上的必游城市之一。

    Sydney is one of the world 's must-see cities .

  2. 新闻集团的总部设在悉尼。

    News Corporation was headquartered in Sydney .

  3. 他们跟她说过她将在悉尼过夜。

    They had told her she would be overnighting in Sydney .

  4. 今天,马奥尼自己到悉尼最好的一家旅馆办理了入住手续。

    Today Mahoney booked himself into one of the best hotels in Sydney

  5. 麦克唐纳先生上午启程前往悉尼。

    In the morning Mr McDonald departed for Sydney

  6. 我就想逛逛巴黎,读读萨特的作品,听听悉尼·贝谢的音乐。

    I just wanted to explore Paris , read Sartre , listen to Sidney Bechet

  7. 他在短短26天内从开普敦横渡到悉尼。

    He made the crossing from Cape Town to Sydney in just over twenty-six days

  8. 悉尼全城燃烧着奥林匹克的热情。

    Sydney is afire with Olympic enthusiasm .

  9. 他在一次飞往悉尼的航行中得了深静脉血栓,险些丧命。

    He could have died after developing deep vein thrombosis during a flight to Sydney .

  10. 由于悉尼提供补助金,所以到那里的花费就减少了。

    The cost of getting there is mitigated by Sydney 's offer of a subsidy .

  11. 如果千里迢迢去澳大利亚却不在悉尼停留,那将是一大失误。

    It would be a crime to travel all the way to Australia and not stop in Sydney .

  12. 悉尼大学的萨拉·苏卡瑞将在新南威尔士中部的几个农场进行试验,她说:“你还可利用颜色、质地和形状传感器来俯视地面,检查牧场的质量。”

    " You 've also got color , texture and shape sensors looking down at the ground to check pasture quality , " says Salah Sukkarieh of the University of Sydney , who will carry out trials on several farms in central New South Wales .

  13. 这是我在悉尼度假时买的一个纪念品。

    It is a wonderful souvenirof my holiday in Sydney .

  14. 他是由悉尼大学的一个团队创造的。

    He was created by a team at Sydney University .

  15. 在我最近和父母去悉尼的旅行中,我们参观了野生动物园。

    On my recent trip to Sydney with my parents , we visited the Wildlife Park .

  16. 悉尼和阿德莱德。我的孩子们也学会了如何做披萨,他们非常喜欢。

    Sydney and Adelaide . My children have also learned how to make pizzas and they quite enjoy it .

  17. 周日,尼克·希思和杰克·唐纳利在悉尼郊外的灌木丛中骑摩托车时,偶然发现一只陷在泥里的袋鼠。

    Nick Heath and Jack Donnelly were riding their motorbikes in the bush outside Sydney on Sunday when they came across a kangaroo stuck in the mud .

  18. 孩子们很幸运,他们在悉尼西南部比格斯尼皮恩河旁的艾格尼丝班克斯看到了这只动物的头从泥里伸出来。

    The boys were lucky enough to see the head of the animal sticking out of the mud at Agnes Banks next the Nepean River in southwest Sydney .

  19. 澳大利亚悉尼APEC会议遭遇惨败。

    Failed in sabotaging APEC summit in Sydney of Australia .

  20. 2016年,她名列福布斯亚洲30位30岁以下精英榜,2016年,她还为Vogue中国版进行悉尼时装周的拍摄。

    In 2016 , she was named in Forbes ' 30 Under 30 Asia list and shot fashion week in Sydney for the publication she will now lead .

  21. 她的最后一枚奥运金牌是在2000年悉尼奥运会上获得的。

    Her last Olympic gold medal came during the 2000 Sydney Olympics .

  22. 从悉尼到珀斯的徒步旅行简直苦死了。

    It 's a hell of a hike from Sydney to Perth .

  23. 这船常航行于伦敦与悉尼之间

    The ship plies between London and Sydney .

  24. 作为本届奥运会的唯一候选城市,澳大利亚昆士兰州首府布里斯班毫无悬念地获得举办权。这将是继2000年悉尼奥运会后,澳大利亚时隔32年再度举行夏季奥运会。经国际奥委会批准,澳大利亚布里斯班将举办2032年夏季奥运会和残奥会。

    Brisbane will host the 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games after being approved by the International Olympic Committee .

  25. 在澳大利亚悉尼的一座新公寓楼内,电梯楼层按钮面板上的两个数字“4”和“14”神秘消失了。

    A new apartment building in Sydney has mysteriously left off the numbers four and 14 from the elevator .

  26. 这将是澳大利亚继1956年墨尔本和2000年悉尼之后第三次举办奥运会。

    It will be the third time the country has hosted the Olympics after Melbourne in 1956 and Sydney in 2000 .

  27. 在悉尼南部的杰维斯湾,海藻,这种富含纤维和奥米茄-3脂肪酸的藻类植物被种植和收获。

    In Jervis Bay , south of Sydney , seaweed , which is rich in fibre and omega 3 , is grown and harvested .

  28. TreasuryWine在悉尼上市的股票周一跌12%。

    Treasury Wine 's shares fell 12 % Monday in Sydney .

  29. pylori感染按悉尼系统分类法确定。

    Pylori infection , intestinal metaplasia according to the updated Sydney classification .

  30. RiderHunt从始至终参与了2000年悉尼奥运会的工作。

    Rider Hunt was involved with the Sydney 2000 Olympics from inception to completion .