
  • 网络Mckay;Mackay;MACKIE;Mackey;Meinkind
  1. 为了找到答案,我找到了昆士兰大学澳大利亚传染性疾病研究中心病毒学专家伊安•M.麦凯博士。

    To help figure out the answer , I talked to Professor Ian M. Mackay , a virology expert from the Australian Infectious Diseases Research Centre at the University of Queensland .

  2. 麦凯博士表示,这个想法从生物学角度来看其实是可行的,鼻病毒和其他呼吸道RNA病毒将会被免疫系统彻底清除,在被感染后人们也不会跑到其他地方去。

    Dr. Mackay said that this idea is actually somewhat reasonable , from a purely biological point of view . He said that rhinoviruses-and other RNA respiratory viruses-are completely eliminated from the body by the immune system ; they do not linger after infection .

  3. 麦凯自2014年《美国队长2》以来一直出现在漫威电影宇宙中。

    Mackie has been with the MCU since 2014 's Captain America : The Winter Soldier .

  4. 现在,《美国队长》系列将继续讲述麦凯饰演的威尔逊的故事,他成为新任美队。

    Now , the feature will continue the story of Mackie 's Wilson , the current wielder of the shield .

  5. 上世纪50年代,康奈尔大学(CornellUniversity)的克莱夫·M·麦凯(CliveM.McCay)和同事曾将幼龄鼠的血液输入老龄鼠体内,借此检验这一观念。

    In the 1950s , Clive M. McCay of Cornell University and his colleagues tested the notion by delivering the blood of young rats into old ones .

  6. 在加州山景市NASA艾姆斯研究中心(AmesResearchCenter)工作的天体生物学家克里斯多弗·P·麦凯(ChristopherP.McKay)认为,季节性坡纹并非很有前景的方向。

    Christopher P. McKay , an astrobiologist at NASA 's Ames Research Center in Mountain View , Calif. , does not think the recurring slope linae are a very promising place to look .

  7. 凯文.麦凯布(KevinMcCabe)对自己在中国销售的一款新品咖啡非常兴奋,他让我带一包回家品尝。

    Kevin McCabe is so excited about a new type of coffee he is selling in China that he hands me a packet to take home to try .

  8. 大约两年前的一个秋日,一位年轻女士被带到瑞安•麦凯(RyanMcKay)在一家伦敦医院的办公室里,她凄凄切切地抽泣着,显然非常痛苦和沮丧。

    One autumn day roughly two years ago , a young woman was brought into Ryan McKay 's office at a London hospital , sobbing bitterly , clearly very distressed and upset .

  9. 2001年,在圣塔莫妮卡的麦凯布吉他店举办了维克多的追思会,杰克手头的签名簿上有汤姆·佩蒂(TomPetty)、杰克逊·布朗(JacksonBrowne)和电影导演保罗·马祖斯基(PaulMazursky)的签名。

    There was also the guest book from the memorial for Victor at McCabe 's Guitar Shop in Santa Monica in 2001 . Tom Petty , Jackson Browne and the filmmaker Paul Mazursky all signed it .

  10. 凯特.麦凯纳:xr590是什么?

    KATE MCKENNA : What is the xr590 ?

  11. 新秀丽的全球创意总监昆汀麦凯(quentinmackay)表示,随着旅行市场走向高端,该品牌沿袭了它的fashionaire印花皮革旅行包系列。

    As travel goes upmarket , Quentin Mackay , its global creative director , says the brand has followed with its fashionaire printed-leather luggage range .

  12. 西太平洋银行经济学家休•麦凯(HuwMcKay)补充说:如今,对于当前周期中已经出现的两次降息,中国消费者回应都很积极。

    Westpac economist Huw McKay added : Chinese consumers have now responded positively to both of the interest rate cuts delivered so far in the current cycle .

  13. 凯特.麦凯纳:好啊!!真是有趣啊!

    KATE MCKENNA : Well ! That was an interesting journey !

  14. 凯特.麦凯纳:晚上好。我预订了房。

    KATE MCKENNA : Good evening . I have a reservation .

  15. 问题2麦凯教授对报告的预期成果是什么?

    Question 2.What does Professor McKay think the report can achieve ?

  16. 为了找到答案,他们重新进行了麦凯博士的实验。

    To find out , they revived Dr. McCay 's experiments .

  17. 凯特。麦凯纳:不用,我现在就点。

    KATE MCKENNA : No , I 'll order right away .

  18. 凯特。麦凯纳:我要租辆车。

    KATE MCKENNA : I 'd like to hire a car .

  19. 凯特.麦凯纳:那一天是多少钱?

    KATE MCKENNA : How much is this for the day ?

  20. 麦凯表示:企业债券基金领域已出现爆发性增长。

    There has been explosive growth in the corporate bond sector .

  21. 奥德兰德和麦凯既不是承认也不是否认此说法。

    Odland and McKay neither admitted nor denied the allegations .

  22. 凯特.麦凯纳:你好。有我的留言吗?

    KATE MCKENNA : Hello . Are there any message for me ?

  23. 凯特.麦凯纳:精米白饭。

    KATE MCKENNA : Plain , boiled , white rice .

  24. 凯特.麦凯纳:E.G.N.C.他们一直用的那家公司。

    KATE MCKENNA : E.G.N.C.The company that they always use .

  25. 我将把麦凯小姐告上法庭。

    Is hall take Miss Mackay to the public courts .

  26. 1999年是麦凯表演生涯的鼎盛时期。

    In1999 Mackay was at the peak of her show business career .

  27. 凯特.麦凯纳:我有公司赊帐卡。

    KATE MCKENNA : I have a corporate charge card .

  28. 凯特.麦凯纳:我想我们大获全胜了。

    KATE MCKENNA : I think we 've cracked it .

  29. 凯特.麦凯纳:很好啊。然后呢?

    KATE MCKENNA : That 's very good . And ?

  30. 她是个好老师,她的名字叫麦凯。

    She is kind , her name is Miss McKay .