
xiāng cháng
  • sausage;banger;snag;wors;allant-
香肠 [xiāng cháng]
  • [sausage] 将浓重调味的细肉块,填塞在动物小肠制成的肠衣或合成物料制成的膜衣内而成的食品

香肠[xiāng cháng]
  1. 这香肠闻起来不对劲。

    That sausage doesn 't smell right .

  2. 这香肠调味很浓。

    The sausage was very highly seasoned .

  3. 把香肠烤十分钟。

    Grill the sausages for ten minutes .

  4. 切香肠用的刀放在水槽里。

    The knife for cutting sausage was sitting in the sink .

  5. 将混合物拧成一段段的香肠,不要把皮弄破。

    Twist the mixture into individual sausages without splitting the skins

  6. 香肠和牛肉饼在烤架上咝咝作响。

    The sausages and burgers sizzled on the barbecue .

  7. 注意别把那些香肠给烤焦了。

    Mind you don 't burn those sausages .

  8. 一顿丰盛的英式早餐总会包括香肠。

    A good British breakfast always includes sausages

  9. 餐厅晚饭时间提供香肠、鸡蛋、薯片和烘豆。

    Sausages , eggs , chips and baked beans are available at suppertime in the dining room .

  10. 他把香肠丢在人行道上,不知是谁家的狗将香肠甚至连带芥末都吃个了精光。

    He dropped his sausage on the pavement and someone 's dog ate it , mustard and all .

  11. 那些香肠应该在两天内吃掉。

    Those sausages should be eaten within two days .

  12. 把香肠、煎蛋和黄瓜混在一起放在面包里。

    Fill the bread with a mixture of sausages , fried eggs and cucumbers .

  13. 请给我一千克蒜味香肠。

    A kilogram of garlic sausage , please .

  14. 结构状硬石膏、香肠状和网眼状构造本身并不表示萨勃哈环境。

    Nodular anhydrite and enterolithic and chicken-wire structures do not of themselves signify the Sabkha environment .

  15. 不到两分钟,锅就达到了煮香肠和洋葱的温度。

    Within two minutes , the pan is hot enough to cook sausages and onions .

  16. 粉圆TapiocaPearls烤香肠Toastedsausage葡式焗扇贝Portuguese-stylebakedscallops豆腐蒸桂花鱼Steamedmandarinfishwithtofu金汤水煮鳜鱼Stewedmandarinfishinpumpkinsoup水煮海鲜Poachedseafood开封灌汤包Kaifengsoupdumplings

    Sweet-and-sour carp baked with noodles

  17. 而那女人矜持的肥胖的样子则暗示着她爱喝啤酒爱吃香肠。

    The woman 's dignified stoutness hinted at beer and sausages .

  18. 由咸熏肉、香肠、番茄和蘑菇做成的烤杂排

    a mixed grill of bacon , sausages , tomatoes and mushrooms

  19. 他用叉子在要烹调的香肠上扎了孔

    He pierced the skin of cooking Frankforts with a fork .

  20. 但若完全丢掉这根香肠可能性缺缺

    But binning this sausage no longer looks feasible .

  21. 他太太拿起那张名信片,念道“意大利面条,意大利面条,意大利面条,意大利面条——两个有附香肠和肉圆,两个没有。”

    So the wife picked up the card and read " Spaghetti , Spaghetti , Spaghetti , Spaghetti - Two with sausage and meatballs , two without . "

  22. 维生素C(VitC)、贮藏时间、温度对香肠pH值和酸值(AV值)的影响

    Influence of vit . c , the time and temperature of preservation upon pH and acid value of sausages

  23. 中式发酵香肠pH与Aw的关系及其对产品风味的影响

    The relationship between pH and aw and its effects on the flavor of Chinese-style fermented sausage

  24. 添加提取物的香肠的TBA值也较空白样品低。

    TBA values of the sausage added extracts were lower than .

  25. 1.sausagen.香肠,腊�她喜欢香肠和土豆泥。

    She loves sausage and mash .

  26. 对香肠硬度、粘着性、粘滞性、内聚性也无影响(P0.05);

    Sor-bic acid did not effect hardness , adhesiveness , stickness and cohesiveness ( p0.01 ), but significantly influenced gumminess of sausage ( p0.01 ) .

  27. 配对Logistic回归分析结果表明:既往有乳腺良性肿瘤史及常吃香肠是乳腺癌发生的主要危险因素;

    The results of matched logistic regression analysis showed that the history of breast benign tumor and often taking the sausage were the major risk factors .

  28. David每次至少吃一根香肠,从5岁时就已经养成吃香肠的习惯,最多一天可吃13根香肠。

    David has eaten at least one sausage per day , since the age of five and routinely tucks in to as many as13 porky treats a day .

  29. Dot-ELISA检查香肠中沙门氏菌的研究

    Study on Dot-ELISA Checking Salmonella in Sausage

  30. 广味香肠制品的大肠菌群MPN值均未超出国家标准。

    Cantonese style sausage products coliform MPN values did not exceed national standards .