
xiāng yóu
  • sesame oil;balm;pomade
香油 [xiāng yóu]
  • [sesame oil] 从芝麻中榨出的油

香油[xiāng yóu]
  1. 小磨香油挥发性成分色谱指纹图谱的建立

    Establishment of volatile fingerprints in pure sesame oil

  2. 做这道菜时,我们用香油代替了花生油(表示原来是用花生油的)。

    In making this course , we use sesame oil in place of peanut oil .

  3. 她本来以为除了一死之外,没有别的能够医治好那个创伤,这时候一种芬芳的香油却被倒进了那个伤口。

    A sweet balm was poured into the wound which she had thought nothing but death could heal .

  4. 味道清淡清新、带有果香,通常由2%-4%的香油和酒精和水混合而成。

    Light , fresh and fruity , typically composed of two to four percent perfume oils in alcohol and water .

  5. 超临界CO2从留兰香油中萃取香芹酮

    Extraction of Carvone from Spearmint Essential Oil By Supercritical CO_2

  6. 柚子花芳香油超临界CO2萃取研究

    Supercritical CO_2 extraction of fragrant oil from pomelo flower

  7. 超临界CO2萃取迷迭香油工艺及其GC-MS分析研究

    Extraction of Rosemary Oil by Supercritical CO_2 and GC-MS Analysis

  8. 采用GC分析鉴定所提取的留兰香油的成分。

    Finally , using way of GC analyses authenticates the extracting spearmint oil .

  9. 广藿香与土藿香的DNA序列分析及其分子鉴别广藿香醇及广藿香油中广藿香醇在大鼠体内药代动力学比较

    DNA SEQUENCING AND MOLECULAR IDENTIFICATION OF PATCHOULI AND ITS SUBSTITUTE WRINKLED GIANTHYSSOP Pharmacokinetics of patchouli alcohol and patchouli alcohol in patchouli oil after iv administrated to rats

  10. 本文用扫描电镜(SEM)研究微胶囊化茴香油的超微结构。

    Scanning Electron Microscopy ( SEM ) has been applied to the study on the superstructure of various microencapsulated star anise oil .

  11. 使用包含维生素K和松香油的洗面奶,这两种物质都能有效消除黑眼圈。

    Look for eye creams that contain Vitamin K and retinol . Both are considered effective in treating bags and dark areas under the eyes .

  12. 方法先用香油拌半熟花生米碎粒、稻谷、大米进行诱饵选择试验,再用所选诱饵和磷化锌配制成3%的磷化锌毒饵,在不停产清库的条件下,连续投放毒饵3d,同时做好环境防制工作。

    Methods Half-parched peanut broken to pieces and mixed with sesame oil , paddy and rice were used in the bait-selecting experiment , then 3 % poison bait of zinc phosphide with the peanut pieces were dropped for 3 days continuously , paying attention to environment control also .

  13. 目的:观察留兰香油对脂多糖引起的大鼠肺气肿样改变及猪胰弹性蛋白酶引起的C57小鼠肺气肿样改变及对MMP-9的影响。

    OBJECTIVE : To investigate the effect of spearmint oil on Emphysema-like changes induced by lipopolysaccharide or porcine pancreatic elastase and increase of matrix metalloproteinase-9 . METHODS : 1 .

  14. 留兰香油的驱避效果最好,有效保护时间长达7h。非特异性酯酶是芸香科植物精油、留兰香油、香茅油和椒样薄荷油的重要靶标酶。

    Carvacryl oil was the best repellent which gave protection against Ae . albopictus for at least 7h . NSE was the target enzyme of Rutaceae oil , Carvacryl oil Citronella oil and Mentha piperita oil .

  15. 将中药苦参、蛇床子、大黄等水煎提取液加芳香油制成淡黄色的消毒液(pH5.5~6.0)。

    Light yellow-colored disinfectant solution ( pH 5.5 ~ 6.0 ) was prepared from water decoction of Chinese drugs such as Radix Sophorae Flavescentis , Fructus Cnidii and Radix Rhei with addition of perfume oil .

  16. 我专门放了一点你喜欢的香油。

    I put a little extra balsamic like you like it .

  17. 企业法人的独立人格和有限责任&对某银行与某香油公司、镇政府借款合同纠纷一案中企业改制问题的几点反思

    The Independent Personality and Limited Responsibility of Legal Person of Enterprise

  18. 用水代法生产花生小磨香油的研究植物油抗氧化剂

    Study of vegetable oil water substitution method with peanut as raw material

  19. 从鲜玫瑰中用蒸汽蒸馏法获得的挥发性香油。

    A volatile fragrant oil obtained from fresh roses by steam distillation .

  20. 大茴香油聚合树脂的合成及应用研究

    Study on Synthesis and application of polymeric anise oil resin

  21. 芝麻香油挥发性风味成分研究

    Study on volatile flavour components of the oil from roasted sesame seeds

  22. 他在演奏之前,为他的弓上松香油。

    He rosined his bow prior to the performance .

  23. 杜香油主要成分的分离和鉴定

    Separation and Identification of Main Components of Ledum Oil

  24. 你禁食的时候,要头上抹香油,清洗你的脸。

    When you fast , wash your face and make yourself look cheerful .

  25. 世界桉树芳香油生产与市场供求趋势研究

    A Review of Eucalypt Oil Production , Market and Its Prospect in the World

  26. 在手臂涂上一层薄薄的香油,能驱走蚊子。

    A thin coat of balm on the arms can drive away the mosquitoes .

  27. 留兰香油的气相色谱质量评价

    Quality Evaluation of Spearmint Oil by Gas chromatography

  28. 玫瑰油是最名贵的香油,价钱比黄金还要贵。

    Attar is the rarest balm , price is even more expensive than gold .

  29. 涂香油于身体,是作为一种对毒瘤,麻疯病和梅毒的治疗。

    Used in embalming , as a cure for cancer , leprosy , and syphilis .

  30. 芝麻香油风味成分

    The Flavoring Composition of Sesame Aroma Oil