
  • 网络crop circle
  1. 麦田怪圈研究人员曾经调查去年的问题,这次他们还会来进行研究。

    Crop circle researchers came to investigate last year 's design and as for this one they wanna come back .

  2. 你一定想给这个麦田怪圈拍照。

    You 'd want to photograph the crop circle .

  3. 1998年,三菱(日本汽车制造商)为了打造商务麦田怪圈,付给Carson先生一笔费用以求取他的田地里一个叫星空的新怪圈中的一块。

    In 1998 commercial circle-makers acting for Mitsubishi , a Japanese carmaker , paid Mr Carson for the right to cut an outline of a new model named the Space Star in his fields .

  4. 不论外星人还是某人恶作剧,TimCarson这个生活在AltonBarnes的农民正因Wiltshire郊外的麦田怪圈每年承受着1000英镑的损失。自1991年起,他的田地里至今已有125个怪圈错落其中。

    WHETHER extraterrestrials or pranksters are to blame , in the Wiltshire countryside crop circles are costly : around £ 1000 each , says Tim Carson , a farmer in the village of Alton Barnes , whose land has been dotted by 125 circles since 1991 .

  5. 还有那些出现在世界各国的麦田怪圈是怎么回事?

    And how about those crop circles all around the world ?

  6. 对整体经济来说这些麦田怪圈的具体价值还不明朗。

    The exact value of crop circles to the broader economy is unclear .

  7. 商铺里满满当当地都是麦田怪圈的纪念品,一车车的游客已司空见惯。

    Visitor shops are stuffed with crop-circle memorabilia ; coach tours frequent them .

  8. 这样的麦田怪圈是由其他大中枢太阳带来,是他们的语言。

    Such crop circles are from other Great Central Suns and are their languages .

  9. 那我猜就是麦田怪圈了。

    I guess it 's a crop circle .

  10. 但雷已经不顾一切,而且沃勒什是麦田怪圈爱好者。

    But Ray was desperate and voros was a big fan of crop circles .

  11. 菲比:象麦田怪圈,百慕大三角区或进化论?

    PHOEBE : Like crop circles , or the Bermuda triangle , or evolution ?

  12. 麦田怪圈是提供给那些批评最终破坏的人的某种恩惠。

    Crop circles are a sort of grace offered to those slated for ultimate destruction .

  13. 麦田怪圈是透过光子源而散发的钥匙编码(关键编码)火焰字母。

    Crop circles are static pictures of key codes and fire letters emanating through photonic sources .

  14. 世界各地都发现了麦田怪圈,但绝大部分的怪圈还是在英格兰。

    Crop circles have been found all over the world , but most appear here in England .

  15. 这两个麦田怪圈是相关联的,一定会吸引忠实观察者的眼毬。

    These two crop circles are related and sure to catch the eye of those faithfully watching .

  16. 与其说它像“普通的”麦田怪圈,不如说它有点像某种岩石雕刻。

    It resembles a petroglyph of some sort more than it resembles the " usual " crop circle design .

  17. 麦田怪圈是在此全球进化之时,地球提升入全息运动的静态图案。

    Crop circles are static images of holographic movement that earth is ascending into at this time of global evolution .

  18. 某些麦田怪圈是电的和辐射性的,将带有直线、直边或平角。

    Some crop circles are electrical or radioactive , and these will have straight lines or edges or angles unto them .

  19. 全一之语部分刚刚推出,以麦田怪圈释义的形式提供了全息能量流。

    The Language of ONE section has just been introduced and offers holographic energy flow in the form of crop circle interpretations .

  20. 中国注定要在各方面打败我们,他们现在连麦田怪圈都高出我们一个档次!

    Since the Chinese are destined to beat us in every way , they just took crop circles and patterning to a whole new level !

  21. 世界首个三维麦田怪圈现身英国偏远乡村,点燃了麦田怪圈旺季。

    The world 's first three-dimensional crop circle has been discovered deep in the English countryside , sparking the start of the corn circle season .

  22. 多年后,这个独特的故事激发了两名英国恶作剧者的灵感,他们用简单的工具在当地的庄稼地里亲自创作了压平的庄稼组成的怪圈。这种做法迅速传播,成为一种时尚,麦田怪圈也变得越来越复杂和精巧。

    Years later , this unique story inspired two English pranksters to create their own patterns of flattened crops in local fields , using simple tools .

  23. 展品包括关于罗斯威尔事件的信息、麦田里的怪圈、其他不明飞行物目击资料、51区和外星人劫持事件的报道。

    Exhibits include information on the event , crop circles , other UFO sightings , Area 51 , and abductions .