
yīnɡ xiónɡ shí dài
  • the heroic age
  1. 黄帝、炎帝和我国的英雄时代

    Emperor Huang and Emperor Yan and the heroic Age of China

  2. 在英雄时代,雅典人的四个部落,还分居在阿提卡的各个地区;

    In the heroic age the four tribes of the Athenians were still settled in Attica in separate territories ;

  3. 奥维德的描述只有四个时代,漏掉了英雄时代。

    Ovid describes only four ages , omitting the Age of Heroes .

  4. 浅析后英雄时代的钱钟书神话

    The Myth of Qian Zhongshu in the Post-heroic Age

  5. 《中国震撼世界》就是贝尔登对这个英雄时代的目击报告。

    China Shakes the World is his eyewitness record of that heroic time .

  6. 试图恢复已经逝去的英雄时代不会有什么益处。

    No good can come from trying to restore a lost heroic age .

  7. 这从而使中世纪成为一个骑士的“英雄时代”。

    This thus causes the middle ages to become knight 's " heroic time " .

  8. 狄奥尼修斯所描述的英雄时代的议事会正是这样由贵族组成的。

    Dionysius actually speaks of the Council in the heroic age as composed of nobles .

  9. 论《英雄时代》&茅盾文学奖丛论之一

    On The Age of Hero & One of the Discussions about " Mao Dun Literature Award "

  10. 英雄时代。

    The Age of Heroes .

  11. 长征电影可分为四个阶段:1949年-1966年,再现英雄时代;

    The Long March Movies can be divided into four stage : 1949-1966 , reappear heroic ages ;

  12. 炎黄时代开创了我国历史的英雄时代,黄帝是我国英雄时代首要的代表人物。

    The era of Emperor Yan opened the Heroic Age in Chinese history , Emperor Huang being its primary representative .

  13. 通过对史诗这一概念的颠覆,《尤利西斯》为英雄时代画上了句号,也为史诗时代画上了句号。

    By subverting the essence of epic , Ulysses has drawn a curtain of the times of heroism , as well as the times of epic .

  14. 也就是说,他相信这些神在希腊的英雄时代创造了奇迹:推翻了母权制,代之以父权制。

    For , at bottom , he believes that the overthrow of mother-right by father-right was a miracle wrought during the Greek heroic age by these divinities .

  15. 原始宗教观念和神灵世界的相继出现,为人走向神坛和英雄时代的降临创造了条件。

    The appearance of primitive religious concept and the heaven in succession create conditions for human to head for the temple and the coming of hero times .

  16. 人类社会正从“英雄时代”进入“群英时代”,这是世界经济、政治、科技、教育诸方面发展的必然结果。

    The human society has entered a " Mass-Heroes Times " . This is the inevitable result of the development of economy , politics , education , science and technology .

  17. 英雄时代的希腊人、罗马建立前不久的各意大利部落、塔西佗时代的德意志人、海盗时代的诺曼人,都属于这个阶段。

    To it belong the Greeks of the heroic age , the tribes of Italy shortly before the foundation of rome , the Germans of Tacitus and the Norsemen of the Viking age .

  18. 略萨于1966年发表的小说《英雄时代》使其蜚声国际文坛,这部关于秘鲁军事学校的小说还在该国引起了不小的争议。

    He made his international breakthrough with the novel " The Time of the Hero " in1966 , a novel based on a Peruvian military academy that aroused some controversy in his home country .

  19. 根据这一点,巴霍芬指出,埃斯库罗斯的《奥列斯特》三部曲是用戏剧的形式来描写没落的母权制跟发生于英雄时代并日益获得胜利的父权制之间的斗争。

    In accordance with this view , Bachofen interprets the Oresteia of aschylusas the dramatic representation of the conflict between declining mother-right and the new father-right that arose and triumphed in the heroic age .

  20. 他们与上述美洲部落之间,横着差不多整整两个很大的发展时期,亦即英雄时代的希腊人超过易洛魁人两个时期。

    Between them and the American tribes , of whom we spoke above , lie almost two entire great periods of development , by which the Greeks of the heroic age are ahead of the iroquois .

  21. 因此,再英雄时代的左右的崇高的诗人之中,无论就价值还是就时间看来,荷马都享有首屈一指的特权。

    Hence it is Homer 's privilege to be , of all the sublime , that is , the heroic poets , the first in the order of merit as well as in that of age .

  22. 从神话时代到英雄时代再到诸子时代,《故事新编》疏理了人类认识世界、解释世界和改造世界的各种方式。

    From " the mythic age " to " the hero age " and then to " Pre-qin times ", Old Tales Retold showing the human how to know the world , explaining the world and transform the world .

  23. 巴雷特·布朗宁认为每一个时代都是英雄时代,所以她认为艺术应该以现代社会为背景,描写现代生活,而不应过于留恋过去的伟大时代。

    Because Barrett Browning holds that every age is heroic , she contents that art should have its setting in the contemporary society and be about modern life , rather than lingering on a heroic age in the past .

  24. 正是因为诗性智慧的这些特征,形成了人类社会最首要的三大基本原则:宗教、婚礼和葬礼,并且进一步演绎出了人类社会的三个时代:神的时代、英雄时代和人的时代。

    And the foremost three basic criteria-religion , wedding and funeral , which generated from those four main characters , deduced the three eras of human society : the era of Gods , the era of Hero , and the era of People .

  25. HBO此前曾将这一衍生剧描述为:“发生在《权力的游戏》发生数千年之前,该系列记录了黄金的英雄纪元时代进入最黑暗时刻的过程。

    HBO have previously described the spin-off as : ' Taking place thousands of years before the events of Game of Thrones , the series chronicles the world 's descent from the golden Age of Heroes into its darkest hour .

  26. 影片讲述了一名当代军人从战斗英雄到时代先锋的成长历程。

    The film about a contemporary soldier to combat heroes from the era of pioneers landmarks .

  27. 我们的时代是一个英雄的时代。

    Ours is a heroic age .

  28. 而我们处理它的方式就是将其替换掉我们将其放入到流金岁月,幻想的世界中,即将到来的,英雄的时代。

    And the way we deal with that is we displace them we put them into a golden world , an imagined world , an age of heroes , the world to come .

  29. 可是,有人说,我们的时代是很难出现真正英雄的时代,英雄主义这一概念本身我们就难以理解&它已经成为历史。

    Yet , some people say that ours is an age where true heroes and heroines are hard to come by , where the very idea of heroism is something beyond us-an artifact of the past .

  30. 她是真正的英雄和那个时代的战士。

    She is the real heroine and the fighter in that age .